After Xiao Bei finished speaking, he picked up a pistol from the ground.

He pointed it directly at Tieta's head.

Tieta's face was covered in blood. He looked at Xiao Bei without any fear of impending death.

He leaned against the wall with relief.

He panted.

He looked at Xiao Bei and laughed.

Seeing this, Xiao Bei asked:

"Are you not afraid of death?"

"Death? What is death for people like me!"

"Maybe death is the final relief!"

"Come on, do it. If you want me to say the person behind you, forget it!"

Tieta showed a trace of relief, but he still admired Xiao Bei in his heart.

He is a strong man.

If it were me in today's situation, I would never be able to do what Xiao Bei did.

Get away with it!

Xiao Bei looked at Tieta and grinned.

Then he said slowly:

"Iron Tower, formerly known as Zhou Zhengcheng, from the northwest, was a member of a special forces team of the 13th Group Army!"


After hearing Xiao Bei's story.

Iron Tower was stunned.

He looked at Xiao Bei with incredible eyes.

The man in front of him seemed like a mysterious figure!

He...he actually knew me?

"Surprised? No need to be too surprised!"

"As a soldier of Xia Country, I usually show mercy!"

"But you can't!"

Xiao Bei said slowly:

"As a soldier of Xia Country, even if you want to go to the Foreign Legion to be a mercenary!"

"We can't control it, but you should never be a mercenary who hurts the country!"

"Now as a deep-water mercenary, how did you do it and kill Chinese people internationally!"

After hearing Xiao Bei's words, Iron Tower laughed.

"Why? There is no reason. Where can I eat meat and drink wine? Where I earn money is where I serve!"

Xiao Bei looked at Tieta who was stubborn.

He now had to take the last step to defeat the man in front of him.

"If I know your life experience, I can know everything that happened to you!"

"For example, your child has congenital heart disease!"

As expected, Xiao Bei's voice had just fallen.

Tieta, who was originally fearless of life and death, suddenly became excited.

He tried his best to stand up and question Xiao Bei.

But he had no strength left.

"What are you going to do? My family has nothing to do with this!"

"Nothing? Then my fucking family has something to do with this? Bastard!"

"Your son's life is life, and the lives of the people around me are not lives! Ah! Tell me the fuck!"

Xiao Bei thought of what happened today, and his eyes were red.

He roared at Tieta angrily.

Hearing this, Tieta was slightly stunned.

Then he still said stubbornly:

"I'm just following orders!"

"Following orders? Whose orders?"

Xiao Bei continued to ask.

"Kill me, I'll pay with my life, but I can't tell you who it is!"

"Really? Then you know that the people you are loyal to have long since stopped caring about your wife and children!"

Tieta's pupils dilated, and he stared at Xiao Bei blankly.

"What are you... talking about?"

"I said, your son was killed by the people behind you a long time ago, and you are still protecting your master like a fool!"

"No, it's impossible, you lied, you did it on purpose, just to get me to say something!"

Tieta panicked, but there was still a glimmer of hope, he hoped Xiao Bei was trying to get something.

But the next second, he was stunned.

Xiao Bei directly used the system to transfer the picture of Tieta's son in the hospital to his mobile phone.

Then he clicked on the video.

"See for yourself!"

Tieta picked up the phone tremblingly.

After a moment, the tough guy's tears flowed down.

Then he looked at Xiao Bei.

"Help me get revenge!"


"I'll tell you who's behind you!"

Tieta looked at Xiao Bei, with hope in his eyes.

Xiao Bei looked at Tieta with disdain.

"You are not worth negotiating with me now!"

"If you don't tell me, I will find it out sooner or later. If you tell me, maybe I'll kill him for you if I'm in a good mood!"

Hearing this, Tieta was slightly stunned.

Then he said:

"The person behind me is called Zhang..."


Just as he said Zhang, a bullet shot into Tieta's head from the window.

Tieta died directly.


Then there was another gunshot.

Xiao Bei was agile and rolled sideways.

He hid behind the wall on the side.

Just as Xiao Bei had dodged, a bullet shot directly into the wall behind the iron tower.

A large pit was formed."Fuck, who are you? You've even taken out the Barrett to kill me!"

Xiao Bei recalled carefully in his mind.

The only one who could have a grudge against him was the Chen family in the imperial capital, but now they can't make any waves.

The Xiao family in the imperial capital, everyone was killed by him.

The Zhang family in the imperial capital, the same is true.

Then there is the Shangguan family, that's where I went in person, there was no one alive.

Could it be the upper level?

But that's impossible, if I were in that position.

They would definitely not kill me now.

After all, I can contain the Baoxia clan.

Just now, Tieta said... Zhang?

Zhang? Wait!

Xiao Bei seemed to have thought of something.

At this moment, the gunshot rang again.


The wall where Xiao Bei was was shaking.

"Fuck, wait for me, dare to bully your grandfather Xiao like this!"

Xiao Bei took out his mobile phone directly and quickly.

He called the secret guard.

After just hanging up the phone.

Another gunshot rang out.

Xiao Bei rolled over.

Just after leaving the shelter, the wall collapsed.

Xiao Bei was hiding in the kitchen at this moment.

Sitting on the ground, he exhaled deeply.

He looked at the pistol in his hand.

He looked at the magazine inside, and there were still two bullets.

Just when Xiao Bei put the magazine into the pistol.

He heard footsteps.

Xiao Bei immediately became alert.

The footsteps were getting closer.

Xiao Bei took a deep breath, and at this time, he saw the reflection of the glass on the kitchen cabinet.

A man carrying a Barrett was quietly walking towards his position.

Xiao Bei looked at his pistol.

His eyes condensed.

He stretched out a hand and fired a shot at the other party.

The Barrett man was startled by Xiao Bei and fired a shot in the direction where Xiao Bei had just fired.

But he didn't know that at this moment, Xiao Bei, following the sound of gunfire, had already rolled over and came to the left side of the kitchen island. After the man fired, Xiao Bei directly stuck his head out, his eyes sharp. The last bullet, for him! Bang! The man was shot in the head by Xiao Bei. After dealing with the man, Xiao Bei was a little exhausted. He sat directly on the ground and took a deep breath. Huh! Huh! Huh! Xiao Bei just lay on the ruins. After resting for five minutes, Xiao Bei knew that there were no enemies. He got up directly and walked to the basement. "Mother Chen, Mother Chen, it's safe, you can come out!"

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