Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,303 Life or Death?


News of the impending arrival of a super asteroid quickly spread throughout the world.

It caused tension among the top leaders of various countries.

However, Ye Yang had vaccinated them before, so they also made some plans.

"Are you ready for the nuclear warheads I want you to prepare?"

Ye Yang asked.

"We overachieved."

"The losses at our base are too severe and we really cannot resume production."


A few years ago, he established nuclear bomb manufacturing plants at operational bases around the world.

And had Hurricane build another photon well.

The construction conditions of photon wells are very complicated and require energy storage. Two photon wells are enough to completely erupt all the photon energy that can be absorbed. In this case, it is meaningless to have more photon wells.


After Ye Yang demonstrated photon weapons, all monarchs and giants understood that nuclear bombs had actually been completely eliminated.

Not much use anymore.

Its power is still powerful enough, but its launch speed has completely lagged behind several eras and is not at the same level.

Although your destructive power is sufficient, before you can hit them, they will beat you to death as soon as you start.

Then what use are your fists! ?

Therefore, when Ye Yang asked them to store nuclear bombs and prepare them for submission at any time, they did not refuse.

After leaving some regular reserves.

They summarized all the nuclear bombs.

Even with all the efforts and concealment, only a few hundred thousand nuclear warheads were produced.

Most of them were far inferior to the Tsar Bomba.

"It's better than nothing..."

Ye Yang shook his head.

These bombs were loaded into the newly manufactured space fortress.

"After R\u0026D and manufacturing, we have created these ultimate fusion bombs that are designed for the ultimate explosion and only pursue energy, ignoring any other needs."

The team at Black Technology Company came up with his ultimate box-bottom destruction tool.

This ultimate fusion bomb was born specifically for explosion, sacrificing all other needs.

They even sacrificed some safety for it, and finally reached the most terrifying energy level in man-made history. The explosion power is comparable to 10,000 times that of the Tsar Bomba, enough to shake the earth's landmass such as Eurasia!

"It's still far from enough."

Ye Yang frowned.

The nuclear bomb power in his hands now, in total, is only as powerful as 60,000 Tsarist nuclear bombs.

The meteorite that struck carried the ultimate energy of at least two million Tsar Bombas.

Maybe there will be more in space.

The energy of 60,000 Tsar Bombs is really dwarfed by the energy.

"The full energy burst from two photon silos at one time should be equivalent to the energy of 10,000 Tsar bombs."

Ye Yang thought.

Eight versus more than two hundred, which is an energy gap of dozens of times. It is definitely impossible to resist this meteorite head-on.

It has to be done skillfully.

He led the AI ​​team to board the battle fortress and flew all the way into space.

In the deep cosmic background.

A fiery red stream of light rushed through the universe and headed towards the blue planet ahead...

This meteorite is dozens of kilometers in size. If placed on Earth, it would be much larger than cities like Beijing, Shanghai, or New York. A terrifying boulder dozens of kilometers high is heading toward the Earth at a terrifying speed. Rush away.

Ye Yang looked at this meteorite and felt the unparalleled visual impact.


Battlestar lands on a meteorite.

The speed of meteorites is very fast, but as long as you stand on it, you cannot feel the speed. After all, the earth is moving at a terrifying speed all the time, but when you stand on it, you cannot actually feel it. to this speed.


He sent all the specific shape and actual situation of the nuclear bomb back to Earth.

The top experts in mechanics on the earth, working with quantum computers, will calculate the optimal blasting structure. If applied properly, the meteorite can be broken into pieces with a very small force, completely weakening the damage.

Soon, the calculation results were transmitted back to the battlestar.

The AI ​​team placed the nuclear bombs around the meteorite as planned.

The situation here is being watched live by shelters around the world.

"Mr. Ye..."

"It must succeed!"


Everyone watched eagerly, with constant expectation in their hearts.

Standing in Ye Yang's position, if it's really no longer possible, he could just take a spaceship and run away.

But he chose to stand in the most dangerous place and take risks himself.

Many giants and big shots were so shocked by this scene that they did not dare to think wrongly.

Otherwise, they would have been secretly preparing the spaceship and would have chosen to run away when it failed.

Although the four fortresses now confine space.

But there is no difference between dying in a meteorite and dying on the way to escape. There is still some hope for the latter...

"It's all set up."

The AI ​​working team answered mechanically.

Ye Yang nodded.

He was wearing the top-level Lieyang No. 3 armor.

He has the physique of a Hulk and is completely immune to nuclear radiation. He is the only one on the entire planet who has the ability to do these things here.

Anyone else would have died.

He looked at the button in his hand. The end of mankind depended on this.

With a firm gaze, he took the space fortress to a place thousands of kilometers away from the meteorite. Only in this way can the detonation time be accurately controlled and the most reliable.



One after another, super nuclear bombs exploded on the distant meteorite, each of which burst into dazzling light. The grand scene of hundreds of thousands of nuclear bombs exploding one after another was extremely terrifying.

Each of them could leave huge pits and cracks on the huge meteorite.

The meteorite was obviously not made of ordinary materials. The huge pits and cracks continued to increase, but there was no sign of fragmentation.

"Did I calculate it wrong?"

Ye Yang frowned and looked at the huge meteorite in front of him.

He pressed the last button.

That was the last super fusion bomb.


No response.

"The previous explosion affected the triggering mechanism of the fusion bomb..."

The experts quickly gave a conclusion.

Ye Yang frowned: "It must be too late to make a new fusion bomb. Tell me the solution."

The experts looked at each other, hesitating, and dared not speak.

Ye Yang asked the AI ​​directly.

Got the only solution...

Manual trigger.

"The radiation energy on the meteorite is now over the limit, and the state of the super fusion bomb is uncertain. It might explode the moment you trigger it. The melting point of Lieyang III is not enough to withstand the super fusion bomb. Even if you have a strong physique, you will be burned to ashes in an instant..."

No one dared to imagine the consequences of Ye Yang's death...

That is absolutely unacceptable.

And Ye Yang fell into silence...

(Second update)

The finale tomorrow!!!

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