Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1225: Seeing the Former Civilization Base Again


This shocking scene made the scientists and service personnel in the command room stare with wide eyes.

Ye Yang was only two meters tall when he put on Lieyang No. 1.

To collide with a terrifying creature taller than a thirty-story building really made people feel an inexplicable sense of loneliness and courage...

However, the next moment, they were stunned.

Because Ye Yang flicked his hand and directly showed a high-energy particle lightsaber of more than 20 meters...

"Maximum power!"

He shouted in a low voice, and the huge 20-meter light blade sword extended to more than 30 meters! ! !


They all thought of the famous emoticon package...

Let me take out the 40-meter-long sword first!

"Particle heating!"

He shouted in a low voice.

The energy around him surged.

All the loaded micro-bombs gushed out!

This blow is enough to cut off and destroy a normal aircraft carrier!

No matter how terrifying this monster is, it is only made of flesh and blood after all, and it can never be stronger than a steel mothership!

"Boom boom boom!"

The power of the micro-bomb on his body is not comparable to those torpedoes before.

Blood and flesh flew across the turbulent sea water, and the wailing that shook the surroundings came from the mouth of the 'Caspian Dragon'. That was the credit of the micro-bomb.

Ye Yang rushed forward in the terrifying water pressure.

The terrifying 40-meter-long lightsaber pierced directly into the head of the scorpion dragon! ! !

"Swish, swish, swish!!!!"

The lightsaber directly penetrated the head of the scorpion dragon, but the huge body of the scorpion dragon also hit the Lieyang II mecha!

"Mr. Ye!"

"General Ye!!!!"

Everyone in the control room screamed.

But under such an impact, the exploration submarine was so weak that it was not worth mentioning. It was directly swept away for an unknown number of meters...


Ye Yang was directly knocked away by the huge impact force, and retreated several thousand meters in the sea water before he was barely stopped.

The terrifying impact force can be imagined.


Blood flowed from the corner of Ye Yang's mouth.

Even with his super soldier physique, he suffered serious internal injuries under the abnormal damage reduction function of Lieyang No. 2.

It is conceivable that if it is an unprotected blue whale, it will probably be smashed to pieces under this impact! ! ! !

Ordinary people wearing Lieyang No. 2 will basically die under this impact.


Ye Yang recovered and looked at the huge Mosasaur falling down in front of him.

The huge through wound on the opponent's head was hideous and ferocious.

Any animal, once the brain is penetrated, has no reason to survive.


"If it can be taken out, it will cause a great change in the biological world that will shock history."

Ye Yang sighed.

This level of overlord creatures should not be common.

Even in the sea, there are probably not many.

It's so big.

How much food does it eat a day with a weight of tens of thousands of meters? !

At least a thousand meters?

A vast sea area can probably only support one such creature.

However, the fact that this race can survive until now proves that there should be more than one such creature.

It is not possible for him to exterminate this ancient race with just one sword...

He returned to the submarine.

The huge octopuses and megalodons around him looked at this place with fear.

Except that they can't speak human language, they have grown to this size and their wisdom is comparable to that of teenage humans or even adult humans, but they lack scientific knowledge.

The hundreds of meters under the sea overlords were all hacked to death.

This twenty-meter-long moving iron block is the new overlord of the undersea sea...

"This big guy can only be taken out when conditions are right."

Ye Yang suffered internal injuries, but with his super gene warrior physique, he can repair himself.

It is estimated that he will recover soon.

After all, Captain America in the Avengers was injured in the previous shot, and he can be alive and kicking in the next shot.


The scientists and employees are more concerned about Ye Yang's health. After all, Ye Yang is now the pillar of the country and the backbone of mankind, and no accidents can happen.

After seeing that Ye Yang was fine, they began to discuss the matter of the Mosasaur.

"This monster is at least tens of thousands of meters thick. The pulling force of this submarine is definitely impossible to pull it up, and the hole is probably not enough to pull it up."

Someone said.

"Yeah. But it's really exciting! I didn't expect that there would be such a big harvest this time. The history of the earth is probably going to be rewritten."

The scientists were all very excited.

"But the biggest harvest may not be these."

Someone said.


"The reason why there is a light source on the seabed is because of this..."

Someone pointed to the thermometer: "The temperature is getting higher and higher below. Maybe something exists."

Everyone noticed it and continued to dive.

It took more than two thousand meters to reach the bottom of the sea.

Here, magma and seawater coexist, and next to the red light, black and red crystals stand in a forest, reflecting dazzling light.


Ye Yang's eyes condensed.

He saw the broken... ruins.

Yes, it is a ruin, not a natural creation.

Almost everything was destroyed by the terrifying sea pressure, corrosion and magma.

Only one metal door was still standing there intact, with blood-colored lines flashing on it, and magma flowing in those blood-colored lines, which was extremely strange.

"Previous civilization..."

Ye Yang recognized the blood-colored metal door that he had seen many times at a glance. It was the symbol of the previous civilization.

"Previous civilization was here."

The detection submarine approached there.

Ye Yang carefully looked at the vicinity.

It can be concluded that the previous civilization had mined this black and red crystal here.

"Take some samples."

The scientists operated one after another.

Everything here seems so different.

Ye Yang looked at the damaged former civilization base in front of him, and felt vaguely that this place should be related to the Great Selection.


After sampling the seawater, magma, crystals and microorganisms nearby, he took away some of the broken bones and flesh of the Mosasaur and prepared to take them back for analysis.

"Almost done, we can turn back."

Ye Yang gave an order.

The scientists and staff were all happy and excited.

After all, today will be an important day in human history. They have made a subversive super discovery.

But Ye Yang was a little worried.

The previous civilization had already built a base on the seabed.

This proves that the current technological level of human beings is still not higher than that of the previous civilization.

They perished in the Great Selection.

So, can human beings survive this disaster...

He thought as he looked at the sea below, which was getting farther and farther away.

(Second update)

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