
The elevator sounded, and Ye Yang lazily entered the internship area on the company floor.

At this time, the people in the internship area were all trembling with fear and whispering.

"I heard yesterday that Team Leader Jin was slapped in the face by Ye Yang in the milk tea shop, and he is waiting here to cause trouble for him!"

"Ye Yang hasn't come yet today. Is he scared?"

"What are you talking about! Ye Yang is not afraid!"

The female intern next to him said dissatisfiedly

"Then why don't you say he hasn't come yet? Ha...coward!"

Several jealous male interns also spared no effort to attack him.


This was a fact, and the female intern could not refute it. She could only mutter:"Maybe she simply overslept.……"

"Oh, who cares what the reason is!"

Jin Buzheng stepped on the desk with one foot, his facial features distorted by anger. He had a good family background since he was a child, and his brother-in-law was a senior executive of the company. He had everything he wanted along the way. Who dared to show off to him?

Yesterday, not only did he ask Ye Yang, a freshly graduated brat, to show off, but he also pretended that he was nothing.���Angry! That night, the seductive woman despised him for being spineless and dumped him. Not only did he fail to show off, but he also lost his mistress, which made him furious!

"You pissed me off, and you dared to be late today! Ha, he's dead, I tell you! Even the king of heaven can't save him, I said so!"

""Oh? Really?"

Ye Yang's voice came lazily.

Several female interns' eyes lit up and they looked over, but then they began to worry about Ye Yang. After all, no one dared to mess with Jin Buzheng in the company. This time Jin Buzheng was obviously really furious, and Ye Yang was going to be in trouble...

The jealous ones were gloating.

Only Ye Yang's only true friend present kept winking at him.

Ye Yang looked at Zheng Xian who kept winking at him and told him to be careful of Jin Buzheng, and smiled indifferently.

Zheng Xian and he had known each other since junior high school, and he had always been his little follower, calling him Boss Ye. After graduation, they even found the same company, and their relationship had always been very close.

"Hey, you're late today, and you're so confident, so cool, huh?"

Jin Buzheng saw his prey coming, jumped down from the table, adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses, and approached him aggressively.

The reason why Ye Yang chose to resign first, instead of revealing his identity and taking over the building, was for this moment.

He knew that with Jin Buzheng's character, he would definitely make trouble for him today.

If his identity was exposed, with his little courage, he would be lucky not to kneel down and beg for mercy, and he would not be able to enjoy the pleasure of revenge with his own hands. With

Ye Yang's current status, it would only take a word to make the other party and his brother-in-law get out of the company together.

But such punishment is obviously not enough to vent his anger.

Ye Yang is a person who repays kindness with springs of water, and repays hatred with fists!

Don't indulge!

"What, you still want to do it?"

Ye Yang smiled faintly.

"What's wrong with beating you? Today I'm not only going to beat you up, but I'm also going to make you get out of this company!"

Jin Buzheng shouted angrily.

"Brother Jin, let's forget it... It's not a big deal, just apologize and it's over."

Zheng Xian saw that the atmosphere was not right, and he stood up repeatedly to adjust the atmosphere

"Get lost, who do you think you are? How dare you ask for mercy in front of me?"

Jin Buzheng didn't even look at Zheng Xian, and pushed him aside.


Zheng Xian was also angry, but after all, work was more important, so he didn't dare to take the first step.

"Beat him up and then get out of the company... This is a good idea, it suits you."

Ye Yang grinned.

"Are you stupid?!"

Jin Buzheng was frightened by Ye Yang's smile:"Don't pretend, I'm telling you, ha! Security guard!"

He was not sure that he could beat the tall and strong Ye Yang.

So he had colluded with the security guard.

"I will humiliate you in public today! I will step on your face! I will see how you can survive in the circle in the future!"

Jin Buzheng waved his hand.

The two security guards who had colluded with him had already surrounded him.


Ye Yang sighed, and his body instantly moved!

He turned around and kicked back with a high whip kick!

The wind was whimpering, and this whip kick almost became an afterimage, which was also extremely sharp!

"Bang Bang!"

Before the colleagues could see clearly, the two security guards were kicked away by a whip kick and hit the glass door two meters away, breaking it.

Both of them fell into the broken glass, covered in blood and screaming in pain.

"Oh shit!"

"Wow... shit! ?"

All the interns present shouted"Wow!" and were stunned.

Even Zheng Xian, who was about to help Ye Yang block the security guards, was stunned. After a long time, he reacted:"I say, Boss Ye, you are a hidden talent! You actually know martial arts!"

The female interns who had been worried about Ye Yang were also relieved. Fortunately, the male god was also good at fighting, otherwise it would be dangerous today.

The sound of broken glass also attracted other colleagues to come and watch. Someone had already run to the leader's office to report.

"The fight started, the fight started!"

"Who is it? It turns out to be Jin Buzheng. That's fine. He's always showing off because of his brother-in-law. Now he's met a tough guy. I'll beat him to death!"

An irritable old man from Northeast China waved his fist angrily.

"You...what are you doing!? Don't come over here!"

Jin Buzheng had already collapsed to the ground in fear from Ye Yang's kick, his butt rubbing against the floor as he retreated, his eyes filled with fear:"I'm warning you, my brother-in-law is Manager Gao!"

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