Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1014: The Royal Family and the Consortium Manor

Europe, Senluborg, a country with beautiful natural environment.

There is a castle among the mountains and forests.

Inside the castle is the Luxembourg royal family.

This is the hereditary place of the royal family.

A man with white strands in his hair looked at the video and frowned.

"This boy from the Balor Consortium is a little too incompetent."

"I don't know what the Balor Consortium is thinking. To actually give such a person to us as a fiancé candidate is to look down on our Senluburg royal family!"

"In a time when conglomerates rule the roost and we are in our former glory, do they think we are not worthy of marrying the elite descendants of their family?"

"How arrogant!!!"

Several members of the royal family had dark faces and looked very embarrassed.

They, the rulers of the kingdom in the past, are in an awkward position in modern times.

He is still a king, but he has no power. He is unable to cope with the four leading consortiums that dominate Europe.

"Ahem, King, shall we still get married?"

someone asked.

"Our royal family does not have much funds for activities."

"It is extremely important for our royal family to join such a large consortium to provide funds and modern visibility."


Several other members of the royal family are all talking.

To them, Vesuni is not their daughter. As long as she can marry with the Balor Consortium, they don't care who marries Vesuni.

"A bunch of insects!!!"

A cold look flashed in King Senluburg's eyes: "Our Senluburg royal family is not that bad!"

"We disagree."

Several princes shook their heads.

Among the candidate families and consortiums, the Balor Consortium is the strongest.

Sen Luburg will also get the most benefits at that time.

"It doesn't matter whether you agree or not. Vesany is my daughter, and I am the king of Senluburg!"

He slapped the table and glanced at the prince in the audience with fierce eyes.


The princes are all shrinking their necks. They can still sleep on their laurels and earn hundreds of millions of euros a year, all because they are still members of the royal family.

If the king is completely angered and banished from the royal family of Senluburg, they will no longer be able to eat and wait to die.

The meeting is over.

King Senluborg sent the rejection letter to the Balor Consortium, and then had a video call with Vesany.


Vesany was a little nervous. After all, she knew very well who those prince uncles were. Now that her father proposed not to marry with the Balor Consortium, those uncles would definitely put pressure on her father.

I don’t know what the outcome will be.

King Senluburg's beard curled up: "Of course they don't agree, but I passed them directly."

"Yeah!!! Dad is mighty!"

Vesany waved her pink fist and blew a kiss to King Senluborg from afar.

"Have you met any relatives on your mother's side?"

King Senluborg asked.


Vesany nodded.

"That's good."

King Senlubao pondered for a moment: "Is the Chinese man who helped you that day and attacked the Balor Consortium's face face to face Ye Yang?"

"Well, that's him."

Vesni's expression became much brighter when she mentioned Ye Yang.

"I also know him. He has been very popular recently!"

King Senluborg frowned slightly: "He singled out the Sales Consortium and built the First University of China. By investing in the Holy Land, he is the most popular among the younger generation in the world. Even the established forces may not be able to overpower him."

"Yes, yes, he is really powerful!"

Vesany mentioned Ye Yang with admiration and admiration.

"However, you must understand that the ultimate form we pursue is different from that of China. Now that the United States and China are competing for supremacy, try not to cause unnecessary trouble for the royal family."

King Sen Lubao pondered for a moment and said: "You must be careful in your contact with Ye Yang. You cannot have in-depth interactions until the final outcome is known."

Vesuni's expression instantly became sluggish, and she finally let out a sigh of relief after a long time.

In the past few days, she often came out to play with Ye Yang.

King Senlubao turned off the video call, with a trace of worry in his eyes. His precious daughter seemed to have something wrong with Ye Yang...

I hope I'm wrong.

A manor owned by a European consortium.

Baolun Balor was injured by Ye Yang in public. In the following days, news came that the Senluburg royal family had disqualified Baolun.

"what is going on?"

People who are rich and powerful like to have honor and leave a name in history.

Let the consortium marry a few princes and nobles and leave a name in history. This is the wish of the current generation of the Balor consortium and one of the four top shadow masters in Europe, Sethis Balor.

"It's all that Ye Yang's fault. If it weren't for him, it wouldn't be like this at all."

The Balor Consortium has always been hostile to China and did not feel that Balor did anything wrong that day.

It's all Ye Yang's fault.

If it wasn't for him, that would never have happened.

"It's all his fault that our marriage plan failed!"

Bolun Balor's father was also afraid that Sethis would put the blame on his son and cause their lineage to lose power.

Seth didn't know what was going on.

However, when I agreed to use Baolun for marriage, I also felt that there was no need to use elites.

It's just an honorary title, and it's not a real benefit. It's best to let Bao Lun, a swinger, be an idler anyway, so he can use marriage to do something for the family.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen.

But knowing is knowing, and saving face is saving face.

Especially for a leader like Sesis who values ​​collective honor.

Ye Yang is just a newly rising guy in China, but he dares to not give face to the Balor Consortium.

"Just offended the Saiers Consortium, and he doesn't give us face. Does he think he is invincible and can do whatever he wants!?"

"Too arrogant!"

"This person really doesn't know how to be respectful!"

"Do you think we are a consortium like the Saiers Consortium that can't be ranked in the top ten in the world!?"

"We are one of the four leading companies in Europe, with unlimited financial resources!"

The following council members all expressed their opinions.

"But this Ye Yang does have some strength. We can't underestimate him too much."

"Just in the recent Australia Bay bet and the top university bet, he took away more than one trillion euros in cash flow! Even for the Balor Consortium, it is a huge amount that cannot be ignored."

" we still have to treat it rationally"

Some rational people also spoke up.

"No matter what, he is on the Chinese side. I have checked his background these days. He is one of the Chinese wills, and his position is definitely unchangeable. He is destined to be on a different path from us. I think we should strike him before he rises!"

"Yes, he has offended the Sals Consortium, and we can also unite with them to suppress him."

"Hehe, he is just a new force, is he worthy of us uniting with another consortium?"


(First update)

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