In Ma Yun's villa.

After explaining to Zhang Lei.

The two returned to the living room.

"How about it, Mr. Shen, Mr. Wang, what do you think?"

Ma Yun looked at the two with a smile.

"Mr. Ma, when will the funds arrive after the contract is signed?"

Wang Wei asked, having just communicated with Xiao Bei.

But just in case, neither of them dared to be careless now.

After hearing Wang Wei's words, Ma Yun and Zhang Lei looked at each other.

"Now that the contract is signed, you can take the check directly!"

Zhang Lei explained.

Hearing this, Wang Wei and Shen Feng nodded.

Then, the two directly found a professional lawyer and drafted a share transfer agreement.

In the end, the shares of the two were successfully transferred directly at a market value of 12 billion US dollars.

After signing the contract.

Half an hour later, the funds arrived in the accounts of Shen Feng and Wang Wei.

It also officially means that from today, ofo Technology has nothing to do with Wang Wei and Shen Feng.

At this time, Ma Yun looked at Shen Feng and Wang Wei.

Then he said lightly: "Mr. Shen, Mr. Wang, I have another thing here, I need to trouble you!"

"What?" Shen Feng looked at Ma Yun in confusion.

"At present, the shares we traded will not be announced for the time being. We will take the initiative to announce it in a few days!"

After hearing Ma Yun's words, Shen Feng and Wang Wei knew it in their hearts.

But this is a trap.

A trap designed for Ali.

Of course, the two chose to cooperate!

"Okay, it's up to you!"

"Thank you for your understanding, I wish us a happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

The four raised their red wine glasses and drank a glass together!

After a brief celebration, Zhang Lei sent Shen Feng and Wang Wei away.

Returned to Ma Yun's side.

"Mr. Ma, Xiao Bei must not have thought that his two closest partners would actually betray him!"

Ma Yun smiled slightly when he heard this.

Then he looked at West Lake and said meaningfully:

"In the face of absolute interests, partners can become enemies. If not, then the interests are not enough!"

"By the way, tell me about our shareholding ratio in ofo technology!"

Ma Yun thought of something and asked Zhang Lei.

"Mr. Ma, now that we have acquired the shares of Shen Feng and Wang Wei, plus our Alibaba shares, our shares in ofo technology have reached 29%!"

"Secondly, except for Hillhouse, the rest are people who support us. If they are counted, our shares have reached 46%!"

Hearing this, Ma Yun smiled and nodded.

"Confirm with our partners tomorrow, and then directly hold a shareholders' meeting!"

"Okay, Mr. Ma!"

After Zhang Lei finished speaking, he turned and left.

On the other side, Shen Feng and Wang Wei returned directly to the 401 dormitory of Hangzhou University.

At this moment, Xiao Bei and others were already waiting for Shen Feng and Wang Wei.

After seeing the two come back

Xiao Bei smiled at the two and said, "Did it work?"

"Did it work!"

Shen Feng and Wang Wei looked at each other and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Hu Jilong became excited.

"Oh my god, now you are all big guys with a net worth of over 500 million US dollars!"

Hearing this, Wang Wei smiled and said, "Don't envy us, by then, you will have more!"

After hearing Wang Wei's words, Zhang Zhibo smiled and looked at the two and said,

"Good brother, you suffered a loss this time. Just now, the fourth brother was still telling us that when we get the next company, you two will have a higher share!"

"Brothers don't need to be so polite in dividing. Besides, Shen Feng and I now have enough money to live a life of ease!"

Wang Wei smiled and hammered Zhang Zhibo.

At this time, Xiao Bei said slowly: "Brother Long, idiot, let's see your performance next, if my guess is right!"

"In the next one or two days, Ali will hold a shareholders' meeting. At that time, even if Ali cannot replace me, they will definitely reach out for the deposit!"

Xiao Bei's words are well-founded.

Even if Ali has the support of all other shareholders now, it still cannot shake Xiao Bei's position.

Because the shares of Xiao Bei, Hu Jilong and Zhang Zhibo are added together.

It is still a relative controlling stake, although not an absolute controlling stake!

However, on the deposit resolution, it is not about the amount of Feng shares.

If Xiao Bei still has an absolute controlling stake, or the shares of the three people, added together, can reach the level of absolute controlling stake.

Then there is a veto.

But now there is no, so it is a vote.

At that time, the entire resolution on the deposit will definitely be voted through!

"It's okay, weJust follow the plan!"

Zhang Zhibo smiled at Xiao Bei. At this moment, Zhang Zhibo has become the most calm and shrewd person in this small group.

Except Xiao Bei and Shen Feng, he is the most calm and shrewd person!

Just when Xiao Bei's small group was discussing.

Two cars drove out of Ma Yun's villa.

A Porsche and a Rolls-Royce.

It was Zhang Nan who got off the Porsche.

It was one of Xiao Bei's current enemies who got off the Rolls-Royce.

Xiao family, Xiao Kun!

After Xiao Kun got off the car, he saw Zhang Nan standing aside.

He looked at Zhang Nan and smiled immediately.

"You are Zhang Nan!"

"Yes, Third Master Xiao, I am Zhang Nan!"

Zhang Nan greeted Xiao Kun respectfully.

Xiao Kun came to Zhang Nan and patted him on the shoulder.

"You are very good!"

"Thank you for your compliment, Third Master! "

"Let's go, let's go in and discuss with Mr. Ma, and then we'll give Xiao Bei a fatal blow!"

The two walked into Ma Yun's home.

I don't know what they talked about.


It was two days after Wang Wei and Shen Feng sold their shares.

Xiao Bei had just come out of school. He had nothing to do today, so he went to school for class.

Of course, Wang Wei and Shen Feng, who haven't been announced yet, still have to cooperate with Ali to act.

But Ali doesn't know who they are acting in.

When Xiao Bei just arrived at the dormitory, he received a call from Zhang Zhibo.

"Hello, idiot, what's wrong?"

"Ali has already launched a shareholders' meeting. Now I'll notify you, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock!"

Hearing this, Xiao Bei smiled slightly.

Isn't this what he's waiting for?

"Okay, I understand, just follow the plan!"

"Okay, Hu Jilong and I will go back to the dormitory to act tonight! "

Zhang Zhibo said jokingly.

Hearing this, Xiao Bei smiled faintly.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Bei smiled.

Then he put down the book in his hand and went to the dormitory to take a shower.

Recently, Ji Qinglan had a project and went to Ningcheng, and Xiao Bei didn't want to go back to Bo Jingting.

After taking a shower, Xiao Bei lay on the bed, looking forward to tomorrow's shareholders' meeting!

"I don't know, will it be the Zhang family or the Xiao family tomorrow? Or both families! "

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