Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1885 Resistance from within

"In addition, our trump card should also be revealed to the world."

Elixis said softly.


"As long as our trump card begins to be used, we can continue the plan we made before! More and more people will support us!"

"This is just his temporary victory."

"That's right!!!"

All the congressmen nodded and regained their confidence in their hearts.


After Ye Yang's speech, many people joined the team of underwater pioneers. However, there were also some people who had extremely deep doubts about the current civilization, so they did not believe Ye Yang's words and were gradually developed into believers by Tongji Society.

During this period, Tongji Society also developed rapidly.

Although Ye Yang and the various countries have been arresting and governing, the large number of believers has become a general trend. If you use iron-blooded means to deal with them, you will lose more resources.

For example, many minority groups such as women's boxing, Western white leftists, and the Virgin Mary Organization clearly put forward many anti-intellectual statements, but when this group of people grows to a large enough number and occupies a percentage of the total population of human society, this wrong statement becomes the common interest of many people of the same kind.

Once a collective and interest chain is formed, it cannot be suppressed by iron-blooded means. After all, they only represent a group and have different views on the world.

"The number of Tongji believers is growing at an explosive rate. Countries are worried and only dare to arrest those who cause huge losses. Ordinary people will not move at all, otherwise their prisons will not be enough even if they have ten times more."

The head of Hurricane reported.

Ye Yang nodded.

Recently, even China has not been so peaceful. It is conceivable how rampant Tongji societies are in other parts of the world now.

"But there is also good news. With your speech that day. The number of registered underwater pioneers in the world has increased several times to 1.5 billion. But our manufacturing capacity is limited, and we can't send out so many ships and equipment..."

The head of Hurricane didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Although each country has a black technology chain shared factory, the patent belongs to Ye Yang's Jiuzhou Ocean Company. The right to issue qualifications, set conditions, and all the right to speak are in Ye Yang's hands.

"Relax some review conditions, let each country build a technology chain to build factories, don't use their old ideas, make sure to make money before building. No matter the cost."

Ye Yang sighed, it should be a simple truth.

It's a time of life and death, and you still want to make money? Do what you can first, and do everything you can to survive first!

But when all this happened in reality.

It's not what I imagined at all. This three-year-old child understands the truth, but it seems that most people in the world don't understand it.

Everyone still thinks about their own petty profits.

It caused a lot of trouble.

Even in many cases, the troubles caused by the dark nature of human beings are far greater than the troubles caused by Tongji.

After all, Ye Yang is only one person, plus Hurricane and his direct employees who can be fully controlled, there are only tens or millions of people.

But this is an unprecedented event of self-help for human society.

There are more than 1 billion people involved.

Even if they are willing to clean up, they can't handle all the things happening in the human society of 510 million square kilometers and 700 million or 800 million individuals.

After all, there are only 24 hours a day, and there are still many important things to deal with.

"It's really difficult..."

Ye Yang rubbed his eyebrows.

He hasn't slept for a long time. If it weren't for the body transformed by the gamma super gene potion, any normal human in his position would have died of overwork ten times.


"Boss, even if your body is fine, your spirit still needs rest."

Yu Momo advised.


Ye Yang nodded. If he followed his original temperament, he would kill all those who used dark means.

But now he found that from the perspective of human society, the bad guys are indeed endless.

The geomagnetic reversal will come in one year at the fastest and three years at the slowest. At least one or two years is definitely not enough.

Even after the killing, the people who come up later will still have an evil side in their hearts. When they are ordinary people, they are not able to show it. When they have enough ability, it is hard to guarantee that they will not burst out.

Those who can stick to their original intentions are rare.

"We can only do our best."

Now, we are racing against time with the god of death. We don't have so much energy to waste internal energy. If there are great evils, we will find out and punish them severely. This is the limit of what we can do.

"If humans can still survive after the big selection, we must settle this account with them!"

Ye Yang's eyes are cold.

Sitting in this position, in this special time, in just a few months, he has seen too much, which has caused some subtle changes in his mentality.

Some of the original good plans were not destroyed by Tongji Association in the end, but by his own people.

There are not only corrupt officials and profiteers here.

There are also brainless ordinary people and various self-righteous groups.

"Recently, the Extreme Environmental Protection Association has started to sue you for destroying the marine ecological environment."

Yu Momo was speechless: "The key is that the court in Europe has accepted this lawsuit. Although they dare not summon you, the impact of this incident is very bad. Many extreme environmentalists have begun to lurk in the pioneer team and destroy our underwater base."

"Members of the Tongji Society are relatively easy to guard against, but this kind of people are omnipresent and have no historical criminal history, so it is extremely difficult to identify them."


Ye Yang paused and looked into the distance: "Maybe what I thought before was not correct."

He glanced at Yu Momo: "Starting today, expand the Jincheng Law Firm again, and immediately send people to counter-sue the relevant organizations, convict this group of people of crimes against humanity, and impose the highest punishment.

Also, record all the names that prevent the development of the three major plans. When the geomagnetic field flips, leave them a blank area and let them find a way to face the solar storm themselves."


Yu Momo's eyes lit up.

She has been disgusted by these people for a long time, but she has too many concerns and has never fought back.

But now they are becoming more and more aggressive, and even begin to threaten the implementation of the three major plans, so we have to let them suffer...

(Second update)

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