Qi Xiaoran returned to Wang Xiuyue's ward.

He called Qin Yin out softly.

Qi Xiaoran's brows were tightly knitted together. Looking at Qin Yin standing in front of him, his heart was like a mess. He had many questions but didn't know how to ask them.

He practiced several times in his mind and asked in the most gentle way possible to avoid misunderstanding.

"Qin Yin, do you know how much balance is left in your aunt's hospital account?"

Qi Xiaoran wanted to ask that two million was not a small amount. Qin Yin's father had a new family, and his wife and daughter were by his side, not caring about Wang Xiuyue's affairs. How did Qin Yin have such a huge amount of money?

He believed in her character, but he still couldn't stop worrying that she would be deceived by complicated people in society and go astray.

Seeing Qi Xiaoran's tangled look.

Qin Yin's eyes were bright and clear, leaning against the cold wall at the corner, with a serious and calm look.

Her voice was cold.

"The balance in my mother's hospitalization account was paid when I first came."

"Doctor Qi, I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, the source of this money is absolutely legal and compliant. I haven't done anything shameful."

Qin Yin knew that Qi Xiaoran asked this question because he knew that there was 2 million medical expenses in his mother's hospitalization account.

Qi Xiaoran's face showed a trace of anxiety.

"Qin Yin, don't get me wrong."

He didn't mean to doubt her character.

Seeing the anxious look on Qi Xiaoran's face, Qin Yin couldn't help but smile.

She comforted him.

"I know, I won't misunderstand Doctor Qi."

Qin Yin understood Qi Xiaoran's shock.

After all, a person who was so poor that he couldn't even pay for medical expenses not long ago suddenly turned into a local tycoon, and everyone would have doubts.

"That's good, as long as there is no misunderstanding."

Seeing that there was no displeasure on her face and she really didn't take this matter to heart, Qi Xiaoran's hanging heart fell back to its original position.

He couldn't help but let out a breath of foul air.


Qin Yin finished talking to Qi Xiaoran.

When she returned to the ward, she happened to meet a doctor who had just come out of the ward at the door.

Qin Yin often came to the inpatient department and recognized that this was the attending physician of Aunt Li's daughter.

She raised her feet and stood by the door.

Aunt Li's clothes were half washed and soaked in the basin without washing. Now she was sitting by the bed by the window and crying silently.

The atmosphere in the ward was depressed and weird.

Aunt Li seemed to have a dispute with her daughter.

Li Mengyi's nose was slightly red. She turned her head away from her mother's tears. Her voice was hoarse and she couldn't help crying.

"Mom, we can't treat it anymore. We can't treat it anymore."

"Go and get me discharged. I don't want to stay in the hospital any longer. I'm almost depressed from smelling the pungent smell of disinfectant all day long."

"Cancer is hard to treat anyway, and the risk of death is high. I might as well enjoy life and have fun in the remaining days."

Hearing her daughter's words.

Aunt Li's tears flowed.

Just now, the doctor came to the ward and said that the money in the account was gone, and the cost of chemotherapy for the next stage would be at least 500,000.

As soon as the doctor left, her daughter decided not to treat it. How could she not like the hospital?

She was clearly worried that the family would run out of money.

Aunt Li reached out and held her daughter's hand, and her heart felt as if it was cut by a knife.

Gently stroking the back of Li Mengyi's hand, her eyes were full of love and pity, as if the person in front of her was the most precious treasure in the world.

"Be good, don't say angry words."

"The doctor said that the results of chemotherapy at this stage are relatively good, and the chances of recovery are very high."

"Don't worry about the money. Your father and I will sell everything we have to work as nannies at the construction site. We will borrow money from relatives and friends at the risk of our reputation. We will raise enough medical expenses for you."

No matter how hard, difficult or tiring it is, I will not give up. How much is this face worth? How can it be compared with my daughter's life?

Let alone borrowing money.

If she can choose to exchange one life for another, she will choose to let her daughter live healthily without hesitation.


"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"My daughter has no future and can't let you enjoy the happiness. Instead, she will drag you down..."

Li Mengyi turned her body and hugged her mother.

The tears that she tried hard to restrain could no longer be held back, and they gushed out like a flood that broke the dam.

Thinking that her parents are old and can't retire and enjoy their old age like other parents, now they are running around for her all day long.

Li Mengyi felt as if her heart was being tightly grasped by a giant hand after having to beg for money everywhere and working hard from nine to five.

Difficulty breathing and dull pain in the heart.


Qin Yin stood quietly at the door of the ward.

She did not choose to go in, nor did she make a sound to disturb theA mother and daughter who were immersed in sorrow and comforted each other.

Qin Yin's eyes were dark and unpredictable, and her heart was filled with unspeakable emotions, feeling a little depressed.

She walked out of the ward slowly and headed towards Qi Xiaoran's chief doctor's office.

She raised her hand politely and knocked on the door.

"Knock knock--"

"Come in."

Qi Xiaoran's clean and crisp voice came from inside.

Qin Yin pushed open the door of the office.

Qi Xiaoran, who was looking at the patient's information, put down the information in his hand and raised his head, and saw the person who walked into the office with surprise and concern in his eyes.

"Qin Yin? Is there something wrong?"

Qi Xiaoran was worried that something was wrong with Wang Xiuyue's body, and his handsome face was full of worry.

"Doctor Qi, I want to donate to the hospital."

Qin Yin's voice was cold and firm, and her face was particularly delicate after losing weight, and her beautiful appearance revealed a sense of domineering queen.


"Don't worry, take your time."

Qi Xiaoran pulled out a chair for Qin Yin to sit down, then stood up and took out a disposable clean cup, filled a cup of warm boiled water at the water dispenser and placed it in front of her.

"Thank you, Dr. Qi."

Qin Yin was not polite, took the cup and drank a sip of warm boiled water to moisten her dry throat and lips.

Qi Xiaoran was not ecstatic when he heard about the donation, but sat down and discussed this issue with Qin Yin with a serious face.

"Qin Yin, money is hard to come by. There is indeed a saying that the rich can help the world, but in any case, the premise is to make your life better before considering doing charity. Are you sure you really want to donate?"

His voice was persuasive, like a well-educated teacher patiently guiding his students.

Qin Yin leaned against the black chair, and the boiled water in the transparent cup in her hand gradually ran out.

Her eyes were firm and unchanged.

"Well, I'm sure I'll donate."

Donating is a good deed, a good intention, but it's certainly not foolish to donate all your wealth.

Seeing Qin Yin's usual expression and the determination in her eyes, Qi Xiaoran swallowed his thoughts back to his stomach.

He finally chose to respect Qin Yin's decision, because he knew that once she made a decision, it would be difficult to go back.

Qi Xiaoran looked at Qin Yin.

"How much do you want to donate?"

"One hundred million."

A light voice sounded in the office.

It was like thunder from the blue sky!

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