Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1216 Four bronze heads and a fox tail?


"Dear viewers, there are only the last three items left in the auction."

Weier knocked on the sign and said with a smile: "I haven't taken the photo I want yet, but I have to seize this last chance!"


This sentence attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

After all, this kind of international-level top-price auction will always produce some items that shock the world.

Become a topic of conversation for some time to come.

The higher the level that can be obtained, the stronger the auction house holding the auction is.

The last few grand prizes are basically a display of the strength of the major auction houses.

Therefore, everyone present looked at it with all their concentration.

“I wonder what will happen to the last three lots this time?”

"It stands to reason that they will be more precious than the first lot."

“The specifications of this first auction are already high enough.”

"Well, it's really exciting."

Various discussions came from the box.

"The crystal piano, the first auction item this time, has already exceeded 200 million US dollars, and has reached the scope of super-standard auction items. I don't know how precious these three final pieces will be..."

"I wonder if it will exceed US$300 million?"

In auction houses, most items, no matter how precious they are, are generally worth less than 100 million US dollars.

As long as it exceeds 100 million US dollars, it is considered to be beyond the standard.

After all, there are very few antique treasures worth more than 600 to 700 million Chinese coins.

At public auctions, most top national treasures are far from reaching this price.

As for antiques worth more than 300 million US dollars, they are recognized as rare treasures.

It is very rare in the history of auctions.

As for those worth more than one billion US dollars, they basically exist in legends and rarely appear once every few years.

At that Crescent Hotel auction, Ye Yang spent hundreds of billions of Chinese coins, and finally purchased the Fuchun Mountain Residence Picture, which is such a legendary existence.

It itself does not have such horrific value.

Generally, it is possible to be promoted to such a value only if there is enough additional meaning attached to it.

The value of antique treasures in the world reaches the top level, which is only one billion US dollars.


Under the spotlight.

Four trays covered with red cloth were brought up.

After it was revealed, everyone gasped.

"The penultimate round of auctions is a group auction. It is part of a set of legendary treasures. I believe everyone can see their origin. After all, their fame has spread far and wide."

After Weier opened the red cloth, he introduced them one by one: "Yes, they are the four that have not yet been completed among the twelve bronze heads of China! They are: snake head, chicken head, dog head, and sheep head.

Before, these four pieces of copper heads were lost overseas and there was no news. However, this time, this mysterious seller gathered these four mysterious copper heads that had never been discovered before and entrusted them to our auction house for auction. "

"There is no need to elaborate on their value and significance. The starting price is US$100 million, and each increase in price will be no less than US$5 million. Let the auction begin!"

Weil started shooting directly.

"In previous top-price auctions, treasures more valuable than the items in the first round would only be released at the end. This is only the third to last round, and items of equal value have already appeared."

"It's really shocking..."


The tycoons and nobles present had a premonition that this auction was unusual.

They all had a keen premonition that the final round of auctions would definitely exceed US$300 million, or even... one billion US dollars.

"Finally appeared..."

Ye Yang became serious.

It has always been Huaxia's wish that the Twelve Bronze Heads reunite. Now that he has this opportunity, of course he will do his best.

"Two hundred million dollars."

He was too lazy to increase the price bit by bit, so he just raised the price by $100 million.



"It seems that the identities of the people in this box have been confirmed."


He must be that man to be so generous and care so much about China's wandering treasures!

These nobles and giants are all connected.


There was silence for a moment, and most people felt that no one would be stupid enough to bid with Mr. Ye.

After all, it is difficult to find anyone in the world who can surpass him financially.

Moreover, this is something Ye Yang is determined to get.

There is no chance at all to get it.

"Two hundred and fifty million dollars!"

To everyone's surprise, someone actually started bidding.

"I guess there is some rift with Mr. Ye, right? Taking advantage of Sotheby's protection of auctioneer information, they started to openly raise prices here."

"Hmm... However, Sotheby's rules can only guarantee that in the previous world, no one can get information from him. But Mr. Ye has obviously exceeded this limit, a whole level beyond all other energies. It's really annoying. Mr. Ye, I’m afraid he may not be able to escape intact.”


Ye Yang's fame and madness are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Even those who had some grudges with Ye Yang in the past, most of them chose to keep their necks down at this time. Unexpectedly, there are some people who are not afraid of death and confront Mr. Ye in this auction.

"Three hundred million dollars."

Ye Yang glanced at the bidding booth and increased the price nonchalantly.


There was a new offer there soon.

"350 million US dollars!"


The whole audience was silent. This is a fight with Ye Yang!

Who is it? Even if there are grievances, it is already risky to raise the price by 100 million. Now it has been raised by 200 million. It really annoyed Mr. Ye. He just stopped bidding and investigated who has the four bronze heads afterwards...

They were all shocked and doubtful. They didn't believe that there were still people who wanted to cheat Ye Yang so blatantly in this world.

Ye Yang frowned. It was a pity that there was no sky lantern here, otherwise he would have lit the lantern directly.

"Five hundred million US dollars."

He said lightly: "Next, no matter what price you offer, I will pay 100 million more than you. Whether there is a cap or not, I will not repeat what I said."


The whole audience was shocked by this sentence and was surprisingly quiet.

Ye Shenhao's domineering attitude was fully displayed at this moment.

No matter what price is offered, it will be increased by 100 million US dollars, no cap!

Everyone knew that this also meant that Ye Yang was angry.


The voice that raised the price, after that, no more bids were made.

"Five hundred million US dollars once... five hundred million US dollars twice... five hundred million US dollars three times! The bronze head belongs to Box 9!"

Weir hammered repeatedly, fearing that something unexpected would happen.

Given Mr. Ye's style, Sotheby's was really afraid that Ye Yang would overturn the auction in anger.

Ye Yang took a deep look at Box 16, who was bidding with him. There were not many people in the world who dared to play with him like this.

It was basically certain that the other party had some relationship with Tongji Club.

He raised the corner of his mouth: "So soon, you can't hide your fox tail?"

(First update)

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