Qin Yin's voice caught the attention of the doctors.

Looking in her direction, Wang Xiuyue, who was originally unconscious, opened her eyes and had completely woken up!

Wang Xiuyue stared blankly at the ceiling, her brain still a little confused.

She tilted her head to look at Qin Yin beside the bed, opened her mouth to speak but her throat was dry.

"Mom, don't worry, take your time."

Qin Yin quickly found a cotton swab to wet Wang Xiuyue's lips, inserted a straw into the cup and let Wang Xiuyue drink water slowly to moisten her throat.


Wang Xiuyue's eyes were wet.

Even though the girl in front of her had more delicate and eye-catching features than before, perhaps blood was thicker than water, Wang Xiuyue recognized at a glance that this was her daughter who had been hard to give birth to after ten months of pregnancy.

Seeing Wang Xiuyue wake up, Qi Xiaoran was happy for Qin Yin from the bottom of his heart.

He walked to the bedside, and said with a serious look on his warm face.

"Don't be emotional, keep calm."

"Family members go outside and wait, we need to do a more detailed examination for Ms. Wang."

"Okay, thank you, Dr. Qi."

Qin Yin pursed her lips, nodded, and walked out of the VIP ward after comforting Wang Xiuyue.

The hospital's inpatient department was air-conditioned, and the temperature in the corridor was icy cold.

But Qin Yin felt as if she was bathed in the bright sunshine and felt warm all over.

She sat on the cold bench in the corridor, with an unconcealable excitement on her beautiful face, and mist in her phoenix eyes.

After two years of hard work, the bitterness finally paid off.

The clock seemed to be cast with a slow spell, and time was moving extremely slowly, and every minute and every second was extremely long and difficult.

After more than an hour of waiting.


The door of the ward opened from the inside.

Qi Xiaoran, wearing a spotless white coat, walked out of the ward, followed by a long line of expert doctors.

He said goodbye to the other doctors, with a gentle look, a smile and concern in his eyes.

Qi Xiaoran walked towards Qin Yin.

"Auntie's body is recovering very well, and all her body functions are recovering rapidly. If there is no problem after a few more days of hospitalization, she can be discharged."

"Qin Yin, congratulations."

When he said this, his jade-like face was full of sincerity, and he sincerely wished her well from the bottom of his heart.

Qin Yin's voice choked slightly.

"Thank you..."

After two years of hard work, she finally got a satisfactory answer at this moment.

Qi Xiaoran patted her shoulder to comfort her.

"You've worked hard recently. You'll have to take good care of yourself after your aunt is discharged from the hospital."

When he entered the ward just now, he noticed that Qin Yin was thinner than before. Although she looked beautiful after losing weight, he was a little worried that excessive weight loss in a short period of time would affect her body.

Qi Xiaoran withdrew his hand with a smile on his face, "You must have a lot to say to your aunt, so I won't disturb you and your daughter's heart-to-heart talk."


Qin Yin's eyes were full of joy, and she smiled slightly with her lips curled. Her charm emanated silently, and her beautiful facial features were even more charming.

She entered the VIP ward.

She moved a chair to sit beside the bed, staring at her mother who was still pale and haggard on the bed.

Wang Xiuyue was lying on the bed, her breath was weak, but her eyes were bright, and she looked in good spirits.

"My Yinyin is prettier than before."

"Yinyin, you've worked hard. Mom is not a good mother. I couldn't support you. Instead, I made you work hard for me."

Wang Xiuyue's heart was filled with guilt. Her eyes were moist and slightly red. She reached out and held her daughter's hand and kept stroking it.

"Mom, I'm not tired."

Qin Yin held her mother's hand in return.

There was a thin layer of calluses on these hands. Qin Yin's memory was slightly hazy. She remembered that her mother always loved to knit sweaters and scarves for herself.

Wang Xiuyue shook her head gently.

"Yinyin is lying."

A mother who has to raise a child who has become a vegetable has to pay for expensive medical expenses that are comparable to sky-high prices. The hardship is far beyond people's imagination.

Wang Xiuyue felt more and more uncomfortable the more she thought about it. Tears slipped out, and the guilt almost drowned her.

"Why is mom like a little kid? If kids see you crying, they will laugh at you."

Qin Yin reached out her hand and gently wiped away the tears that slipped from Wang Xiuyue's eyes.

Her movements were particularly gentle and her gentle appearance was so beautiful that it made people's hearts ripple. They couldn't help but want to indulge in this gentle place.

The sound of gentle whispers came from the ward. The mother and daughter opened their hearts to talk. The scene was so warm that they were reluctant to break this beautiful scene.Warm atmosphere.


The news that the vegetative patient in Hai City First People's Hospital had awakened was quickly known by the well-informed media reporters from the outside world.

Groups of reporters surrounded the hospital entrance, trying every means to sneak into the inpatient department to interview the patient.

Qin Yin declined the interview after learning about it.

The hospital rejected the reporters with a strong attitude, and also arranged people to guard the inpatient department to prevent unscrupulous reporters from sneaking in and disturbing the patients.

Qin's family.

Qin Jiaorui, Qin Zhiming and Ye Lingzhi sat on the sofa in the living room. There was a TV on the TV cabinet, and Hai City's station was playing.

The reporter on the screen had a work card hanging around his neck and said excitedly with a microphone in his hand.

"It is understood that a vegetative patient in our city's First People's Hospital who had been in a coma for two years woke up at 10:20 this morning. According to interviews from many parties, we learned that the patient's surname is Wang..."

The voice of the reporter on TV clearly fell into the ears of several people in the Qin family.

The expressions of the few people who were smiling at first became stiff at this moment.

Qin Jiaorui frowned.

"The surname is Wang, she is in a vegetative state and is being treated in the First People's Hospital of Hai City. How come these conditions are so similar to Qin Yin's mother?"

"It's impossible. How could she be so lucky to encounter such a strange thing? It must be a coincidence. Qin Yin's mother is not the only one with the surname Wang in the world."

Qin Jiaorui muttered to herself, and refused to believe that the person who woke up was Wang Xiuyue.

Ye Lingzhi's body was stiff, and the memories that she tried hard to forget swept over her again. Her back felt cold and her body shivered slightly.


Wang Xiuyue!

Wang Xiuyue woke up?

Will what they did before be exposed? !

"Don't think too much. I'll go find out if the person who woke up is Wang Xiuyue. Maybe it's just a coincidence like Jiaorui said."

Qin Zhiming's situation was not much better. He reached out and held Ye Lingzhi's hand. The strength of his hand unconsciously increased and hurt Ye Lingzhi.

Ye Lingzhi cried out in pain. Qin Zhiming came to his senses and let go of Ye Lingzhi's hand with an apologetic look on his face.


Even if Qin Jiaorui was slow, she noticed that her parents' emotions were not right since they heard the news.

It seemed like they were afraid and scared?

Qin Jiaorui thought about it and couldn't figure it out.

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