Qin Zhiming staggered back to the police station.

A policeman standing at the door watched Qin Zhiming leave. Seeing him running back in a hurry, he grabbed Qin Zhiming's wrist and asked.

"Why are you back?"

Qin Zhiming's eyes were obviously panicked, and his wrinkled face was full of fear and regret. He shook his head violently and muttered to himself.

"It's me... I murdered Wang Xiuyue..."

"It's all my fault. I came up with all these ideas..."

Hearing Qin Zhiming's words, the policeman holding his wrist suddenly changed his face, remembering that Chen Dong and Tang Tian were responsible for this person.

He quickly grabbed Qin Zhiming's shoulder with his backhand, rushed into the police station with the man in custody, and pushed open the door of the office with a bang.

"Chen Dong! Qin Zhiming turned himself in! He said that Wang Xiuyue's fall from the building two years ago was deliberately planned by him!"

The voice of the policeman rang in the office.

Chen Dong: "!!!"

Tang Tian: "!!!"

Both of them looked horrified, and a huge wave of shock surged in their hearts. They stood up with a bang, and quickly arrested Qin Zhiming and took him to the interrogation room.

Although I don't understand why Qin Zhiming gritted his teeth and refused to reveal a word before, but now he took the initiative to surrender.

But Qin Zhiming's surrender is undoubtedly a good thing, which has opened up the case that has been unable to find a flaw for a long time and let a few rays of sunshine in.

Haishi Police Station, interrogation room.

Chen Dong was wearing a dark blue police uniform, and his deep eyes fell sharply on the person sitting in the interrogation chair, and his strong aura spread all around.

"Qin Zhiming, why do you want to murder your first wife Wang Xiuyue? Tell the truth about the crime process, and whether there are other people who assisted in the crime in the whole case besides you?"

Tang Tian sat next to Chen Dong, with an ultra-thin black laptop in front of her, and her fingers on the keyboard were ready to record the interrogation process at any time.

Qin Zhiming was in rags, had dark circles under his eyes, and had a little blue stubble on his chin. He looked haggard and confused.

He held his head tightly with both hands, as if he was trapped in that night of thunderstorms, endless quarrels, and blood all over the ground.

Qin Zhiming looked hideous and painful, "Wang Xiuyue and I were in love, but unfortunately our marriage lasted only a year before I cheated."

"There are too many trivial matters in marriage that have forced us to change beyond recognition. I long for freedom and freshness, instead of focusing on the family every day, facing a wife who is out of shape and has become a yellow-faced woman, and a child who cries all day long."

"At this time, I met Ye Lingzhi, and we fell in love uncontrollably. Not long after, we gave birth to a child, Jiaorui. I enjoyed the excitement of cheating while feeling guilty. Wang Xiuyue. "

"I hid it from her for more than ten years, until Qin Yin was 18 years old and the truth could no longer be hidden. Wang Xiuyue knew about my affair with Ye Lingzhi."

"Wang Xiuyue was determined to divorce me, and she also wanted to take half of my wealth and property, and to expose my cheating and betrayal to the reporters. My property is all hard-earned, how can I bear to be divided up? My reputation cannot be ruined!"

Qin Zhiming loosened his hand holding his head, his expression gradually became extremely crazy, and his eyes were filled with terrifying fierceness.

So a terrible idea was born.

As long as Wang Xiuyue died, no one could take away his huge wealth.

After Qin Zhiming talked with Ye Lingzhi, the two hit it off and immediately planned a perfect murder, so that Qin Zhiming tricked Wang Xiuyue back to the Qin family on the pretext of negotiating the division of property.

The steps of the stairs were smeared with slippery liquid, and the handrails of the stairs broke naturally due to years of lack of maintenance.

In fact, the handrails of the stairs had been replaced with old, weak and fragile handrails.

Wang Xiuyue returned to the Qin family.

Qin Zhiming deliberately angered Wang Xiuyue. When Wang Xiuyue left in anger, the steps were slippery and she sprained her ankle. She wanted to grab the handrail, but the old and fragile handrail was not strong enough, so she fell from a high place.

It happened to hit the sharp object in the living room that was not smoothed out, and the blood stained the floor red. The woman lying in the pool of blood suddenly closed her eyes and fainted.

A carefully planned accident.

Wang Xiuyue became a vegetable and was in a coma for two years.


Tang Tian's fingers were typing quickly on the keyboard. When she typed the last word, her fingers trembled slightly, and she glared at Qin Zhiming.

"So after Wang Xiuyue became a vegetable, you didn't care and kicked Qin Yin out of the house, leaving Qin Yin to bear the heavy burden alone and run around all day for the high medical expenses!"

Tang Tian's words were like a sharp knife that suddenly cut open Qin Zhiming's heart.

He was so afraid that the matter would be exposed, and he looked at Qin YinI can't help but think of Wang Xiuyue and the unforgivable dirty deeds I committed.

Chen Dong stood up.

"Don't be angry, let's go."

"According to Qin Zhiming, Ye Lingzhi not only knew about it but was also an accomplice in the murder."

Chen Dong felt a little depressed and depressed. When he walked to the door, he turned around and stared at Qin Zhiming with a dark look.

His expression was gloomy and unclear, "You are a scumbag who is not worthy of being Qin Yin's father. You and Ye Lingzhi have been in a stable relationship for many years just because you are the same kind of people. Scumbags and scum attract each other."

After saying that, Chen Dong turned and left.

Qin Zhiming sat in his original position, and the voice that kept bewitching him in his mind suddenly disappeared, and his brain became clear.

Qin Zhiming stood up in shock, roaring in his mouth, constantly shouting injustice and denying his previous confession, and the roar kept echoing but no one paid attention to him.


Qin family.

Qin Jiaorui went downstairs, looked around and didn't see Qin Zhiming, then looked at Ye Lingzhi with a puzzled look on her face.

"Mom, where is my dad?"

"I don't know..."

Ye Lingzhi shook her head.

Anxiety was reflected on her well-maintained face. She paced back and forth in the living room, and kept calling Qin Zhiming's mobile phone, but no one answered.

"Beep, beep--"

The sirens of police cars sounded outside the Qin family.

When Ye Lingzhi heard the sirens of police cars, her eyes suddenly shrank and widened violently due to excessive shock. Her face turned pale and she wanted to turn around and run away.


The door of the Qin family was violently kicked open.

A team of well-equipped policemen in police uniforms and carrying guns surrounded Ye Lingzhi.

The surroundings were airtight, and Ye Lingzhi had no way to retreat or escape!

Chen Dong walked past the crowd and came to Ye Lingzhi, with a hint of chill on his expressionless face.

"Ye Lingzhi, Qin Zhiming has confessed that you are an accomplice in the murder of Wang Xiuyue and she fell from the building. Now we need to arrest you and reinvestigate the old case."

Hearing Chen Dong's words, Ye Lingzhi's eyes widened with disbelief. She took several steps back and shook her head weakly.

How could it be? !

Why did Qin Zhiming say that? !

Ye Lingzhi's heart was turbulent and tears were streaming down her face.

"No... I'm not... I didn't. Wang Xiuyue's fall from the building was completely an accident and had nothing to do with me..."

Even if Ye Lingzhi tried her best to argue, these policemen were unmoved, not to mention the emotion of sympathy for her.

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