Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,277: The Prophet Emerges from the Mist of History

"The prophet!"

The prophet has not appeared many times in the history of Tongji Society.

Sometimes he may appear only once every ten or twenty years.

He only appears when Tongji Society is in the most danger and needs guidance the most.

And every time he solves the problem just right.

So, they were all excited about the appearance of the prophet last time.

They believed that the mecha given by the prophet would definitely be able to deal with Ye Yang, but now it seems that the prophet has failed for the first time in a long history.

This has shaken their belief in the divinity of the prophet, which is fatal.

However, the only straw they can grasp now is the prophet.

To be able to sit in this position, they have already completely betrayed the current civilization and done too many things that cannot be turned back.

In addition to believing that the prophet can deal with everything, they have nothing else to do.


"I officially announce that the work of Tongji Society has entered the final stage."

The prophet looked at all the members of parliament, sitting on the high seat in the center, and said in a flat voice.

"The final stage!!!"

All the members of parliament were excited...

Finally, they don't have to hide anymore! ?

Are we finally entering the final showdown? !

"But Prophet, we don't have any weapons that can compete with Ye Yang now!"

"Yes... If we tear our faces apart now, we can't fight him."

All the members said repeatedly.

"We already have it, don't we?"

The Prophet said lightly, his eyes swept over the members and disappeared.


All the members felt a little confused.

Already have it! ?

This sentence is a bit too ambiguous.

They all frowned...

Just when they were about to raise doubts.


The sound of the stone wall opening reached everyone's ears.

The members looked at the place where the sound came from in doubt.

There was a stone door there.

The stone door slowly opened, raising dust, as if it had not been opened for thousands of years.

Everyone looked at the figure emitting cold air in doubt.

They opened their mouths in disbelief.

Even if the mecha team was completely destroyed, these councillors did not have such difficulty controlling their expressions, but now, they all stood up, their eyes were full of unbelievable shock.

Not light and shadow.

But a real person.

He stood there.

The whole body was shrouded in a black and gold robe, with blood-colored lines crisscrossing on it.

Even crawling onto his face.

But that face was deeply imprinted in everyone's heart since joining the Kiwanis Club! ! !

He is the prophet! ! !

The prophet's body! ! !

The prophet scanned the venue, looked at the shocked councillors, nodded slowly, and said in a low and powerful voice: "I am the prophet Elixis, returning in the final stage with my true body to guide you... my children."

Relying on the freezing technology, he can choose to regain consciousness every once in a while.

So, it seems that he has existed for two thousand years, but in fact, the time he was conscious in these two thousand years, added up to less than thirty years.

When he was sealed, he was thirty years old.

Now, his consciousness has aged only to the extent of sixty years.

And his body has been frozen and sealed, and has never produced ice.

Except for the first ten years when Tongji Club was established, his body has never aged, so his body still maintains the vitality of youth and strength.

Now, the second true body has been born.

He can no longer seal himself.

Of course, there is no need to seal himself.

The cause of Tongji Club has come to the final stage, and success or failure depends on this.

If he succeeds, he will complete the mission of the "prophet" and restart the former civilization.

If he fails, there is no point in sealing it anymore.

Because, he means that perhaps this round of civilization has completely failed, or that Ye Yang has led this round of civilization to break through the civilization limiter of [Great Selection].

That kind of ending seems to be good...

He does not dislike that kind of ending.

The premise is that after he fails...

He is the last remaining soul of the former civilization. In addition to rekindling the fire of the former civilization, the biggest wish left is to witness that a civilization can pass the [Great Selection].

His eyes were kind and ambitious.

This contradiction was perfectly combined in him.

Everyone who saw him felt a sense of strangeness, that kind of eyes, which were definitely not possessed by humans.

At least, it was so different from all the eyes they had seen in their lives...

Alexis slowly walked to the main seat and sat down.

All the councillors looked at him with fiery eyes.

This is true!

This person walked out of myths, walked out of history books, and walked out of the mist of Freemasonry!

A face that runs through two thousand years of history.

An intelligent creature that has existed for more than two thousand years! ! !

"Don't panic, everyone. Next, I will tell you something, and also give you some guidance..."

"I think the first thing we should do is to evacuate the members of the source of anger in Africa."

A councillor suggested.

The prophet glanced at him and said, "No, not only should we not evacuate, but we should also completely integrate into the local community..."

Many members of parliament were stunned for a moment, and then they all realized it and immediately went down to notify them.



Ye Yang looked at the Hurricane Ace Agents in front of him.

The eight agents were all wearing upgraded versions of the Sun II mecha.

Everything has been exponentially growing in the past few months, and it is a period of wild growth.

Even three space fortresses have been built in succession, not to mention the mature and light product of the Sun II, which costs only a few billion.

Now the Hurricane Ace Agents have been fully equipped.

As for the Sun III, it has not been rebuilt.

After all, the cost of one aircraft is 80 billion, and the cost-effectiveness of rebuilding is not high.

"We have already located all the launch bases of the source of anger in Africa. We immediately used the air-space aircraft carrier to strike the ground and instantly destroyed all the weapon bases."

"Through the construction of the quantum information model of the base, we have found out all the bases of the source of anger and cleared them out."

All this happened within one day.

Even if Tongji Association has responded as quickly as possible, it is still not as fast as the three-dimensional attack of Luanniao aircraft carrier and Tianmen Fortress.

The launch base in Africa has just been exposed, and Luanniao's attack has arrived...


Not possible!!!

(Second update)

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