Qin Yin ignored the people around her who were talking in low voices, and continued to quietly read the plot introduction of the work in her hand.

"I was born to be a mountain" is a workplace article, telling the story of the heroine who studied hard for many years, married her boyfriend immediately after graduating from a prestigious university, and then naturally became pregnant and became a housewife.

After studying hard for more than ten years, she had no platform to display her knowledge, but her husband who graduated with the same major as her was making steady progress in his career.

As her husband made more and more money, relatives and friends around her envied the heroine for her good fortune and married such a capable husband.

The heroine returned home, stood in front of the mirror, looked at herself in the mirror with a haggard face due to pregnancy, and the smile on her mouth became bitter.

Raising her hand and stroking her cheek, she recalled the days when she was studying hard. She murmured in a low voice: "Everyone envies me for marrying a good husband who can make money, but they all forget that I was originally a doctoral student who graduated from a well-known university. I can make money without relying on others..."

As her husband's career rises, he has more and more business contacts and social events, and comes home later and later, occasionally smelling of alcohol and ambiguous perfume.

A fierce quarrel broke out between the two.

The heroine complained about her frustration.

The husband said that he worked hard to make money so that his wife and the baby in her belly could live better and have more choices in the future.

With red eyes, he emphasized that he had not cheated, and he would go home no matter how late the social events were. It was his fault to be stained with alcohol and perfume, and he would pay attention to it in the future.

The heroine believed in her own judgment. Her husband, with whom she had a deep affection, was indeed not the kind of man who could not resist the temptation to cheat once he became rich.

It seemed that no one was wrong in their quarrel, but their life was a mess.

The male protagonist was drunk and went to the hospital. After waking up, he carefully recalled his wife's high-spirited appearance. He felt sorry for her sacrifice to return to the family, and also deeply realized that he did not give his wife enough sense of security.

The female protagonist gave birth to a son after ten months of pregnancy. The male protagonist gave up his great career to take care of his wife and young son during the confinement period.

The confinement period is over.

The male protagonist held his lovely son and fed him with a bottle of milk with skillful movements. With a smile in his eyes, he stared at his wife in front of him.

"Aqin, you go back to the workplace."

The female protagonist's hand suddenly paused while she was tidying up her things. She raised her head stiffly and slowly and looked at him.

The smile in the male protagonist's eyes is sincere: "Aqin, even if men and women are equal on the surface in today's society, there are still many unspoken rules that everyone tacitly accepts.

For example:

When a woman becomes pregnant, she has to give up her career and return to her family. She has to take care of her children before she can return to the workplace. However, she will face many reasons such as being out of work for many years, being out of touch with society, and being too old to be hired.

This is a social phenomenon, and I am powerless to change it."

"But I can't bear to see Aqin frustrated. My lover is obviously a top student in a well-known law major, but because she married me and got pregnant, she was "kidnapped by society" and could only be a housewife and a full-time mother.

If marrying me requires so much sacrifice, wouldn't I be the murderer and beneficiary of dragging Aqin into the quagmire?

My Aqin was born to be a mountain, not a stream. She is an eagle that should soar in the sky and spread its wings, and should not be trapped in a small, square world."

The child in his arms was well-behaved after eating. The male protagonist carefully placed the baby in the crib and walked to his wife to hug her.

"I will return to the family, you go and give it a try. I believe that Aqin will succeed no matter what she does."

She reached out and hugged her husband's waist, buried her head in his chest and listened to his clear heartbeat. At this moment, her eyes were wet, and the grievances she had suffered and the depression that she could not apply what she had learned were all vented.

In fact, she originally planned to hire a nanny, or let her mother-in-law take care of the child, and then she went to work, but she didn't expect her husband to take the initiative to return to the family. It would be a lie to say that she was not moved.

Her husband's career is in a valuable rising period, but she has not taken the first step yet. Anyone who knows how to weigh the pros and cons will hesitate.

She nodded heavily in his arms.

"Yes, I was born to be a mountain!"

At this moment, the air was filled with warmth.

The heroine returned to the workplace. She graduated from a prestigious university and has not been a housewife for a long time. She was soon hired by a good law firm.

She used what she learned to help many people, spoke with reason and evidence in court, and had a strong, firm and gentle aura.

After her career developed to a certain level, she left the law firm and opened a law firm on her own, providing jobs for many women who wanted to return to the workplace after marriage but had no chance.

This is an all-female law firm - Gaoshan Law Firm!


After reading this brief plot summary, Qin Yin supported herself with her hands.She lowered her chin, her eyes were as calm as the sea, and there was a tiny light in her eyes.

The calmer she looked on the surface, the more turbulent her heart was, the waves were surging, and her mood could not be calm for a long time.

I have to admit that there is a prejudice against women in the current society, which is like unspoken rules, and this cannot be solved in a short time.

She changed her life because of the system, but there are still many women at the bottom struggling.

Qin Yin pursed her lips slightly.

Can she also do something for women, provide a shelter from the wind and rain, so that more women can also display what they have learned...

Qin Yin continued to read.

Although "Phoenix Girl" is a large-scale ancient costume drama of political intrigue, it is under the guise of a strong woman, but in fact it relies on others. The heroine has the shadow of a silly and sweet girl. The love part far exceeds the struggle for hegemony, and the political intrigue in the court is also very immature and shallow.

After reading it all, Qin Yin is more optimistic about "I Was Born to Be" Gao Shan, a female workplace article.

The relationship between the male and female protagonists in this book is clear and concise. There are also many descriptions of the career of the female protagonist after returning to the workplace. She helps women who have been abused by their families to divorce, helps workers to ask for wages, and helps the families of the deceased who were dismembered to seek justice...

Every lawsuit is very heart-wrenching.

Qin Yin put down the introduction sheet in her hand.

At this time, the lights on the scene came on, and the intellectually dressed female auctioneer came to the stage.

"Welcome to the IP copyright auction held in Jade City. I am the auctioneer A Shui."

"There are many excellent works at the auction. I wish everyone here to get what they want and buy the copyright of their favorite works."

"Now, the auction begins!"

"The first auction work "Time" has a starting price of 2 million, and each bid must not be less than 50,000."

As the auctioneer's voice fell.

The atmosphere on the scene quickly became boiling and tense, and some people quickly raised their cards and shouted.

"2.4 million!"

The auctioneer smiled and said, "Mr. Ma at table 7 bid 2.4 million. Any more?"

"2.6 million!"

"2.7 million!"

The first work to be auctioned was not within Qin Yin's selection range, so she just watched quietly without raising a sign to participate.

There were quite a few people bidding on the spot. With the competition, this work was bought at a price of 3.2 million.

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