"I misunderstood……"

Sun Chuanfu's mouth trembled:"Then what do you mean, Boss Ye?"

"Ten thousand per person, take the money and get out of here."

Ye Yang said calmly.

"How much more!?"

Several partners felt like they were deaf.

"I think your hearing is at a normal level, so I don't need to repeat myself."

Ye Yang sneered.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Boss Ye, you must be kidding!"

Several partners were stunned.

Ten thousand yuan!?

It would be a humiliation to take this money and leave!

It would be better to fight to the death.

"You've wasted my last bit of kindness... I can guarantee that if you don't agree, you won't even get the 10,000 yuan."

Ye Yang sneered.

"Oh... OK, let's give it a try! See how much money you have! The stock market is unpredictable. Even if you really have 10 billion, if something unexpected happens, your plan will be ruined!"

"That's right! I don't believe you would really invest 10 billion just to destroy the company that originally belonged to you!"

"Haha, I was just shocked, but Brother Sun's words reminded me. Tsk, I really don't believe there are such crazy people in the world! This is not in line with the thinking of a businessman!"

"If you were really such a lunatic, you wouldn't be able to make so much money!"


Ye Yang shrugged:"I'm sorry, I'm not a businessman."


The partners all looked at each other in bewilderment.

What does this mean?


Ye Yang smiled and looked at Yu Momo:"According to what you said just now, the more money you invest, the more confident you will be?"

"That's right, Boss... Boss."

Yu Momo smiled and said,"In fact, with my ability, as long as there is equal funds, it is very likely to complete the above operation. Give me 10 billion, and I will be 100% sure to do it!"


Ye Yang nodded:"I'll give you 50 billion, you can do whatever you want with it."

"How much……"

Not only were the partners stunned, even Yu Momo was stunned.

Zhang Hongfeng, who was leaning on a cane, was shaking all over.

When he heard today that the martial arts hall was sold by these ungrateful people and he was going to lose everything, he was filled with sorrow. He was originally a martial artist in the mountains, and when he entered the world and opened a martial arts hall, his original intention was to hope that someone would pass on the martial arts.

Companies and money are not particularly important to someone like him who is detached from the world. What hurts him most is that if these partners succeed, then Hongfeng, the brand he founded to promote martial arts, will become a place to teach fake martial arts in the future. What makes him saddest is that he misjudges people and feels betrayed by these partners.

"cough cough……"

He suddenly decided not to leave, he wanted to stay and witness everything that happened below!!!

"Five hundred million!"

Ye Yang confirmed calmly.

"What nonsense are you talking about!? 50 billion in liquid funds? Who do you think you are!?"

""Crazy, a complete lunatic! He is just talking nonsense to scare us!"

Several partners roared in anger.

They could not imagine what kind of crazy person would spend 50 billion to plot against their own company!?


Yu Momo knew Ye Yang's personality too well. He was a man of his word, so he was no longer polite.

After seeing the funds transferred to his account, he called back to Yunding Mountain.

Such a large-scale stock market operation requires a small team of computer operators.

""Hello, Sister Momo? Didn't you accompany the master to take over the new company? Why are you calling back suddenly?"

Guan Ruoyu asked in surprise

"Well, let all the sisters prepare their computers first, I'm going to teach you how to trade stocks!"

When Yu Momo returned to her own profession, her eyes were sharp, and her whole person exuded a completely different aura from usual.

"Stock trading?"

Guan Ruoyu blinked, somewhat confused.

"The master wants it, hehe, don't ask, just get ready."

Yu Momo said excitedly

"Great! It's a good opportunity for us to show our boss how capable we are!!!"

Guan Ruoyu was also eager to try.

Ye Yang was looking for gold medal talents.

None of these maids were not all-round talents with super high education.

They had education, good looks, ability, and were capable.

To be a gold medal talent, these points were indispensable!

After Guan Ruoyu told the maid group members about this, the girls were also very excited.

Most of them studied finance. Their job goal was actually to be a personal financial manager for a big boss with a lot of money.

But the salary Ye Yang offered was too high. That's why they all came here to be maids with peace of mind.

"The maids are ready!"

Guan Ruoyu and a dozen super-beautiful maids took out their notebooks and sat in various places in the hall.

The screen in the hall projected Yu Momo's big screen and the stock market trend.

Everything is ready for battle, and we are ready to do a big job!

(First update)

(Thanks to book friend Jingluo for the likes and mooncakes)

(Thanks to book friend Kanxiaoshuo for the mountain climbing invitation and mooncakes~)

(Thanks to book friends Xiaoshuchong, 9100/2349, and Ailan for the mooncakes)

(Thanks to book friend Kudo Qianying for three mooncakes and a reminder for more updates!)

(Thanks to book friend Qingsi for three mooncakes and a reminder for more updates!)

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