Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1883: The only thing that can save humanity is humanity itself

"Can it block solar storms!?"

"I've said it before, this Star Umbrella Project is definitely a big move!"

"Sure enough, they have been planning for a long time!"

"Well, they didn't inform us before, were they afraid of causing some confusion?!"

"But I think we should also have the right to know! If you don't tell us about this kind of thing, it will violate our right to know!"

"That's right!"

"Is it okay upstairs? You've been making the most noise these days, how can I let you know in advance?!"


"It's so powerful!"

"The greatest project in human history! It will definitely be recorded in human history and will be passed down through the ages!!!"

When Ye Yang talked about the purpose and significance of the Star Umbrella Project.

Everyone was excited, and the haze in their hearts for these days was swept away.

Is it that their worries are unnecessary! ?

The pillars of humanity have already started thinking about and solving these problems, and they really don't know what they are worried about.


Soon, different voices appeared among the reporters at the venue.

"Haha, don't be fooled by this liar! He is lying! We got their core data. With the current maximum power of the Star Umbrella, it is not enough to completely withstand the solar storm. In the end, most of the human beings will still be extinct. Its reduction intensity can only protect a few hundred million humans at most, which is less than one-tenth of our current level!"

"That's right, you are stupid and still help others count money here."

"Little do you know that you have never been on their survival list!"

"Haha, that's right!"


"How can you prove that Mr. Ye's Star Umbrella cannot completely withstand the solar storm!?"

"Really just rely on your mouth!"

"Where is the evidence!? Hurry up and take it out, don't talk nonsense!!!"

There are obviously some diehard fans of Ye Yang among the reporters at the scene, and they responded angrily.

Ye Yang smiled slightly and pressed his hand: "Don't be angry, everyone, what they said is indeed the truth. The Star Umbrella alone cannot perfectly shield the solar storm."


Even the reporters planted by the Tongji Club were dumbfounded.

You just admitted it! ?

Don't you quickly defend yourself?

I can't do it at all...


The scene and the comments were quiet.

Ye Yang could admit this so easily, there must be a back-up plan behind him. Anyone who is not too stupid can see this.

Ye Yang waved his hand again.

The screen behind him changed again.

This time, it became the deep sea.

In the deep sea, there were colorful lights and huge deep-sea aircraft carriers roared past.

Various engineering submarines were crisscrossing the seabed, and a huge deep-sea base stood, like a high platform with the upper half cut off.

It was like a sword guard that had not yet been connected to the sword body.

Many people were busy in it.

"In the past six months, I think everyone is no stranger to this kind of seabed base."

Ye Yang said lightly.

"Yes! I am one of the seabed pioneers. In the past six months, I have seen many such seabed bases..."

Speaking of the great voyage, talking about seabed development.

Everyone's eyes were either excited or soft.

If it weren't for Ye Yang, there would be no such golden age.

In just six months, the wealth of human society has skyrocketed and accumulated, and everything is beyond the cognition of ordinary people.

There are many people who have become billionaires because of the development of the seabed.

And it did not cause inflation, because the increased wealth value is not a virtual financial interest rate, but the real resources, gold, and antiques developed from the seabed, which have real value in themselves.

This man, through selfless sharing, can be foreseen to make everyone in the world live a good life in the next few years.

Change all the cognition and pattern that have been in memory.

Everything is because of this man.

Many of those who watch the live broadcast, including the reporters sitting here, have directly or indirectly received the favor of Ye Yang.

Ye Yang is the benefactor of the entire human civilization today.

If it were not for the threat of world destruction and life, they would never have any collective doubts about Ye Yang.

After all, with the military force that Ye Yang now controls, it is a humble statement to suppress the world.

Why share the marine technology chain with them? Just develop it all by yourself, enjoy the terrifying asset scale worth tens of trillions, and become the first god of wealth in ancient, modern and future. Isn’t it good?

Based on this point, except for the destruction of the world, no civilian who has benefited from the great navigation bonus will have any doubts about Ye Yang.

Unfortunately, what they are facing now is indeed the destruction of the world.

"What do you want to say by mentioning these submarine bases? You are not saying that these are also your layout!?"

"That's a bit too much!?"


Several reporters planted by Tongji Club questioned repeatedly.

"Congratulations, you all answered the questions!"

Ye Yang smiled faintly and looked at the reporters.


These reporters all had a bad premonition. Could it be that these submarine bases were really Ye Yang's plan, and... he also had a way to prove that this plan was aimed at geomagnetic reversal! ?

No way! No way! ?

They were dumbfounded again, not knowing what to say.

"These submarine bases were originally built to enhance the magnetic field on the surface of the earth. The submarine mothership was also born because of this pressure."

Ye Yang said in a deep voice with sharp eyes: "As for the Age of Discovery, it is just to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm and let the whole people participate in the plan to save themselves before the truth of the geomagnetic reversal is announced."

"You can't save mankind by yourself. Only mankind can save mankind!"

His words were so powerful that everyone's back trembled.


This is a crisis that will sweep the world in the future.

They don't think about how to unite to save themselves, but they give up on themselves every day and fear for no reason. It's really a bit shameful...

"Of course, there is another advantage to doing this. It can conceal the truth."

Ye Yang sneered and glanced at the reporters sent by Tongji Club, which made them feel cold all over.

Of the three major plans, only the Star Umbrella was announced to the world.

The Qianlong plan was only circulated internally by a few people, and only the top bosses knew the truth.

The grassroots below basically only know that it is of great significance. With the advent of the Golden Age and the Age of Discovery, naturally everyone will think that this is a crazy move to dig for gold in the seabed.

"We will name this plan, the Qianlong Plan!"

Ye Yang glanced at the whole audience: "Ten thousand dragons enter the sea, quiet and dormant. When natural disasters come, they dominate the rise and fall!"

This is the Qianlong Plan!

In the next year, 10,081 submarine bases will be built in the deep seas around the world! ! !

(Second update)

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