"No. 888, this should be it."

Ye Yang pushed open the private room.

It was indeed worthy of the title of the Supreme Private Room.

The decoration was extremely luxurious.

Even the microphone was plated with real gold.

"What do you want to hear?"

Ye Yang smiled and spread his hands:"Anything. By the way, I haven't heard you sing yet, why don't you come and try your voice later?"


Liu Qianqian also chose a few songs that she liked but were not very difficult:"How about this! Brother Ye Yang sings one, and I'll take the next one!"


Ye Yang followed the melody and sang"Blue and White Porcelain".

This song was very popular in the country and established Jay Chou's status in the music industry.

Ye Yang also liked this song very much.

"Good sounding……"

Liu Qianqian swayed her body along with Ye Yang's singing with her eyes full of stars. It must be said that Ye Yang's voice was full of magnetism and he also had his own ideas about singing skills.

It was enough to capture the hearts of most girls with just his voice.


Just as Ye Yang and Liu Qianqian were ordering songs in Tianse No. 1, the front desk lady looked at the man smoking in front of her with a pale face:"I'm sorry... the Supreme Box is really booked tonight."

"Have you booked it?"

The man holding the cigarette sneered,"Are you new here? Do you know who is taking care of your Jinyuan KTV? If it weren't for Mr. Qian, you would have closed down long ago!"

"We are Mr. Qian’s people! Mr. Qian’s people are here now, why are you still hesitating?"

"Let those blind people from Tianse No. 1 get out of here!"


The lady at the front desk was so scared that she was shaking all over.

Although the atmosphere has improved a little in recent years and there are no more gangs in the open, there must be darkness in the world where there is light.

Darkness will not really disappear, it will only change its form and lurk in corners where the sun cannot find it.

Qian Ye is one of them.

In the past few years in Modu Beach, he was a well-known big shot, a big shot who was involved in both black and white, and did all kinds of business.

He killed people, set fires, and smuggled across borders.

He was a real ruthless character.

In recent years, he was severely cracked down on, and several scapegoats who took the blame were killed, and his arrogance was reduced a lot.

But the centipede is still alive, even if he is not as arrogant as before, he is still a ruthless person that few people dare to offend.

There are too many ways to do evil in this world.

Even Qian Ye dare not do illegal things like murder and arson easily now, and even if he does, he dare not do it in the open as arrogantly as before.

But wandering in the gray area, without touching the law, there are countless ways to harm people.

Therefore, few people are willing to have unpleasantness with Qian Ye.

"Did you hear me!?"

""Damn it! Do you think our Master Qian is really on the decline? Even a rubbish KTV dares not to give our Master Qian face! ?"

Several big men shouted angrily, feeling offended.

The KTV manager hurried over:"So it's Master Qian's men, um, Tianse No. 1 is indeed booked for tonight. I'll open another supreme box for you!"

The manager could see that these big men were all drunk.

In today's society, these men of Master Qian are like a few mice hiding in the dark under the shining light, and they live a suffocating life every day. They only dare to come out and have fun at night when they are drunk.

Obviously, it's his bad luck that the trouble has come to him today.……

"Don't bluff me! Damn it! Don't think I don't know that you Jinyuan only has one supreme box! Are you looking for death? ?"

The scarred man in the lead directly lifted the manager up with one hand, staring at him with murderous eyes.

"Lord Tiger, Lord Tiger, please don't be impulsive... If the situation gets out of hand, even if we don't call the police, they will come to inspect the place."

The manager was out of breath and kept saying


When he heard the word"police", Brother Hu immediately became scared. He threw the manager aside and snorted,"Do you recognize me?"

"Of course I recognize him, of course I recognize him... Mr. Tiger, you are famous, who doesn't know you?"

The manager said repeatedly. A few years ago, when the Magic City was still in chaos, this guy named Wang Hu was the little leader responsible for causing chaos in this area.

"Since you know me, let’s forget about tonight’s incident. We are new-age gangsters who are civilized and reasonable! Since you KTV won’t do this for me, I’ll talk to them myself!"

Wang Hu waved his hand:"Follow me!"

Behind him, several big men who were hugging him on both sides were drunk and holding wine bottles, shouting:"Let’s go!"

As soon as he stepped onto the first step, Wang Hu paused, holding up the empty bottle, pointing at the manager’s nose:"By the way, if the police come later, you have to be careful when you walk in the Magic City!"


After that, they all went upstairs with peace of mind.

"Manager, this……"

The front desk lady still remembered that Tianse No. 1 was the private room of the boy she liked, and she was a little worried about Ye Yang.


The manager was also somewhat at a loss.

He wanted to call the police, but the threat from the other party made him afraid to act rashly. Facing such a former gangster, he didn't dare to gamble with his own safety.

"We can only hope that the two guests of Tianse No. 1 can be smarter and not confront these people head-on.……"

Manager Li smiled bitterly, praying in his heart that nothing serious would happen.

(The third update!)

(Thanks to book friends Wanwei, 5647/7339 for the mooncakes~

Thanks to book friend Xiaojing for the three mooncakes!)

(Times are changing, and this book will not have those old-fashioned plots that are not in line with the current era. I believe that the follow-up will definitely make everyone happy~Please look forward to the follow-up)

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