Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1218 Mysterious Seller


This should not have appeared in the auction.

After all, according to common sense, no one has the ability to collect a thousand volumes of the Yongle Encyclopedia.

The statistics of all countries in the world are added together, scattered all over the world, including public and private collections.

Where did these thousand volumes come from? !

Many people retreated.

This kind of thing is simply not affordable for ordinary people.

Use it for investment?

It’s also stupid.

There are only a few people who can afford this kind of collection. Who is cheating whom?

Only the giants who want to add some foundation to their families will have some thoughts.

After all, for them, it is still worthwhile to spend hundreds of billions of Chinese yuan and tens of billions of US dollars to buy something unique in the world with huge added value.

But they all know who is the protagonist today.

Don’t want to get involved too much.

“One hundred and six billion US dollars.”

“One hundred and eighty billion US dollars…”

“Two hundred billion US dollars.”

There were only a few shouts, and until Ye Yang opened his mouth, there were no more bidders.


Weir breathed a sigh of relief and was about to start hammering.

"Twenty-five billion US dollars!"


The whole audience looked over, and sure enough, it was the mysterious compartment that had bid with Ye Yang before.

"Who is it?! So confident!?"

"At least it's a giant..."

"Top giants like the Gossett family and the Balor Consortium have all knelt down one after another, what other giant dares to confront Ye Yang head-on at this time!?"

"And it's five billion US dollars."

"It feels like it's just to go against Ye Yang."

"Well... it seems like it's raising the price, I don't know if it's a favor."

"It's really brave to raise Ye Yang's price."


Although it's still unclear whether Box No. 9 is Ye Yang, everyone feels that it's almost certain.

Ye Yang looked at the compartment that was bidding with him, frowned, and then said lightly: "Twenty-six billion US dollars."

"Twenty-eight billion US dollars!"

The other party immediately bid.


At this time, a skinny man sat in the compartment, staring at Box No. 9 coldly.

"Isn't Ye Yang as fierce as the legend says? He didn't turn hostile even after being provoked like this."

He has his own mission to accomplish, and is now approaching the limit of his authority...

"I hope he is really angry. When I leave the auction, it would be even better if someone can follow me."

He smiled coldly.


The auction is for the highest bidder. Although the other party intends to raise the price, Ye Yang will not overturn the auction on the spot. That is not in line with his temperament and his identity.

"30 billion US dollars."

He said lightly: "If you want to raise the price, I will accompany you to the end."

When it comes to bidding at this level of funds, Sotheby's will also ask for proof of funds. If the other party can call out this price, it means that the other party has indeed prepared these funds.


"Mr. Ye is really generous. This is my limit. I can only give it up."

In the box, the voice of the thin monkey laughed and directly pointed out Ye Yang's identity.

The whole audience was silent.


Ye Yang sneered and did not say anything else.

He had clearly smelled something unusual. After the auction, these strange behaviors would naturally have an explanation.


Weir's forehead was sweating, and he repeatedly confirmed the ownership.

"Then, this collection of 1,000 volumes of "Yongle Encyclopedia" will be successfully purchased by Mr. Box No. 9 at a sky-high price of 30 billion US dollars!"

The last hammer fell, and the whole audience burst into applause.

They were all glad that Ye Yang did not explode on the spot.

After all, with his current transcendent status, he no longer had to worry about anything. If he really exploded on the spot, no one could control him.

Whether the order was chaotic or not depended on his self-discipline.

Many people present felt that if they reached Ye Yang's level, they would not care about any bullshit rules at all.

This may be why they are not Ye Yang...


After the auction, there was a dinner for world celebrities.

All the people present were world-class celebrities. When they got together, they were naturally harmonious. No matter what the situation was, helping each other was the theme of harmonious development of the world.

The top bosses never distinguished between enemies and friends, but only looked at fundamental interests.

Ye Yang was invited to an independent chapel in the church.

In the chapel, Sotheby's chief auctioneer Weier was already waiting here.

"Just deliver the goods to my Magic City Yunding Manor."

Ye Yang said lightly: "You don't have to worry about the rest."

"Okay, Mr. Ye."

Weir blinked and looked at this Chinese man who was invincible in the world today.

Such a person, no matter where he goes, must be curious and awed by everyone.

Ye Yang looked at the other party's curious eyes and sat down: "Someone wants to see me?"

"Oh, yes! It's the original provider of the four bronze heads and the Yongle Encyclopedia. He really wants to get in touch with the buyer."

Weir said with a smile.

"I am the only one in this world who can afford to pay such a high price for these things and have the opportunity to be introduced to this event today."

Ye Yang was very clear-headed: "You can say that he wants to meet me, Ye Yang."

"This... We have never provided the information of the buyer to the provider!"

Wei Er said repeatedly.

This involves the credibility of Sotheby's.

Ye Yang pressed his hand. He was not saying that Sotheby's revealed it. It was because of his special identity that all this was a deliberately guided game.

"Let him come out. I want to see who spent so much effort and cost to ask me to meet in this way."

Seeing Ye Yang agreed to meet.

Wei Er nodded repeatedly. I thought it would take some time to talk, but Ye Yang actually agreed. It was so cool, so fast!


Soon, the door of the chapel opened again.

What surprised Ye Yang was that the person who walked in was a beautiful young girl with a high nose bridge, full of youthful vitality.


After the other party sat down, he came straight to the point without any delay: "You are Mr. Ye Yang, right? Those collections belong to my grandfather. The reason why I attracted you to the auction is to prove to you the strength of our family. So that we can discuss the next terms."

Ye Yang nodded calmly.

"There are countless treasures of China lost overseas. Our family has been responsible for searching for related items for the past one or two hundred years, and has been waiting for someone who is qualified and capable of purchasing these treasures to appear."

The girl said generously: "Through the bronze head and the ceremony, we have proved our strength. And you have also proved your sincerity and ability."

"In other words, do you have other national treasures in your hands?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and heard the meaning of the girl's words: "Are you going to skip Sotheby's and do business with me directly?"

(First update)

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