Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1127 Geomagnetic reversal?

"A few months ago, we set up a project team to investigate and analyze the causes of devastating natural disasters such as earthquakes and fires that have occurred on Earth in recent years."

"By tracing the source, we established an occurrence model."

"We finally confirmed that these disasters seem to have their own internal connections..."


Mai Uesugi was confused and said directly: "Little Shizuka! Get to the point! Say something we can understand!"


Shizuka Hoshino felt that what she said was already popular and plain. She thought about it for a long time and organized her words: "In short, these disasters have a common cause."

"This cause is likely related to the geomagnetic conversion."

"The Earth's magnetic poles are likely to completely flip in the near future!"

Shizuka Hoshino said in a heavy voice.

"What is that?"

Mai Uesugi wondered: "Is it more terrible than a major earthquake or a tsunami?"

Shizuka Hoshino nodded solemnly: "It's more terrible than all the dangers we are familiar with, comparable to a super asteroid hitting the Earth!"

Ye Yang was shocked when he heard it.

A large asteroid hitting the Earth completely destroyed the dinosaurs, the former overlords of the Earth.

Comparable to a super asteroid?

How terrible would that be! ?

Doesn't it mean the end of the world and the destruction of mankind?

"Asteroids can be hit by nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs to break them into smaller pieces and reduce the damage.

But geomagnetic reversal is a destructive disaster that cannot be prevented at the current level of science.

Geomagnetic reversal may instantly destroy all electronic components in human society.

The atmosphere will disappear, and solar storms will blow to the surface of the Earth without hindrance, and everything will be destroyed...

And geomagnetic reversal will also bring many chain disasters.

Unprecedented earthquakes, impact volcanic eruptions, giant tsunamis engulfing the land, etc., etc., are just a small part of the chain reaction."

Hoshino Shizuka described the possible scenes in the future, which made people shudder.

"Based on the current technological level of mankind... the entire civilization may be destroyed because of this."


"Is it really impossible to stop it?"


"In short, this matter has not been confirmed yet, and the astronomical observation data in this document must be used to prove it."

Shizuka Hoshino shook the folder in her hand: "Maybe all this is not true."

"This kind of thing will indeed cause an uproar, but why would the Black Dragon Society kidnap you for this? What does this have to do with them?"

Ye Yang asked.

"This has to do with the Japanese system. The Black Dragon Society, the six chaebols, the American forces in Japan, the right wing of the parliament, and the emperor are all on the same side. The eight snake families, the Yamaguchi group, some forces in the royal family, and the left wing of the parliament are fighting on the same front."

"Now, the right wing is in power, and the United States dominates everything in Japan. They are afraid that after we get hold of this result, they will spread the news to attack them. They even want to murder Miss Shizuka Hoshino for this."

"We naturally can't let this tragedy happen, so what happened this afternoon."

Mai Uesugi said.


Ye Yang nodded and sorted out the clues.

This right wing and the United States are really cruel. For a little unstable factor, they want to kill people to silence them.

I am despicable, so I think everyone is despicable.

"This matter is very important, and we must be cautious.

The other party thinks that spreading this matter will be beneficial to damaging their rule, so we will let it go."

Mai Uesugi shook her head and sneered twice.

It seems that if they were in different positions: Mai's people were in power, and the forces on the American side were in opposition, they would definitely make a big fuss about this matter, and would rather let the world fall into panic than seize their own interests.

So selfish and shameless.

In Japan, the left has always sought peace and has friendly relations with China.

The right advocates war, denies many of their crimes, and colludes with the United States.

Even an ordinary person knows how to choose, not to mention that Hoshino Shizuka is the cousin of Ye Yang's woman.

Ye Yang has made a decision on this matter.

"How long will it take for the magnetic pole reversal to occur, the least optimistic speculation?"

He asked.

"Maybe in the next two years."

Hoshino Shizuka said.

"The United States seems to have mastered more things, otherwise it would not suddenly attack Miss Shizuka. Our motive for their kidnapping is just our own speculation."

Uesugi Mai said.

Ye Yang nodded, his eyes a little blurred.

He suddenly thought of the 'pre-civilization'.

Is there any connection between geomagnetic reversal and the Great Filter?

Is this the so-called Great Filter?

"A disaster that occurs periodically?"

Ye Yang frowned, and then asked: "I remember that the disaster of geomagnetic reversal seems to have happened in the history of the earth?"

"Yes, it should happen once every 100,000 or hundreds of thousands of years, but the details have not been proven yet."

Shizuka Hoshino nodded and confirmed.


Ye Yang was full of thoughts. If it was really such a periodic reversal, maybe the so-called 'Great Filter' mentioned by the previous civilization was really related to geomagnetic reversal.

"These are all later stories."

Although he was worried about this, there was no solution now. Instead of living in worry, it was better to face the present.

What's more, this matter has not been 100% confirmed.

"If you have rested well, you can go back to work at any time. I will send someone to protect you."

Ye Yang said with a smile.


Hoshino Shizuka was still very enthusiastic about the experiment. It would be best for her if she could go back to work safely.

"Thank you, cousin-in-law!"

She bowed repeatedly, her heart leaping with joy.

Ye Yang laughed. This little girl was quite sweet.

"Hehe! If we need protection, we have to send people from the Eight Snakes!"

Uesugi Mai said repeatedly.

"Just take care of yourselves."

Ye Yang rolled his eyes and said.

"Damn Ye Yang! You bully me again!!!"

Uesugi Mai was baring her teeth and claws, but unfortunately she was completely helpless against Ye Yang. After all, Ye Yang's force was too strong, and he suppressed her with one hand.


"Please treat me to dinner tonight! Otherwise I will stay here!"

She couldn't beat Ye Yang, so she had to vent her anger with food, she said angrily.

"Okay, I'll serve you ten bowls of white rice tonight!"

Ye Yang gave her a thumbs up.

"Do you think I'm a pig?"


Dinner has begun amidst laughter.

Just as Ye Yang was about to start eating, Yu Momo received the message. After she glanced at it, her face became serious and she looked at Ye Yang.

"Boss, the Balor Consortium has set a date for negotiations."

(Second update)

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