Qin Yin finished reading and put down the information.

"Knock knock——"

There was a knock on the office door and it opened. Xie Qingyi, wearing a long black velvet dress and a bright rose brooch on her chest, walked in. Her lips were pursed and she looked very reserved.

Shen Linxi politely pulled out his chair.

Xie Qingyi thanked her in a low voice and sat down.

Qin Yin motioned to Shen Linxi to pour water, and looked at the girl in front of her with a gentle expression: "Qingyi, what can I do for you?"

Xie Qingyi had just won the championship in the dance competition. She should be looking high-spirited, but there were dark spots in the corners of her eyes that could not be covered up, and she looked extremely haggard.

Qin Yin's eyes showed concern, and her beautiful face softened at this moment: "Don't be afraid, you can tell me anything if you have anything. Are you under too much pressure at work recently?"

Shen Linxi took a cup of warm boiled water and placed it in front of Xie Qingyi.

Xie Qingyi lowered her head and thanked her, then took the boiled water on the table to moisten her throat.

There was fear in her eyes, and the muscles on her face became stiff due to tension. In addition, her face was as pale as snow, and she looked more and more like a dummy.

"I...what I am going to say next may sound suspicious to you, but I am sure that what I say is true."

“I feel like someone is following me recently, whether I’m in or out of a hotel or going to work, that feeling of following me always hangs over me and I can’t get rid of it at all.

I even called the police, but the police found no suspicious clues in the hotel where I stayed.

Last night, while I was half asleep and half awake, I could feel someone walking around in my room, and a cold touch fell on my forehead, causing waves of chills and goosebumps.

My consciousness was as clear as ever, but my body couldn't move no matter what. "

"I felt like I was in a dark environment, the surroundings were completely silent and I couldn't see my fingers. My body was floating as if I might fall into the abyss at any time."

"When I woke up, I felt something was wrong with me, so I quickly went to the hospital for a full-body checkup. The test results showed that I had taken sleeping pills!"

At this point, Xie Qingyi's voice increased, and it was as sharp as a cuckoo's cry of blood, which was terrifying.

Her body was shaking violently, and her frightened eyes were filled with crystal tears.

Xie Qingyi was very scared. She didn't know what the guy who had followed her many times wanted to do.

If it was for violation, Xie Qingyi could feel that his body had not been poisoned.

It was not for sexual desire, nor did he kill anyone to silence him. Xie Qingyi really couldn't understand what the other person was thinking.

Is it just to enjoy the scene of myself being scared and trembling with fear?

Unable to guess, unclear to figure out, the fear of the unknown is like a haze that cannot be dispelled, and the invisible way forward increasingly destroys reason.

"Be good, don't be afraid."

Qin Yin took out a tissue and wiped Xie Qingyi's tears as gently as if she were handling delicate porcelain.

Then, he stretched out his hand to hold Xie Qingyi's hand, and what he touched was a bone-chilling chill: "I believe that as long as it is man-made, it will leave clues. Don't scare yourself before you catch the criminal who is following you." Bad fell ill."

After listening to Xie Qingyi's words, Qin Yin's brain quickly extracted several key clues.

Xie Qingyi had never encountered this kind of thing before, and she started to be targeted since Xiaohong became slightly famous.

The person behind the scenes may be Xie Qingyi's illegitimate fan, but on the contrary, he has a criminal personality and is arrogant. He is very confident in his own ability, so he can target celebrities without any scruples.

Another point is that the criminal can accurately track Xie Qingyi to the hotel and even to his home in Haishi, which shows that he has accurate information about Xie Qingyi's whereabouts.

This is a proud and cunning guy.

Qin Yin quickly figured out how to deal with it.

"I know you're scared now, don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you."

"There is a security company in the property under my name. The bodyguards there are well-trained and have extraordinary skills. I will arrange for people to be by your side to protect you personally."

Qin Yin's voice is filled with a sense of firmness, which can gradually calm people's restless hearts.

Xie Qingyi burst into tears: "Really...can we really prevent the poisonous snake hiding behind the scenes..."


Qin Yin answered sonorously and forcefully.

Under Qin Yin's comfort, Xie Qingyi's collapsed emotions were slowly soothed. Although my nerves were still tense, fortunately my thoughts were no longer hazy.

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