Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,244: The First Mansion and the First Restaurant

Stephen Kelly took Ye Yang and his party onto the large helicopter.

From the helicopter, you can overlook the bustling night view of Las Vegas.

This is an inland city. If you look around, you will see plains or deserts all around. A city full of lights and prosperity seems a bit out of place in such an environment.

After all, in the minds of ordinary people, only metropolises near the sea can develop to such luxury.

This is the prototype city for Grand Theft Auto Vice City, which was once popular when Ye Yang was a child.


Soon, the helicopter landed on a mountain top.

Las Vegas is located in the plains with few hills.

But here, you can see a large area of ​​the city in the distance, and most of the city's glow can be seen.

Excellent location.

Stephen Kelly: "This mansion is the number one in Las Vegas. It is the undisputed number one in terms of luxury and price. I also spent a lot of face to get it." Come down. Today, I’ll give it to you, Brother Ye.”


Ye Yang nodded: "When you come to China, I will also give you a mansion."

The business and interests involved between them are in the tens or hundreds of billions at least.


Stephen Kelly didn't say much, and they understood each other tacitly.

Ye Yang took a tour of this desert villa. The design of the entire villa was very clever and the lighting was extremely transparent. The whole seemed to be made up of various rectangular blocks that were spliced ​​together in an orderly manner, but the whole gave people a feeling of incomparable harmony and future.

There are many desert-specific plants indoors.

For example, cactus and cistanche deserticola have a wonderful visual experience where wildness and science complement each other.

"Goodbye brother Ye, I'm going to Joelhub for a treat."

Stephen Kelly continued.

This restaurant is the most well-known in Las Vegas and appears on lists such as the top ten international restaurants every few years.

Founded by Joel Hubbe, one of the most important French chefs in history, the restaurant boasts all the fine dishes you can imagine, along with an equally impressive wine list.

The tasting menu alone offers 16 courses to create the best dining experience.

The per capita consumption is more than 1,000 US dollars.

Ye Yang is well aware of the routines of these restaurants. The so-called per capita consumption is basically the minimum consumption.

If you want to eat a meal in a hurry, you need to pay at least ten times the amount per capita.

If you want to have an exquisite and luxurious meal, it is not impossible to spend a hundred times the minimum amount.

There is no most luxury, only more luxury.

The layout and decoration in the restaurant are all in classic enamel blue tones, with various precious plants and crystal chandeliers. The restaurant is filled with a light spicy fragrance.

Ye Yang looked at the menu.

Even for the same dish, if different levels of ingredients are used, the price can vary greatly.

But Stephen Kelly is the owner of this big hotel, so this restaurant is naturally very sensible and has been directly upgraded to the highest standard.

It is estimated that this meal is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

After all, these bottles of vintage wine alone are worth a hundred thousand dollars.

Of course, they didn't even ask for a price.

You are so rich, how vulgar is it to ask about the price?

Breton pancakes, lard ham cake, Matania 9+ black gold wagyu...

Ye Yang often complains that the portions of French food are too small, but the chef is very sensible and each serving is a super large portion.

It instantly made the customer next to him wonder if he was sitting in a French restaurant.


Many socialites who come to take pictures, or 'successful people' who want to show off their boobs, feel that this is really embarrassing, and they all sneer at it. In their hearts, they feel that this is what rich people do, and it is rubbish.

Where can I be like myself?

Although I spent thousands of dollars, I still have to abide by the rules and etiquette of French cuisine in a noble and elegant way.

And be proud of it!

This is the nobility!

But many nobles with really high status present were frightened to see these people complaining here.

Ye Yang and the God of Gamblers sat in the innermost position. Ye Yang had his back to everyone, but they could see Stephen Kelly!

This is the rising star of the entire Las Vegas!

The world-renowned God of Gamblers!

The noble among the nobles!

These ignorant country bumpkins, pretentious people, fake socialites!

Anyone really dares to ridicule...


After a long meal, we finalized several tens of billions of dollars worth of projects in Las Vegas.

Ye Yang took Liu Qianqian, Yu Momo, and the Xiao sisters to visit Las Vegas at night.

Kelly enthusiastically gave travel tips.

After all, he is the veteran here and knows it best.

"Mob Museum!?"

Ye Yang looked at the column on the recommendation list with some surprise.

Does such a weird museum exist? ?

"Yes, after all, this place is still called the City of Sin. All titles have their origins."

Stephen Kelly laughed.

Ye Yang nodded.

Wherever there is profit, there is always violence.

Not to mention this colorful world casino.

Man dies for money, but bird dies for food. With a knife, you might get millions of dollars. Many people will choose to take the risk.


When you come to the casino, you naturally have to experience the characteristics here.

I just arrived at the largest casino in Las Vegas. People were coming and going, and chips were piled up like mountains.

The powerful bosses from all walks of life, the gambling kings, and the nine sects are all mixed together.

The scene was lively and chaotic.

But there is also a different sense of order amidst the chaos.

And this sense of order is brought about by the majesty of the owner behind this casino.

Six or seven of the ten casinos in Las Vegas may have something to do with Stephen Kelly.

This largest casino is naturally the owner of Stephen.

"You, a big shot like a God of Gamblers, are you bullying them a bit by coming to this place?"

Liu Qianqian asked with a smirk.

"I didn't say I was going to die personally."

Ye Yang smiled.

When he first gained the omnipotence of gambling skills, he was curious to give it a try. But now that he has the title of God of Gamblers, if he comes out to abuse others, he will indeed lose his status.


Liu Qianqian was a little dumbfounded: "What are you doing here!? I don't know how to play."

"I'll teach you."

Ye Yang smiled.

"Can this be mastered by just teaching?"

Liu Qianqian didn't quite believe it.

"Who makes me the best master in the world?"

Ye Yang boasted.


Liu Qianqian just wanted to quarrel with Ye Yang.

Many people gathered around.

"He looks familiar to me!"

"Young and handsome, with a Chinese face..."

"It's that God of Gamblers!"

"The top of Australia Bay, the God of Gamblers!!!"

The surrounding area exploded instantly, and various sounds of surprise and suspicion formed an uproar, igniting the surrounding area.

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry, he made a mistake.

If I had known better, I would have worn sunglasses before coming back.

Have no idea!

Who made me so famous? ?

(First update)

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