The caller was none other than Liu Qianqian.

Ye Yang's feelings towards Liu Qianqian were definitely different from those towards others.

When he was still looking for a job and renting a house, he found Aunt Zhang's rental house. Liu Qianqian had been taking good care of him. Although he had never actually accepted her kindness, he was still very grateful to Liu Qianqian.

He also knew that Liu Qianqian liked him.

This kind of girl who treated him well before he had no money, naturally had a different meaning to Ye Yang than ordinary girls.

"Ahem, Qianqian, aren't you studying for a master's degree at an Ivy League school? Why did you suddenly think of calling me?"

Ye Yang answered the phone and asked

"Brother Ye Yang, didn’t I tell you that I would go back to see you when you first moved out?"

Liu Qianqian said as a matter of course.

"Ah! ?"

Ye Yang remembered.

Liu Qianqian said she wanted to come back to China to play with him.

But he thought Liu Qianqian was just joking at the time, and it was impossible for her to come back just like that.

Unexpectedly, not long after that, she really came back from America.……

"Qianqian, where are you now?"

"I'm already home! ? When do you have time to come out for dinner! ?"

Liu Qianqian said expectantly

"I have nothing to do recently, so I can do it tomorrow."

Ye Yang thought about it and confirmed.

"Okay~ I'll call you tomorrow when I'm ready! Waiting for you!"

Liu Qianqian said happily


Ye Yang put down his phone. He was now able to repay the other party.

It was a good thing after all.

"Master, who is looking for you~"

The hot spring water surged, and Yu Momo came close to him. The smooth feeling made Ye Yang feel very comfortable.

"An old friend, I have to go out tomorrow to hand over the affairs of Jinyi Entertainment Company, so you and Fang Han should go."

Ye Yang said with a smile

"Ah... okay……"

A trace of disappointment flashed across Yu Momo's eyes, but he finally accepted the reality.

The next day.

Ye Yang walked around the garage for a long time and decided to keep a low profile.

He chose a Karlmann King SUV.

The price of this car is only about 20 million, which is the cheapest in Ye Yang's garage.

Moreover, this brand of SUV is not well-known among outsiders who don't know much about cars.

He didn't want his old friend Liu Qianqian to have a bad impression that he likes to show off his wealth after becoming rich.

Liu Qianqian herself is definitely not a materialistic girl, and her values are very positive.

If she misunderstood, it would not be what Ye Yang wanted to see.


The 6.8-liter V10 engine roared, and the nearly 6-ton luxury car started instantly.

This time, Ye Yang did not bring Xiao Xiaozhu and Xiao Qingxuan with him.

Xiao Qingxuan was busy because of the heat of yesterday.

After agreeing on the time and place,

Ye Yang drove the Karmann King to the agreed place.

North Street Avenue.

At the intersection, Liu Qianqian was waiting for Ye Yang.

""Eh? Isn't this Qianqian? Long time no see!"

A surprised voice came from the side.

""Huh? Xiaohong?"

Liu Qianqian was a little surprised:"What a coincidence?"

Li Yuehong and she were high school classmates, and they had a good relationship at that time. They have kept in touch during the time they were abroad.

"What a coincidence! Qianqian, why did you suddenly return to China? Are you back to see your boyfriend?"

Li Yuehong said with a smile.

"Go, don't talk nonsense, Brother Ye Yang hasn't agreed to me yet!"

Liu Qianqian blushed and said shyly

"Hehe, you are shy!"

Li Yuehong touched her chin and suggested:"I am also shopping and bored. As a good sister, I can help you check it!"

"Ah this……"

Liu Qianqian scratched her head.

She smiled bitterly. How could this little sister still be so tactless?

She originally wanted to create a date like a couple with only Brother Ye Yang and her! Why did you get involved? Are you here to be a light bulb?

And what if Brother Ye Yang misunderstands that I am someone who brings his girlfriend out to eat and drink for free?


Although she was struggling inside, she couldn't refuse seeing Li Yuehong's expectant eyes, so she nodded reluctantly.

Just as she was about to tell Li Yuehong to pay attention to something later, a black handsome SUV stopped in front of them.

The window rolled down.

Ye Yang smiled handsomely at Liu Qianqian:"Get in the car!"

"Ah! Brother Ye Yang, you are so fast!"

Liu Qianqian was a little caught off guard. She thought it would take a while for Ye Yang to come over.

"My driving skills are really good! By the way... who is this person?"

Ye Yang looked at Li Yuehong in confusion.

"Are you the boy who likes Qianqian? He is really handsome! Well, I am Qianqian's best friend! You have to behave well today! Otherwise, I will let Qianqian kick you!"

Li Yuehong spoke to herself.

""Xiao Hong!"

Liu Qianqian panicked, it was obvious that she was pursuing Ye Yang, so if Ye Yang got angry and dumped her, how uncomfortable would it be?……


Ye Yang was speechless for a while, but for Liu Qianqian's sake, he didn't say anything:"Come up!?"

"Don't worry, don't I understand men?"

Li Yuehong ignored Liu Qianqian's dissuasion, glanced at the car logo, a trace of contempt flashed in her eyes, and got into the car by herself.


Liu Qianqian sighed, smiled apologetically at Ye Yang, and then got into the car.

(Sixth update! This update is added for the Mid-Autumn Festival! I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)

Thanks to the book friend Desolate Night for the two mooncakes!

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