Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,295: Space Fortress Demonstrates its Power

"Avoid any target that Ye Yang is heading for, and all mechas retreat. If Ye Yang comes, retreat immediately. Try to ensure that there is no need to waste time with him."

The order of Tongji Society was passed down.

The many Tongji Society wave branches that besieged Optimus Prime all received the news.

However, although they have such a strategy.

But Ye Yang's combat power and speed are too super-standard. As long as he arrives, he will kill through and collapse. It is not realistic to organize and attack again in a short time.


Ye Yang attacked very quickly, and in a very short time, he defeated more than a dozen of the most critical offensive waves.

"Damn it!"

This kind of sudden and explosive sneak attack is most effective only the first time.

But it was Ye Yang who broke it.

"Damn it, if it weren't for this guy, we would have been able to successfully knock down at least a hundred Optimus Primes this time."

"Yeah, after this time they will readjust the power ratio, and even mobilize all the people."

"We can't attack suddenly anymore."


"It's not realistic to use superior force to attack certain pillars. It's not worth the loss. Ye Yang will arrive soon, and the loss will be too heavy."

Only in this day, Ye Yang alone had to kill two or three million biochemical people and metal people on their side.

Although they prepared a huge amount of armed forces for the final battle.

But they couldn't help killing like this.

There is still a long way to go.

"...It seems that we have to rethink our strategy."

Someone said.


However, they soon found that no matter how they formulated their strategy, Ye Yang was an insurmountable mountain.

No matter how precise their thoughts were, they could not escape being sanctioned by Ye Yang in the end.


In the end, they could only choose a plan with the least possible loss.

Concentrate the forces, eventually forming more than a dozen superior forces, and launch attacks in more than a dozen places farthest from the world.

Even if Ye Yang wants to rescue, it is difficult to rescue them all at once.

Each burst of impact can always kill a few Optimus Primes.

Now the construction of Optimus Prime is racing against time with the arrival of the geomagnetic reversal. If they delay a little longer, Ye Yang may fail.

The second day.

Everything went according to plan.

As expected, although the Lieyang No. 3 is extremely fast, support and cleaning will take time after all. The Prophet Cult, which has organized its forces into more than a dozen forces, has at least tens of millions of tides in each force. The human sea attack alone can instantly engulf the defense circle.

It will soon be possible to pull out a pillar.

If there happens to be no mecha guarding there, there is basically no suspense, and it cannot be saved at all.

Even the ordinary workers who built the Optimus Prime in it will be killed.

After the first wave of contact, the losses were extremely heavy.

However, immediately, the Lieyang mecha formed many teams to provide support everywhere.

But it was not very useful.

The core problem was solved by the support of the four space fortresses and the ten Luan bird space motherships.

Although most of the power was used to form a star umbrella to block the solar wind, now was a critical moment, a special period, even if it was not worth letting in some storms, it was necessary to stop the destruction of Tongji Society.

The moment the four super fortresses showed their power, the four Prophet Cult people who crossed the continents in the world suffered an unimaginable horror.

The gravity field cannon of several thousand meters was pressed down from space.

In an instant, the mountain range was collapsed!

The crowd on it was naturally turned into dust.

A square deep pit with a side length of several kilometers appeared in the mountain area.

Inside, at least hundreds of thousands of people were buried...

Just when everyone was in a state of confusion.

Soon, the second wave of gravity field cannons fell from space...

The clouds within a radius of more than ten kilometers were all shattered by the huge field energy and rolled in all directions...

This scene made all the monarchs and giants tremble with fear.

Is the space fortress so terrifying? !

After the two waves of gravity field cannons, countless space electromagnetic potential energy cannons of hundreds of meters fell, each of which smashed a huge pit of nearly one square kilometer. Countless biochemical people turned into blood mist and evaporated in this terrifying wave...

If it weren't for the consideration of Optimus Prime standing in the distance, these space potential energy electromagnetic cannons would be powerful enough to destroy a metropolis with one wave!


It's simply a weapon of the level of destroying a country.

If it is a smaller country, with the power of the space fortress now, it really doesn't take much effort to wipe it out from the world's physical sense...

"This deterrent power is far beyond the nuclear bomb, right?"

"If the nuclear bomb can't take down this space fortress... it is indeed."


The monarchs and giants were all sighing, the world was changing too fast, they were all left far behind...

But fortunately, Ye Yang could take out these space fortresses at this time.

Otherwise, everything would be in vain...

They felt mixed emotions, but in the end, they felt that they had already accepted their fate, but now they witnessed the facts with their own eyes.

As long as these four super fortresses are still hanging in space, they are invincible.

The deterrent power is really too great...


The four super fortresses, plus the mecha team, plus Ye Yang's Lieyang III.

Soon, the Tongji Society's offensive collapsed as a whole.

"... How could this happen..."

"Those four big guys can actually support so quickly... Didn't they say that they are fully committed to fighting the solar storm and can't deal with us at all!?"

"Is there still a chance to fight!?"

"No matter what we do, they will be defeated. Even if we have stored billions of biochemical forces, it is not enough to kill them like this..."

This time, the stranglehold of the four fortresses alone destroyed their nearly 10 million biochemical troops.

This is simply unheard of and unseen.

"It seems that this large-scale surprise attack tactic can no longer be used."

The Tongji Society's members all looked sad.

However, the prophet did not seem to panic at all, and still looked calm, watching the clouds rolling outside the window...

It seems that he is not worried about what is happening at all.

Many members were like ants on a hot pot, but when they saw the prophet's appearance, they all calmed down.

Looking at the prophet's appearance, you can tell that he must still have a trump card.

The ultimate old monster who has lived from hundreds of thousands of years ago to the present is unfathomable. Who knows what secrets and trump cards he still hides?

Until the last moment, it is impossible to tell who will win and who will lose.


The heart that was originally a little scattered has gathered again at this moment.

"I should think carefully about what to do next."

(Second update)

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