Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,228: Conquering the enemy without fighting

As soon as the captain uttered his heroic words, the iron sheet of the command room was crushed by the water pressure. He turned pale with fright and rolled to the control tower: "Ask for support from Dragon Palace No. 1! Please, save me!" !”


The scientists on the side were all dumbfounded.

Why don't you be so shameless?

I am really convinced by this old man!


When the news came out, the audience outside was dumbfounded.

Although Hyakkimaru was crushed by Ryugu No. 1 and lost its luster, its ability to dive to a depth of nine thousand meters is impressive enough.

But who would have thought that he would still be forced to dive down these nine thousand meters.

When it reaches its limit, it directly destroys the submarine.

It would be too funny to ask Ye Yang for help now.


"If Mr. Ye refuses, they will be doomed!"

"That's right... Only Mr. Ye can save them now. After all, this is the only ship in the world that can save them."

"'s a bit ironic."


Many people are discussing it on the Internet.

"As a competitor, I'm not in favor of rescuing them."

"They are lives too! You are so cold-blooded! You actually let Ye Yang not save them, you are so terrible!"

"I'm going, Madonna of the Internet!? I don't want to save you if you want me! What's wrong!? I can go to my ship whenever I want. Why do you have to go to me!"


Focusing on the topic of whether to save or not, a team battle suddenly started.

Soon, the response from Ye Yang came out.

The salvage fee is just a nominal amount.

"Mr. Ye is so kind!"

"Oh... why are you so kind? If we fall into the water, the Six Richest Conglomerates in Japan will probably want us to die quickly. How can they save us~"


Netizens all felt it was a pity.

However, when they heard Ye Yang's quotation, they all laughed out loud.

It’s not much, just gas money, so you can pay 10 billion Chinese coins for the salvage fee!



Japan and the United States were both confused.

There are their members and scientists on board, mainly the research and development of the Hyakkimaru, which really cost them a lot.

Ye Yang's price made them heartbroken.

It hit the limit of whether they wanted to save or not, and instantly silenced them.

"Why do you still need money! Isn't this Ye Yang so unsympathetic!? Just because he is a bit ahead in scientific research, he is just asking for money! He doesn't have the responsibilities of a technology boss at all!"

"You idiot upstairs, stop sticking green onions in your pig's nose. The glass of your neighbor's house that bullied you before was broken. Why didn't you help me buy a piece of glass and fix it?"

"Why should I buy glass for them!? You must be sick!"

"Hahaha... This is a breakthrough! Double-standard dog!"


Some people thought Ye Yang went too far, but people with a little common sense applauded Ye Yang's behavior loudly.


Originally, neither Japan nor the United States wanted to pay, but the Hyakkimaru was now in danger. After analyzing the gains and losses, they obediently paid the salvage fee.

Ye Yang also has no ink marks.

After collecting the money, several working submarines were sent up and the Hyakki Maru was brought to the surface.

"I go……"

Only then did everyone fully realize that Ryugu No. 1 was not the only one capable of ultra-deep sea diving.

There are many small submarines in Ye Yang's hands that can do this!

While other countries are struggling to pursue a depth of nine thousand meters, Ye Yang has mass-produced super-era submarines that can dive to any depth at will.

This gap is really disappointing.


This game also ended completely when the dilapidated Hyakkimaru rose from the sea.

Everyone is sighing.

Now Ye Yang is powerful enough on land, sea and air.

Technology directly and comprehensively represents the limits of mankind, leaving other companies and consortiums behind by countless generations!

From now on, it is estimated that no one will try to confront Ye Yang head-on in terms of force.

This is what Sun Tzu said in The Art of War, conquering the enemy without fighting.

Showing that you are powerful enough can stop the world from fighting and make everyone lose their ambition and courage to fight with you.


"It's intimidating!"


Many monarchs and giants shook their heads and looked at this scene.

Before Ye Yang, they were the pinnacle of humankind, tied as the backbone of humanity, with power and freedom reaching the extreme.

But after this day, there will always be one more statue above their heads.

The world is supreme, and one person is inferior.

There is an essential difference.

They all looked at the dazzling young man in the live broadcast room and the undersea base that was being built with various eyes.

There is endless emotion in my heart.

"Perhaps he can really change the outcome of mankind."

A giant sighed.

There is no right or wrong in the choice itself, only the outcome can prove the meaning of the choice.

If they thought Ye Yang was just wishful thinking before, now, they chose to support Ye Yang.

After all, with the technology and military power he has at his disposal.

Even according to the previous plan, they all ran to the moon base to escape and restore human civilization.

In the end, it still cannot change the current situation.

After all, Ye Yang's moon base was built much better than theirs.

It can accommodate more people than theirs.

The revived civilization must be stronger than them in all aspects.

They can do whatever they want at that time.

These so-called giants will probably be even worse at that time.

So, they are now afraid that Ye Yang will not save the earth...

If Ye Yang knew their thoughts, he would only sneer.

This geomagnetic reversal may be the beginning of the great selection.

The former civilization has proved that both deep-sea bases and lunar bases were destroyed in the great selection.

The idea of ​​building a base on the moon and hiding in it to escape the geomagnetic reversal disaster is too naive.

Of course, some people probably hope to build a refuge base in the deep sea or deep underground.

But if the great selection is so easy to survive, the former civilization will never disappear.

Ye Yang has also doubted that the current human beings are actually the former civilization that has cut off the inheritance of civilization.

But obviously, although the appearance characteristics of the race of the former civilization are also humanoid, they have tails.

This kind of intelligent creature can no longer be seen on Earth today.

This proves that the other party did not successfully survive the Great Selection on Earth.

These clever little actions obviously cannot escape the end of extinction.

The only possibility to survive this unprecedented crisis is for humans to unite together and burst out the power of the entire race.

For example, the massive satellite group required by the Star Umbrella Project, if all mankind does not mobilize all their strength to support this project, it is almost impossible to achieve.

(First update)

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