Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1223 I dived 10,000 meters because the seabed is only 10,000 meters deep

"So... so big!"

"This is too big!!!"

"Ah... how can it be so big!?"

Many viewers watching the live broadcast were shocked.

Due to the terrifying pressure on the seabed, deep-diving submarines are generally not made too large.

No one expected that Ye Yang's deep-diving submarine could reach 500 meters!

Is this still a submarine! ?

This is a giant underwater, a super aircraft carrier! ?

"This appearance is more sci-fi and incredible..."

"Look, Ye Shenhao can always do something shocking for you!"

"Oh my... there is no harm without comparison!"

"What's the use of Guangda!?"

"But it's really big!"

"What's the use of being big!?"

"But it's really, really big!"

"...Okay, I lose!"


Seeing this "submarine" that goes beyond understanding, there was another wave of barrage in the live broadcast room.

Everyone is looking forward to how deep this submarine that looks like it came from the future can go.

"I think it can reach a depth of at least 10,000 meters!"

"I feel it should be able to sink to the bottom."

"It's something Ye Shenhao can do!"

"Haha... I think so too. This Hyakkimaru looked okay before, but when my great China's Ryugu No. 1 came out, this Hyakkimaru looked weak in comparison!"

"That's right..."


Everyone was talking.

"Humph, so what if it's big? So what if it looks good! It's just for show!"

The six chaebols were unwilling to admit the gap in their hearts. After all, this was their hope to become strong again.

They didn't want to admit defeat before the competition.

An American expert was talking at the side: "It's not that the bigger the submarine is, the better! For example, the deeper it goes to the bottom of the sea, the fewer large creatures there are! The deeper it goes to the bottom of the sea, the greater the pressure! It's not suitable for large things to exist at all!

As far as I know, there is no material that can maintain such a large volume and remain intact at about 10,000 meters in the deep sea!

So, don't look at it when it appears, but the final winner... cough... maybe it should be us!!!"

At the end, he didn't believe his own fabrication, and announced with some guilt.


However, even if he didn't believe it, many loyal followers who were superstitious about the United States still followed him and started to lead the rhythm.

Unfortunately, not many people paid attention to them.

The concept that Ye Yang's move must be a divine product has been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Most people in the live broadcast room believed that Ye Yang could win.

Soon, the agreed time arrived, and the submarines of both sides began to enter the water.

"Gurgle gurgle..."

Ryugong No. 1 did not hesitate and went directly into the water.

A terrifying wave was raised, and the Hyakkimaru was blown away to an unknown distance...

This tragic scene made the audience in the live broadcast room laugh and feel very funny.

When you are too weak, even falling down looks so cute.


Ryugu No. 1 dived directly into the deep sea.

The unmanned underwater depth instrument can already reach the deepest point of the seabed, and can record all the way as the most fair referee.

"The diving speed of Ryugu No. 1..."

Everyone looked at the rapidly falling red signal point on the screen and couldn't believe it.

Because the pressure on the seabed changes greatly, ordinary materials can't stand it and can only descend slowly.

But in such a short time, Ryugu No. 1 has already reached a depth of more than 3,000 meters...

And now that the Hyakkimaru has been overturned, it has barely stabilized itself again and started to prepare to dive...


This gap is also a joke for everyone.

Suddenly, I felt that there seemed to be no need to go down...

"The speed of the Ryugu-1 dive has not slowed down!"

"Not only has it not slowed down, but it is getting faster and deeper!"

"This is simply a miracle!"

"Oh my god... For others, this forbidden place that is so secretive and cannot be explored, is it so easy for the Ryugu-1 to explore!? It went down easily! And so fast!"

"It has reached this depth so quickly and so easily, which has never been done by humans! It is simply... beyond imagination..."

Not to mention scientists.

Even the audience who don't understand science in the live broadcast room felt outrageous at this time...

Is this really the sea that humans have not completely conquered even after conquering the stars! ?

They all had a dreamlike feeling...

Not long after, the Ryugu-1 reached more than 8,000 meters.

"Even if you fall into the sea and drown, it won't be so fast!"


Before everyone could discuss what was going on.

The red dot had stopped moving.


"What's wrong?"

"What happened!?"

"... emmm... It seems to have sunk to the bottom."

"What the hell!?"

"It's already sunk to the bottom!"

"How long has it been!?"

The audience looked at the Hyakkimaru that had just sunk into the sea level and was still bubbling. Some people laughed so hard that they vomited.

"Oh my god, what are you comparing? Is this a thing from another dimension? Are you comparing it here!?"

"Hahahaha, oh my god..."

The audience didn't know how to describe it.

It was really speechless.

The scientists were much more shocked than ordinary people.

They all opened their mouths wide, completely stunned.

Every extra hundred meters of deep diving is a challenge of the times. Before, it was still at the eight thousand meters barrier. At least twenty levels of monsters must be upgraded and twenty barriers must be overcome before it can sink to the bottom.

It's done? !

And it's even smoother than applying a suppository. The sinking is completely smooth and unobstructed! ?

Are you kidding! ?

Are you playing! ?

Moreover, this is obviously not the limit of Dragon Palace No. 1!

"This is really...

You can dive eight thousand meters because you can only dive eight thousand meters.

And I dive eleven thousand meters because the deepest seabed is only eleven thousand meters..."


The outside world was shocked and lamented that the human barrier was constantly being broken.

Ye Yang was shocked when he looked at the scene in front of him.

The underwater world of eleven thousand meters is different from everything he has seen before.

The creatures here are all weird and inexplicable, and look extremely terrifying.

Of course, these are not the most important.

The most important thing is that a huge shadow appeared right in front of the submarine engineering aircraft carrier!

The shadow was more than fifty meters long! ! !

"What is this..."

He increased the intensity of the searchlight.

Only then did he see the inexplicable creature clearly...

An extremely huge and terrifying octopus! ! ! !

"This, this, this..."

Many people who have read Cthulhu novels were so scared that their eyes widened.

Damn experts, don't you say that the deeper the seabed, the smaller the size of the animals! ?

How could a giant octopus of only more than fifty meters appear! ?

(Second update)

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