Lanting Pavilion Villa.

After getting up and washing, Qin Yin saw the scale on the ground and took off her shoes and stepped on it. She had lost weight before by taking the beauty and cleansing pills of the system.

During this period, she did not take any pills. She just exercised normally to burn fat calories. The weight displayed on the scale was normal. The weight of more than 90 kilograms would not make her look too thin or fat.

She got off the scale, put on her shoes, walked into the cloakroom, opened the wardrobe, picked out a black dress with a thin suit jacket on the outside.

After everything was done, she put on a pair of Valentino high heels and went downstairs to sit in the restaurant to enjoy breakfast.

Qin Yin opened the Douyin on her mobile phone and put it on the table. A news was playing.

"It is reported that the Gucheng police recently destroyed the base of a transnational illegal organ trading gang, and all the relevant persons involved were arrested. The Gucheng police in charge of this case expressed their gratitude to the enthusiastic citizen Ms. Qin for the clues provided..."

Qin Yin raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard the news, and sighed in her heart that the Gucheng police were really fast in handling cases. She ate a bowl of Tremella and Lotus Seed Porridge with a normal expression on her face.

After breakfast, she took out a piece of paper to wipe her lips, picked up a silver bag, got up and walked out of the villa, and got on the Rolls-Royce that she got by signing in.

There was no traffic jam on the way to work in the morning, and she arrived at the office building of Shengshi Entertainment smoothly and took the elevator to the office.

Qin Yin sat in the office chair to handle official business. After two hours of busy work, she stopped to rest. It happened that Shen Linxi pushed the door in to report on the work during this period.

She listened carefully.

After listening to the report, she asked about the artist's schedule.

Shen Linxi reported truthfully.

"Boss Qin, the recording of the talent show "Idol Debut" that Cen Chen participated in has entered the last episode, which will end around the middle of this month to the end of the month. His current ranking has remained high and he has the hope of competing for the C position to debut. In addition, his Weibo super topic square has been built, and the big fans have not used Cen Chen to make money."

"Lin Jiaying took on a fairy tale drama. After the assistant driver was fully equipped, she joined the crew to film. The filming location is Hengdian Film and Television City."

Qin Yin nodded.

"Well, I know."

"Special Assistant Shen, you have worked hard during this period."

Shen Linxi's silver hair looks particularly unruly, but he is rigorous and has no mistakes in his behavior. The contrast is a world of difference.

"Boss Qin, this is what I should do."

He was neither humble nor arrogant, and the two talked about some work and the next schedule.

During the meal, Shen Linxi noticed that Qin Yin's surprise flashed in her eyes when she was dealing with the changes in business.

Director Qin's progress is very fast, it can be said to be amazing, it seems that it won't be long before his burden will be much lighter.


The crew of "The Exiled Immortal".

Lin Jiaying wore a white ancient costume, with a crescent-shaped jade pendant on her waist, sitting in the rest area quietly reading the script and studying the plot.

Today's filming is the first encounter between the male and female protagonists. Although she didn't have a role in the morning, Lin Jiaying still insisted on coming to the crew, intending to observe everyone's acting skills and personality.

Everything is ready, and the actress enters the state with the director's order.

The playful and lively heroine was injured by the monster, and her magic power was not strong enough to almost fall off the cliff. At the critical moment, a man in a blue robe appeared, put his hand on the other's slender waist and took the person to jump back to a safe place.

"Thank you, benefactor. The beast was so ferocious that I almost fell off the cliff. If it weren't for your help, I would be in danger today."

Looking at the man in front of her with sword-like eyebrows, starry eyes, a high nose bridge, and a noble aura, the woman's face flushed slightly uncontrollably.

"Miss, you don't have to be polite. The beast is the evil beast suppressed in the Demon Locking Tower of the Heavenly Sword Sect. It's probably because the guards of the Heavenly Sword Sect made a mistake when it appeared here...Miss..."

The male actor stumbled when speaking his lines. He had to think for several seconds before thinking of the next sentence. The scene of him reciting his lines expressionlessly made people frown and feel so embarrassed that they wanted to tap their toes for him.


Lin Jiaying put down the script, her mouth twitched, and her eyes looking at the male lead were full of complexity. She raised her hand and rubbed her slightly swollen forehead.

She said why would this script with good content and director configuration come to her, and feelings are used to promote newcomers.

The male lead's acting is so bad, so the supporting roles must be taken seriously, otherwise who would watch the film.

The director's brows were furrowed so much that he could pinch a fly to death. He took a deep breath and asked the staff to hold up the script and stand in the corner.

However, even with the script, they couldn't read it well. The male lead of the exiled immortal was turned into a stutterer.


The director was furious.

"Bang——"He kicked the chair next to him.

His veins were throbbing, "Gu Chao! The script was delivered to you a long time ago, and you acted like this? You can't even read the lines smoothly?!"

The director was angry, and the other people in the crew swallowed their saliva unconsciously and tried to reduce their presence, worried that they would be affected if they were not careful.

After all, there is a saying that when gods fight, the little devils suffer.

Gu Chao was not afraid at all. He yawned lazily and took out a bottle of water and drank two sips. Even if he put powder on his face, it could not cover the black bruises in the corners of his eyes.

"I stayed up late to go clubbing last night and I was not in a good state. This line is too long and I can't remember it at all. Director, I think it's better to just read the numbers 123. Anyway, it will be re-dubbed later. I don't understand why I have to read the lines with full emotions now. My uncle is not without money to hire a good dubbing actor."

This statement undoubtedly added fuel to the fire. The director's face instantly turned purple and his eyes looked like he could directly stab people.

"Gu Chao! Your uncle is the investor of our crew. Do you think everything will be fine? I tell you, I don't want an actor like you who has no taste. Go back to where you came from!"

Hearing the director's words, the assistant director next to him hurriedly pulled the director's arm with a horrified look.

This is the person who was stuffed in by the investor.

Can't offend him!

However, the director was determined to get rid of him.

Being scolded in front of the whole crew, Gu Chao clenched the imported mineral water bottle in his hand with a gloomy face.

"Director Huang, are you sure you want to tell me to get out? If I get out, my uncle will withdraw his investment without hesitation."

"Get out! At worst, I won't shoot anymore, but I don't want to waste my hard work on someone like you!"

Hearing this, Gu Chao snorted coldly, went into the dressing room, took off his costume, called his assistant, and strode away without looking back.

"Director, why bother with him..."

The assistant director sighed faintly.

Director Huang was in no mood to listen to him nagging about the ways of the world, so he waved his hand and gave the actors in the crew a holiday.

The screenwriter of this script is his good friend, and they have been friends for more than ten years. He would feel guilty if his friend's hard work was ruined in his hands.


The assistant director sighed when he saw that he couldn't get through, took out his phone and looked through the address book to figure out who to ask for investment.

If a fairy tale drama wants to be outstanding, the special effects must be superb, and a large amount of money must be invested. Where can such an investor be found?

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