Hangzhou University, Auditorium No. 2.

Now the heroes gather and the spotlight shines.

With the arrival of Ailan Ke.

The atmosphere of the entire press conference reached its peak.

After Xiao Bei and Xue Wen arranged Ailan Ke.

Xiao Bei came to the backstage of the press conference and waited to go on stage.

The host on the stage at this moment was not the host of the Student Union of Hangzhou University.

Instead, it was a staff member of Xingchen Venture Capital.

She is the director of the Public Relations Department of Xingchen Venture Capital - Shen Feifei!

She was wearing a black evening dress and standing on the stage. She was not comparable to the members of the Student Union of Hangzhou University.

Maybe it was because of her own confidence.

Maybe it was because this was the time for Xingchen Venture Capital to show its fangs to the outside world.

Maybe it was because her leader was the miracle child, the genius investor - Xiao Bei.

But no matter which one it was.

Shen Feifei's image gave everyone present a blow to the heart.

"Is this the quality of Xiao Bei's company?"

"This sister is so pretty!"

"What a style! When can I be like her!"

The students from Hangzhou University sitting at the press conference were whispering.

At this time, Shen Feifei showed a confident smile.

Then she picked up the microphone and made an ethereal voice.

"Dear guests, students from Hangzhou University, and school leaders of Hangzhou University, hello!"

"I am the host of this Xingchen Venture Capital press conference, Shen Feifei!"

"I am very happy that everyone is gathered here today to witness the glory of Xingchen Venture Capital!"

Just as Shen Feifei was introducing, in the backstage.

A group of people walked in slowly.

If other people were there, they would be shocked.

Because two of them are now hot figures.

One is Ms. Tu, who just won the Nobel Prize in Biology and discovered artemisinin!

The other is Academician Ni, the leader of the semiconductor industry!

Then there is the current president of DJI - Wang Tao!

The current president of Dahua Technology - Zhang Mingxing!

The chairman of Changteng Pharmaceutical - Xu Changteng!

And Ronghua Real Estate - Qiu Qiaoyan!

After they walked in, they saw Xiao Bei in the backstage.

When Xiao Bei saw them coming, he smiled and greeted them and exchanged greetings with everyone.

At this time, Shen Feifei on the stage had already finished her lines.

"Now, please welcome our chairman of Xingchen Venture Capital - Mr. Xiao Bei!"

As Shen Feifei's voice fell.

Everyone present applauded.

Although I don't know how Xiao Bei will give an explanation to the outside world today.

However, for now, in someone else's home court, the necessary respect must be given.

Similarly, today's Xingchen Venture Capital press conference was also broadcast live on the entire network.

Originally, many business tycoons did not pay attention to this live broadcast.

They were all some netizens who were just watching the show.

But now it's different.

With the arrival of Ailan Ke from DuPont Group and Ye Rou from Qicheng Capital!

With these two people here, Xiaguo's commercial companies have to pay close attention!

Soon, Xiao Bei, wearing the outfit that Ji Qinglan matched for him today, slowly walked onto the podium.

Xiao Bei, who had just stepped onto the stage, received a lot of spotlights.

There was no way, Xiao Bei was now the number one person in public opinion!

He had his own traffic.

At this moment, he was in a corner in the back row of the No. 2 auditorium.

The man in the burgundy suit watched Xiao Bei step onto the stage.

He clenched his hands tightly!

His eyes were cold.

"Xiao Bei, we meet again. This time I'm in the dark and you're in the light. How do you take it!"

His eyes returned to the podium.

Xiao Bei took the microphone and looked at everyone in the audience.

To be honest, Xiao Bei attached great importance to today's press conference.

Rumor refutation is only one part of it. What happens next is the most important.

At this moment, Xiao Bei scanned the circle.

Suddenly saw two familiar figures.

If it wasn't the two brothers of the Chen family, who would it be!

The two brothers of the Chen family saw Xiao Bei looking at them.

They waved gently at Xiao Bei, with a sneer on their lips.

Seeing this, Xiao Bei smiled slightly.

He quickly adjusted his mentality.

"Hello everyone, I am Xiao Bei, welcome everyone to attend the press conference of Xingchen Venture Capital!"

"Maybe many people are curious why I suddenly held a press conference at this time today!"

"Some people also think that I should come out to dispel rumors, after all, the Internet is full of news about me, Xiao!"

Xiao Bei made a proper self-deprecating joke.

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter from the audience.

Xiao Bei also smiled at them, and then continued to joke.

"As for my private life, I will tell you later, but I'd better turn my eyes away now.Pay attention to our press conference!"

After saying that, Xiao Bei directly clicked a stylus in his hand.

The theme of this press conference appeared on the big screen behind the stage-Xingchen Venture Capital's future strategy and strategic cooperation press conference!

All the reporters took out their cameras and filmed Xiao Bei on the stage and the big screen behind him.

"Today is the half-year anniversary of Xingchen Venture Capital. We are a company that is responsible to our partners and society!"

"So, we Xingchen Venture Capital have decided to hold a press conference to show our achievements to our peers outside!"

"To be arrogant, in the past six months, our Xingchen Venture Capital has been far ahead!"

As Xiao Bei's voice fell.

All the bigwigs present laughed.

Lei Buss happened to be sitting next to Ye Rou.

"Mr. Ye, the noble man, is still a little humorous!"

"Then we need Mr. Lei to support Xiao Bei in business in the future!"

"You're welcome, Mr. Ye! "

After saying that, both of them looked at Xiao Bei at the press conference.

"So how do you lead the way?"

"Here is a set of data!"

After saying that, Xiao Bei directly controlled the PPT with a stylus!

Soon, two numbers were seen on the scene.

One is 15 billion, and the other is 45 billion!

"The first one is the total investment of our Xingchen Venture Capital in half a year!"

"The second one is our profit in the past six months!"

Boom, as Xiao Bei's voice fell.

The scene was boiling.

Especially the business tycoons sitting in the front row.

"It's so terrifying, half a year, 300% return!"

"How did Xingchen Venture Capital do this?"

"With this data, it can become the first in China except for Qicheng Capital! "

All eyes turned to Xiao Bei, and then to Ye Rou.

This mother and son are really more terrifying than each other!

At this moment, even Ye Rou was shocked.

In half a year, 300% return, this data is an achievement that is not easy to achieve for Qicheng Capital.

At this moment, she finally knew why her son did not want to return to Qicheng to take over.

According to this trend.

It is only a matter of time before Xingchen Venture Capital surpasses Qicheng Capital.

Then Ye Rou looked at her son who was full of energy on the stage and smiled helplessly:

"Smelly boy, you are waiting for me here!"

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