After the renovation team worked overtime day and night, the gym was soon renovated, the sports equipment was moved in, and the employees who had completed the training officially took up their posts.

Qin Yin replaced the previous plaque and named the gym "Tianyu Club".

On the day of the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Cen Chen and Lin Jiaying both had schedules, so Qin Yin did not invite celebrities to stand guard. After a low-key ribbon-cutting ceremony, the gym was officially opened.

She deliberately kept a few VIP cards of the gym. In addition to one for Wang Xiuyue, the rest were intended to be given to business partners and family members.

"Tianyu Club" officially opened, and someone distributed flyers in the busy streets around it.

"Miss, are you interested in fitness? Tianyu Club is dedicated to serving women, you can learn about it."

A woman with a bloated figure and wearing loose clothes took a flyer and wanted to throw it away casually, but when she saw the promotional photos on the flyer and the slogan dedicated to serving women, she subconsciously felt a faint curiosity.

Zhou Man is a 26-year-old housewife. Her body has not recovered well after giving birth, so her waist is wide and her legs are thick, which makes her particularly bloated.

Fortunately, Zhou Man's mother-in-law and husband are good friends. After giving birth, her mother-in-law has been helping to take care of the child and sharing the pressure. Seeing that Zhou Man is anxious about her figure and appearance, her husband gently and carefully comforts her unstable emotions and encourages her to find a gym to exercise with a coach.

Today, I just want to go to a few gyms. Since some gyms on the market have run away after opening for a while, Zhou Man is very cautious and calm after seeing a few gyms. She did not get fooled and immediately applied for a membership.

"It's quite close to my home."

Zhou Man looked at the address of Tianyu Club and felt that the promotional photos above had a warm and nice environment. She walked towards the club.

As soon as she entered the lobby.

Zhou Man had the idea of ​​retreating in her heart.

The interior decoration of Tianyu Club is of high specifications. The warm environment is full of exquisiteness and luxury. It does not look like something that ordinary families can afford.

Before Zhou Man turned around and left, the staff in the lobby saw Zhou Man first and politely stepped forward.

With a gentle smile on her lips, "Miss, are you here to learn about Tianyu Club? Sit here, we will answer any questions you want to know."

Unlike some staff who look down on others and think that working in expensive stores is their own, the employees of Tianyu Club are polite and gentle, with light makeup and no pungent perfume on their bodies, which makes people not hate them at first sight.

Zhou Man paused and was invited by the staff lady to sit on the light green sofa next to her. The lady brought a cup of rose tea and handed it to Zhou Man.

After taking a sip, it tasted surprisingly good.

The lady took out a piece of paper, "Miss, please take a look at which floor's theme mode you are in line with?"

There were no messy questions, and it simply wrote the exercise theme of each floor and the layout of the floor to which it belonged.

Zhou Man replied, "Second floor."

Seeing that the postpartum exercise center also had a mother and baby room, separate rows of lockers, etc., she felt a little curious about this gym.

The staff smiled and said, "Okay, if you are interested, you can follow our teacher to take a free trial class. If you feel good after the class, then consider whether to choose our Tianyu."

There was no annoying sales pitch at the beginning, nor any boasting that following the teacher's exercise will ensure that the body can lose weight in a very short time, and there was no devaluation of Zhou Man's figure in the words.


Zhou Man was a little interested.

The staff took Zhou Man to the second floor by elevator, first visited the environment, and then pushed open one of the classrooms.

This is a classroom for large classes, with two coaches and many customers who came to experience it.

The atmosphere in the classroom is very good, and it can be seen that all the people present are postpartum mothers.

Zhou Man stood in her position, and the staff lady brought her a clean yoga mat.

After laying out the mat and exercising with the teacher, there was a teacher in white soft clothes in front, who demonstrated slow motion to everyone in a gentle voice.

"We are going to practice to repair the pelvic floor muscles. I will slow down the pace. Don't be nervous. You can understand. First, let's lie down with our feet shoulder-width apart and relax..."

Another teacher was watching everyone's movements in the classroom. If she saw someone who was not qualified, she would go up and lead them to do it.

The teacher walked in front of Zhou Man and said, "Your movements here are not standard. Relax your body and don't be tense."

The female coach's gentle voice soothed the tension for no reason. The coach's hand gently moved Zhou Man's feet so that her legs were shoulder-width apart.

Then she gave instructions to other students who were listening to the class.

The teachers were all women. They personally gave instructions and taught them step by step.Students don't have to worry about being harassed.

Besides, both teachers have mild tempers, and students are more and more happy when experiencing the class.

Before they know it, a trial class is over. The students who attended the class sweat a little and are led by the staff to the independent washroom.

The washroom is filled with expensive hand sanitizers, and the carefully selected maternal and child products are not worried about other unhealthy additives affecting breast milk.

After wiping off the sweat and washing their hands and drying them next to them, the quite satisfied students can't help but start to surround the staff lady and the two teachers.

"To be honest, I have been to several gyms and postpartum recovery centers but I was not satisfied with them. I am very satisfied with the teachers and environment of Tianyu."

"I am a bit stupid. At first, I was worried that I would be scolded or coldly treated by the teacher. I was also worried that the teachers in the large classes would be perfunctory. I didn't expect that these situations would not happen in Tianyu."

"What is the charging standard of your Tianyu? If the price is suitable, I will charge a card for half a year first, and then introduce my friends to come."

"Teacher, will you teach large classes in the future? If you two have small classes, I would like to choose you."

"Will there be two teachers for large classes in the future? Or will there be only one large class in the future?"


The students present asked questions one after another.

They all looked excited and satisfied.

The staff lady explained the price, "The big class at the postpartum exercise center is 3,000 per month, with 6 classes per week, each class lasting two hours, and there are still two teachers for the big class to cooperate with each other."

"The teachers' small classes are one-on-one, and each teacher has different qualifications and prices. Teacher Huang's small class is 230, and Teacher Li's small class is 150..."

"If you are interested in small classes, you can take a look at this manual, which contains the information of all the teachers in our Tianyu Club. If you are not satisfied after getting a card, you can choose to refund the fee. We at Tianyu keep our promises and you can record it. In addition, if you feel that this teacher's course is not suitable for you, you can also transfer to other teachers. The difference will be refunded or supplemented according to the teacher's class fee."

The price of 3,000 per month is not very cheap, but this price is very cost-effective when placed on the various advanced configurations of the Tianyu Club.

After taking a free trial class, the teachers, environment and many details of Tianyu are very popular, and most of the students present chose to get a card at Tianyu.

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