"Since you are here for a blind date, I will get straight to the point. If you can meet my requirements, I will marry you."

Ye Yang heard the voice of the blind date girl opposite him before he sat down.

He glanced at the girl opposite him and was immediately shocked.

The girl was very dark, probably only about 1.5 meters tall, with heavy makeup, wearing a black gauze dress that she thought was sexy, and a strong smell of cheap perfume.

"Fuck, who is this person that is introduced to me!"

Ye Yang exclaimed, it was his first blind date and he met such a top-notch person.

""Go ahead."

He kept asking, wanting to end this blind date quickly.

"As for me, I require my partner to have a monthly salary of more than 50,000 yuan! This way, my living standard will not be lowered."

The woman stretched out her fingers and counted them, saying,"Secondly, you must have a suite in the downtown area of Shanghai, otherwise our future life will not be guaranteed!"

"As for the car, I don't need a very good one, I'll be satisfied with anything above a million."

"Oh, by the way, are you at least 1.80 meters tall? If not, you are not suitable for me!"

The woman made demands like a machine gun.

"In addition to these, the garage must be registered in my name, and every month I must be treated to at least a 10,000 yuan western meal, buy a new model bag, and travel around the world once a year."

"Oh, by the way, if you don’t have enough money, ask your parents to prepare a betrothal gift of about 500,000 yuan for you!"

"I won't have children. After all, women need to learn to love themselves."

"When I travel or eat out in the future, I must bring my male best friend with me, he is my best friend!"


After the woman finished her request with her hands dancing, she glanced at Ye Yang:"How is it? My request is not high, can you satisfy it?"


Ye Yang nodded with a smile on his face. When the girl's hope reached its peak, he suddenly turned cold and said lightly:"You are probably dreaming."

"You... you are a man, how dare you treat this princess like this! You poor loser! What the hell is this thing that Uncle Wang introduced to me! You scumbag!"


Ye Yang couldn't sit still any longer.

If he stayed with this kind of brain-dead idiot girl who had no self-awareness for even one more second, it would be a waste of his precious youth.

"You scumbag! How dare you walk away with a cold face!?!"

The woman was waving her claws and teeth, obviously extremely angry, but when she saw Ye Yang walking towards the checkout counter, her expression eased a little:"Hehe, you still know how to pay the bill, you still have a conscience."

She just ordered a blind date meal worth several thousand yuan.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

The girl at the front desk had a nice figure, a pleasant appearance, and spoke softly, but she had obviously heard the gold digger's remarks just now, and looked at Ye Yang with sympathy.

"Buy a bottle of Coke."

Ye Yang casually threw out three coins.


The girl at the front desk thought Ye Yang was going to pay the bill for the gold digger and was complaining for him. She didn't expect that he deliberately walked to the front desk just to buy a bottle of Coke?


This operation is really too slutty.

If the gold-digger knew that Ye Yang didn't pay the bill, she would be so angry that her nose would be crooked and her eyes would be squinting.

""Okay, sir, this is your Coke, please keep it."

Seeing the tall, sunny and handsome Ye Yang in front of her, the girl at the front desk also had a lot of good feelings for him.

"Thank you."

Ye Yang shook the Coke in his hand, took a sip, and burped deliberately.

"Ding~ Spend money to get rich system has been bound! You successfully spent three yuan to buy a bottle of Coca-Cola, and you will be rewarded with a Lamborghini-Venom*1 worth 7000w Huaxia currency!"


Ye Yang almost sprayed a mouthful of Coke on the girl at the front desk.

After all, the excitement of suddenly gaining access to the system is enough to make any ordinary person feel excited!

"System?! 7000w of venom!? Is it true~"

Touching the key-shaped hard object that suddenly appeared in his pants, Ye Yang didn't even have time to finish the fat house happy water in his hand, and hurried out of the store.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw a group of people gathered in a circle, constantly making exclamations.

Vaguely, he could hear that they were marveling at the luxury car!

Ye Yang's heart was excited, and he felt dry in his mouth in an instant. As for the previous unhappiness, he had long forgotten it.

Compared with the system and luxury cars, a failed blind date is nothing! With a slightly trembling hand, he pressed the key of the Lamborghini car.


The roar of the super sports car starting up instantly rang out, scaring the people around and making them step back.

Then, their envious eyes focused on Ye Yang!

"This Lamborghini Venom is his!"

In the capital of the world, luxury cars worth millions are everywhere, but super sports cars worth tens of millions are extremely rare!

"It's actually true!"

Ye Yang silently put away the car key and took a deep breath.

Is his life really going to undergo a drastic change at this moment? Just as he was trying to calm himself, a sweet cry of surprise came.

"Ye Yang! It's you!"

New book released, welcome everyone to follow, urge for updates, and give five-star praise, love you guys!

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