
"Dad's Restaurant", four episodes have been released since its premiere! ! !

Playback data is soaring!

I don’t know how many people are squatting in front of the TV, preparing to watch the Internet...

After all, this has been the TV series that has received the most publicity in recent years and people want to watch it the most. Compared with previous cultural products, only "Ye Wen", also produced by Huabo, can compare with it.

"The editing made my blood boil. I hope the feature film is as good as this."

“I hope we can maintain that special effect!”

"It's finally here! Call the whole family and watch it!"


the other side.

The Great Cold drama "My Love from the Sun" also has its world premiere!

When it started airing, eight episodes were released! ! !

"This Great Cold Kingdom cannot afford to lose?"

"Normally, the first broadcast of a TV series will show three or four episodes, but the other party actually showed eight episodes?"

"I thought these Han people would be shameless and carry out sneak attacks, but I didn't expect them to be so shameless!"

To know.

The number of times a TV series is played is based on the episodes. One person watches one episode which is the number of views!

"How shameless!"

"I wonder if we will add more episodes?"

"It's over now. Our Chinese TV dramas are rubbish to begin with. There's no way they can compare to Han dramas. Now they're outnumbered by others. It's weird to win!"

"You can criticize those unscrupulous directors, but the ones produced by Hua Bo and Ye Shenhao are all high-quality products recently. How come they are garbage? Can garbage be the number one box office in the world's film history!?"

"Haha, I don't care, I just want to see the final result! If you lose, it means it's not working. There's nothing you can say about it!"

"You two-skinned bitches, don't think about how you can win! Are you so happy to see yourself lose? Why are you so mean! Are you mean!?"

"Haha, I just look down on you little guys! Patriotic wolves! We just can't do it! I just like the feeling of not being as good as others! You are just dreaming! Not only do I want to boycott our TV series, I also have to watch " You from the Sun! I want to see that Ye Yang lose! Hahaha..."

"Come on, another one is crazy."

"I've memorized this mad dog's ID. His name is House Slave Wu. Everyone, keep an eye on him! Then I'll slap him in the face like crazy!!!"



There was a lot of talk outside.

Huabo Building.

"Mr. Ye, let's..."

Although I am very confident in the production of this drama.

But after all, the Dahan drama has a lot of background, and it is an extremely strong opponent. The number of episodes is twice that of theirs, which makes them feel a little unsure.

"No need."

Ye Yang shook his head: "The goal of this drama is to make the real history of Zhenshuo drama. The other party is nothing more than the light of a firefly, and it has never entered my eyes."


He never regarded the other party as a competitor.

If you have the ambition to conquer the world, you should treat it like an ant. No matter how hard the ant struggles, there is no chance of defeating it. It's just that it only showed twice as many premiere episodes.

There is nothing to worry about.


Everyone felt Ye Yang's desire to win the championship, and were inspired and inspired. For a while, their hearts calmed down.


Ratings have begun to appear on major rating platforms in the world...

"My Love from the Sun" received crazy high scores.

"It's so good! This is the best cold drama I've ever seen!!!"

"It really broke through my understanding of the drama! The plot is so attractive!"

"Must score perfect!"

“I have to say, it’s really a good shot!”


Less than twenty minutes after the premiere, major rating websites were flooded with high-scoring reviews.

On the other hand, there are almost no comments in the comment section of "Dad's God Restaurant", which looks extremely bleak...

Kcao building.

Pu Buting was in a good mood, touching the actress' butt and drinking red wine: "Look what I'm talking about? Promotion is nothing! Only after it is broadcast can we see the real story! Judging from the ratings and response, our drama is crushing the other!"

"Hahahaha... What is Asia's number one film and television company, what is China's top boss! So what if I beat up the top conglomerates! Before the invincible cold drama of my Great Cold Underworld, I am nothing!"

Pu Buting finally let go of the pressure in his heart and laughed wildly.

After all, this is no longer an ordinary competition, but a culture war and a struggle for supremacy.

If he really wins, maybe he will go down in history as a hero of the Great Cold Kingdom!

This is too attractive to him!

After all, many people want glory after they have money!

"Damn Ye Yang, he's finally deflated for once!"

Liu Minhui also said fiercely with itching teeth.


This situation has not been reversed.

One hour, two hours...

The comment area of ​​"My Love from the Sun" continues to receive skyrocketing praise and popularity, and various posts and discussions are almost crazy...

Not only is it a phenomenal cold drama.

It seems that it has become an unprecedented explosion! ! !

Maybe it can become a miracle and a benchmark for world TV dramas!

"I feel like I can compare myself to Game of Thrones and become the number one TV series in the history of the world!!!"

They were all very excited.

“The investment really pays off!!!”

"I will be recorded in the history of entering the Great Cold Underworld! Haha..."


Huabo Building.

There was silence.

Everyone's face was grim. This situation shouldn't happen! ?

What's going on?

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "No hurry, let the bullet fly for a while."


Everyone looked at Ye Yang's calm demeanor, and their hearts were suddenly much more stable.

This man is a man who has created countless miracles!

With him here, everyone's heart seemed to have a stabilizing needle...

This situation lasted for nearly four hours.

Ye Yang reached out and glanced at the 60 million Patek Philippe pocket watch, and said lightly: "It's almost time..."


Before everyone reacted.

The news came out...

Many rating websites crashed! ! !

"What's going on?"

"Just now, a large number of users suddenly rushed in, and the server was not enough for a while..."

"The technical department is slowly recovering..."

The rating website was difficult to recover for a while.

But the popularity and posts suddenly exploded! ! !

"Oh my god, I was so into it after just a while! I didn't realize the passage of time! I finished watching four episodes before I knew it! I still can't get enough! Please update! Please update the new episodes! This is so good!"

"Me too, me too!!!"


"It shocked me for three lifetimes! Is this really the special effects and plot made by our great China!? It's simply... incomparably awesome!"

"Why hasn't the rating website been restored yet!? Hateful! Why can the highest rating be only five stars! I want to give this drama a hundred stars!!!"

China is full of excitement.

"As expected of today's superpower, this TV series is so good!"

"The special effects of the United States have always been the best in the world, but now it feels like it can only be second..."

"I can't believe that China can make such a treasure!"

Foreign drama fans are also boiling with excitement!!!

(First update)

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