The phone in Fu Yunyue's pocket was recording in real time.

The elderly people in the village got the benefits, and they thought that this kind of thing was a good thing, it would not offend anyone, and it was accumulating merits, so they all fell into memories.

The older generation in the village had some impression of the past. Not long after, someone slowly spoke, and there was sadness in his cloudy eyes when he recalled the past days.

"Life was hard in the past, and we are in the countryside. Everyone tried their best to give birth to boys to carry on the family line. If they didn't want to raise girls, they would put them in a basket and give them away. At that time, even their own families couldn't raise them, so there were not many families who could pick up girls to raise."

"I remember that there were two families who picked up girls. The old lady Ge and the old man in the village had been married for seven or eight years and couldn't have children.

The couple didn't know where they got a girl from, and they raised her as their own daughter. In the past, you had to pay for books to study, and the money from selling crops was little. Those who could go to school were basically the favored sons of the family, but the old man and the old lady Ge still worked hard to support their daughter.

The girl of the Ge family did not disappoint her parents' efforts. Pan'er studied better than the boys in the village, and later became the first female college student in the village."

A grandmother wearing reading glasses peeled a soft candy and put it in her mouth. This kind of soft candy is very suitable for elderly people like them who have lost all their teeth.

"Pan'er is very hardworking. After being admitted to university, he was admitted to a government unit in the county. We were worried that Mrs. Ge and Mr. Ge would have no one to take care of them in the village when they were old, so we took them to live in the county town. I occasionally meet them when I go to the county town with my son. The two old people are in good health. It's really a happy ending after all the hardships."

The old people gathered in the store thought of the Ge family and praised Ge Pan'er for being hardworking and the Ge couple for being good people.

Fu Yunyue listened to this story carefully.

Looking at this remote village, it is hard to imagine how poor it was forty years ago. The little aunt who should have been living a life of luxury had fallen into such a place.

At this moment, he was even a little timid to listen. How great it would be if the little aunt was Ge Pan'er, who had not suffered and been tortured.

Fu Yunyue knew that this possibility was very small. It was precisely because he knew that the real little aunt might not be so lucky that he felt heartbroken and uncomfortable.

"What else?"

His voice was very hoarse.

The old man sitting next to him didn't bother to be polite with him. He opened a pack of Zhonghua cigarettes and put it in his mouth. He took out a lighter from his pocket and lit the cigarette and puffed out smoke.

"The Wang family also picked up a baby girl. When Old Lady Wang was young, she was a fierce widow in the surrounding villages. No one dared to bully her when she raised several children alone.

Old Lady Wang had many children, so everyone was very confused when she came back with the baby girl she picked up. But later, it was estimated that there were too many children to support, so Old Lady Wang sold the baby girl she picked up to a foreign merchant who came to collect mountain products. The couple spoke with a strange accent. I'm sure they were not from Nanling City."

Fu Yunyue's heart was beating violently.

The news matched!

He tried to restrain himself and calmly continued to seduce these old men and women to talk more about the Wang family.

"Old Lady Wang has many children at home. She must have been helpless to sell the children to the couple of merchants who collect mountain products."

"Who knows about this? Old Lady Wang not only sold the daughter she picked up, but also her own daughter. In order to marry her eldest son, she almost sold her daughter to a fool as a wife in exchange for a gift."

"Xiu Yue is so beautiful. If she marries a fool, her life will be ruined."


After listening to it, several hours have passed. Fu Yunyue drove to the town to smooth over the relationship and retrieve the identity information of women of the right age in the village.

It is not certain that the other party will reveal to the villagers that the child was picked up. What if that person keeps saying that the child is his own?

That's why we have to be more cautious!

Don't take it lightly!

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