The next day.

Qin Yin woke up from her sleep, opened her eyes, and saw the unfamiliar accommodation environment and ceiling. She yawned and got up to wash.

She was wearing a lotus pink suspender dress, and the light pink and fair skin contrasted extremely well.

The weather in Beijing was also very hot, but fortunately she applied body lotion when she went out.

The sun was scorching, and Qin Yin bought a pair of sunglasses in a boutique after going out, and took a car to the "Fantasy Sea Rose Manor" in the suburbs.

The Rose Manor covers a large area, and is planted with various varieties of roses. At a glance, being in the sea of ​​roses feels like a dream, and the impetuous heart can't help but calm down.

"Brother Yunyue, your photography skills are not good. You can't capture my beauty by taking a close-up shot. Your straight male photography skills will be disliked by your girlfriend in the future."

"You should just bring a photographer with you next time you go out."

Although the man said dislike, he honestly picked up his phone to delete the previous photos, and took a serious look at the girl standing in front of the sea of ​​flowers.

Qin Yin looked at the source of the sound, and saw that the person in front was Fu Yunyue who took the photo of the land yesterday.

His photography movements were stiff and unfamiliar, and he took several shots before the cute girl was satisfied.

Fu Yunyue noticed Qin Yin's gaze, and when he saw her, he was surrounded by a polite atmosphere.

"Ms. Qin, what a coincidence."

"Mr. Fu."

Qin Yin took off his sunglasses, nodded slightly, and did not presumptuously ask what the girl's identity was with him. After a simple greeting, he raised his foot and walked to the other side.

Fu Youyao, who stayed where she was, blinked, and her gossipy eyes fell on Fu Yunyue.

"Cousin, who was that beautiful lady just now?"

"A stranger who is not familiar with me in business."

Fu Yunyue's words were concise.

He frowned slightly, staring at the direction where Qin Yin left, and an inexplicable feeling enveloped his heart.

"I don't believe it. You don't bother to care about ordinary people."

Fu Yunyue sighed.

"Her eyes are very similar to grandma's when she was young. Grandma also had a pair of phoenix eyes at that time. Grandpa often said that when he first saw grandma when he was young, he was attracted by those moving phoenix eyes."

When mentioning grandma, Fu Youyao's face paused slightly, and she restrained her playful smile.

The Fu family in Hong Kong is a well-known wealthy family. Grandma Fu, the old lady of the Fu family, and her husband have three children in total, two sons and a daughter, but the daughter was taken away by mistake in the hospital when she was just born.

The Fu family carefully raised Fu Zhen. When the child grew up, in order to prevent their daughter from being wronged, they carefully selected the wealthy Shen family in Beijing with a good family tradition, and married their daughter with a dowry of over 100 million yuan.

The ten-mile red wedding was grand and magnificent. In those days, many wealthy families followed the Fu family's practice when marrying off their daughters in order to show their love for their daughters.

After raising the child for so many years, they had a granddaughter. When the granddaughter came of age, they suddenly found out that she was not their biological daughter. After more than 40 years, they actually raised a fake one.

The Fu family severed ties with the mother and daughter and used their power to find their daughter, but it was difficult to find out because of the long time. It was not until last year that they learned that the young aunt of the Fu family died young in the miserable countryside.

All these things hit like a bolt from the blue. Grandma Fu was severely stimulated and could not bear it. She was in a trance and became crazy.

The harmonious and perfect family of the Fu family fell apart.


Fu Youyao sighed, and when she thought of the woman who married into the Shen family and her daughter, her eyebrows were uncontrollably stained with disgust.

At the same time, she felt grief in her heart, grief for her grandmother, and grief for the young aunt she had never met.

Qin Yin came to the small villa of the Rose Manor. The elegant gentleman in charge of the manor read the documents handed by Qin Yin and confirmed her identity, and then went to the kitchen to make tea.

This is a rose tea, and the snacks served are also rose cakes made of rose petals, which taste sweet and soft.

She tasted a rose cake, "If there are so many flowers in the manor, if they are only used for appreciation, wouldn't it be a pity to wait for the petals to wither?"

The man in casual clothes smiled and said, "Miss, the manor has business cooperation, and people often come to the Rose Manor to take wedding photos or hold weddings."

"In addition, we will provide some rose petals to partners to make rose dew or flower tea and perfume, etc. Although the profits obtained are not enough to make a fortune, it is not a problem to maintain the manor and pay the salaries of gardeners, and it also avoids the pity of most petals withering."

Hearing that the Rose Manor has a set of business operations, Qin Yin nodded with appreciation in her eyes, and sincerely recognized this operation mode.

"Not bad."

Qin Yin nodded and praised.

Thinking of her mother who loves flowers in her mind, if her mother came to the Rose Manor, she would definitely love thisA dreamlike place.

Mr. Zhou smiled softly and said, "The partner has sent a lot of rose hydrosol, perfume and other gifts to show his sincerity. If the lady likes it, take some back."


Qin Yin did not refuse.

She was sitting in the small foreign-style building drinking scented tea and eating snacks, listening to the manager Mr. Zhou telling interesting stories, and time passed slowly without her realizing it.

Qin Yin stood up and put on her sunglasses, planning to inspect other places in Rose Manor.

Walking in the manor, the fragrance of flowers lingers on the tip of the nose, and the fatigue all over the body is released.



A hurried figure lowered his head to look at his cell phone and bumped directly into Qin Yin without paying attention. The other party was startled and the cell phone dropped to the ground with a crisp sound.

"You are blind when you walk without seeing the road. If you don't need your eyes, please donate them to other people in need!"

Before Qin Yin could say anything, the girl who bumped into someone started scolding her loudly.

Shen Baozhu knelt down to pick up the phone and saw the cracks on the screen, and the anger around him became even more intense.

"Don't you know how to apologize when you bump into someone? What kind of person is he? He really has no quality at all."

Shen Baozhu was resting well at home, but her mother heard that Fu Yunyue and Fu Youyao had come to the imperial capital, so she was forced to come to the cousins ​​to exchange feelings and repair their relationship.

Shen Baozhu didn't get a good look every time he appeared next to Fu Yunyue and Fu Youyao. Shen Baozhu rushed to the Rose Manor with suppressed anger. Now when he bumped into someone, he didn't think about whose fault it was and just blamed it. The people scolded him bloody.

Qin Yin stretched out her slender fingers and gently pushed the black sunglasses hanging on the bridge of her nose.

A sneer escaped from her throat, "Tsk, being arrogant and arrogant is the description of a person like you. The way you acted just now was really ugly."

After saying this, he stopped talking to such an unreasonable person, knowing that any further talk would be just a waste of time.

Qin Yin calmly passed by Shen Baozhu.

"It's so annoying..."

Shen Baozhu held the cracked mobile phone and scratched his head with his other hand, full of irritation.

She took a deep breath and straightened her expression. When she saw Fu Yunyue and Fu Youyao, she stepped forward with a sweet smile. Unfortunately, they took a detour when they saw her.

Shen Baozhu: "..."

The smile on his face suddenly stiffened.

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