The lady's face was already haggard and pale, and it was even more bloodless after the child was lost. Her body was so thin that it seemed that a breeze could blow it away.

"Xiaoyu, my Xiaoyu, are you injured? Did those people beat you?"

"Fortunately you are back... If you were not here, I really don't know what to do... You are the flesh that fell from my body after ten months of hard work, and you are my life..."

She hugged the child tightly as if she was holding a treasure that was lost and found again, her eyes were red, and tears flowed out like a river that had burst its dam.

"Mom, mom, I'm fine."

Xiaoyu saw his mother crying and his little face was filled with anxiety. He raised his chubby little hand and clumsily wiped the tears from his mother's face.

He imitated the plot he saw on TV and gently patted his mother's back with his little hand.

"Wife, the child is back. Don't cry anymore because you are weak. You can't stand the tossing..."

The child's father stood behind them, soothing his wife and children in front of him with gentle words, but his eyes were cold and without any pity.


Qin Yin was keenly aware of the other party's expression.

Her aura suddenly became cold, and her narrow and long phoenix eyes were filled with displeasure. She walked to Xiaoyu's mother without any hesitation.

"Instead of holding the child and crying, it is better to clear the fog and see the facts clearly, and think carefully about why the child disappeared and was arrested."

"After all, I heard your husband talking to his lover on the phone with my own ears and didn't notice that the child was lost. Who knows if this kind of thing will happen again."

Qin Yin's cold voice sounded.


The other parents at the scene who were crying with their children stiffened their expressions, and gossiping and disgusted eyes fell on Xiaoyu's father.

The man could not maintain the expression on his face. He stared at Qin Yin with resentment, his eyes were cold, and he raised his voice and angrily said.

"Don't talk nonsense! What evidence do you have to prove that I lost my child? You are obviously trying to sow discord between us!"

"The most vicious woman's heart is someone like you. You dare to slander me at the door of the police station! Do you still have the law in your eyes?!"

Xiao Yu, who was held in his mother's arms, broke free from her arms, ran out and slammed into the man.

"It was my sister who saved me!"

"I won't let you scold my sister!"

"My sister is right. Dad didn't notice that I was on the phone all the time!"

The child's voice was like thunder from the ground. After the parents at the scene learned that it was Qin Yin who saved the child, they all spoke up to defend Qin Yin.

"Wife, you have to believe me..."

The man began to panic.

"Let's get a divorce when we get back."

Xiaoyu's mother's voice was particularly calm, her face was haggard, and the nostalgia in her eyes had completely disappeared, as if she had already expected the outcome of the matter.

"Wife? What are you talking about!"

The man looked flustered. He did cheat on his wife, who made his wife's body not like a paper man, and the person outside could bring him freshness and excitement, but he had never thought about divorce. Those words were just to deceive the stupid woman outside.

The wife's father and mother are both public officials, and their positions are not low and their families are good. They are very helpful to him. His wife has a gentle temperament and is the type of good wife and mother.

I have never thought about divorce!

Xiaoyu's mother closed her eyes and sighed. When she opened her eyes again, she had a decision in her eyes. Although her body was particularly thin and fragile, she seemed to have great power.

"I've noticed you cheated on me for a long time, but I thought the child couldn't live without a father, so I planned to give you a chance. I took you out on this trip so you could think clearly, but I didn't expect you to be so vicious and indifferent! You don't even care about the child!"

"I didn't know you well, don't lie to me again, I know everything and we'll get a divorce when we get back. If you don't want a divorce, I'll sue you and hire a lawyer to sue you."

The onlookers didn't expect that he would bring up such a cheating matter. They looked down on the man and made all kinds of comments.

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