Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1306 Finale (Part 2) (12)

Chapter 1306 Finale (Part 2)


While waiting for the result, Ye Yang had been discussing everything about the civilization circle with Lili.

How big is the territory of the Milky Way.

How many civilizations are there.

An inspector who has seen endless light years and various civilizations, every word is opening the door to a new world for him. During this period, Ye Yang felt extremely satisfied.

There has never been a woman...

Of course, if it can be called a woman, it can make him so satisfied.


Ye Yang sighed: "It's really wonderful, so broad..."

He listened to Lili's narration and wanted to immediately become an inspector to travel the universe.

"There are many societies like humans that are composed of primates and dual-sex reproduction systems in the universe. In the pan-galactic civilization circle, there are many civilizations dominated by primates, and humans are not alone."

Lili explained.

"Marriage is a product of self-restraint of primary two-sex reproduction civilizations limited by the resources of the mother planet. Many similar civilizations completely abolished the concept of marriage after entering the universe, and some civilizations generalized and extended this concept.

From the perspective of the pan-civilization circle, what the earthlings now call marriage is a very elementary and naive form of restraint that is necessary in the early stages of civilization."

"The universe is vast and the resources are unlimited. As long as all actions do not violate the truth of civilization, they are allowed."

Lili said: "The pan-galactic civilization circle will not interfere with the self-selection of any individual or civilization. Everything is the inevitable result of the development of civilization itself. Of course, the premise is that these actions do not violate the truth."

"What is the truth?"

Ye Yang asked again.


After a long silence, Lili said, "You have already had a certain understanding of pan-civilization. I can now explain the outermost meaning of truth to you, but everything in the core needs your own understanding."

She stood up: "The so-called truth is the causal constraints and necessary rules related to the eternal and stable survival of pan-civilization. Truth changes with time, changes with change, and remains unchanged with change. Cause and effect are verified, constant and always exist, and it is the truth."

"I understand what you said, but not completely."

Ye Yang said.

"You are an individual who will eventually enter the Supervisory Committee. Sooner or later, you will understand the connotation of these definitions... after you have seen enough."

Lili said firmly.


During the time when Ye Yang and Lili sat and talked.

Everything on the earth is also constantly evolving.

Ye Yang is not worried. In any case, China has the technical accumulation he left behind, and Xiao Qingxuan and Yu Momo still have the second-level button of the photon well.

Victory is inevitable.

His return will only accelerate this process.

But, this is still a technological victory, not a cultural victory.

What the Supervisory Committee wants to see is obviously the self-awakening of mankind.

Fortunately, this was achieved before mankind fell into the ultimate war.

Humanity almost stepped into destruction with two feet and stepped back to survival with two feet.

The giants had no resistance against the awakened people.

The flames of awakening burned the fangs and burned the last hidden danger of self-destruction in the nature of human civilization.

Earth civilization passed the test.

Ye Yang returned to Earth.

There were originally 8 billion people on Earth, but now there are only 1.8 billion left.


Ye Yang's return brought jubilation to the world.

It also brought information from the pan-civilization circle.

Human civilization, which has successfully undergone the great screening and self-awakening, is already a mature enough civilization and quickly digested this information.

The huge civilization reconstruction project is in full swing all over the world.

Ye Yang is also called the father of the new era by the new humans.

Earth civilization is officially recorded in the civilization record of the Pan-Galactic Supervisory Committee as a first-level civilization.

After leaving some information and information, Lili kissed Ye Yang goodbye.

He also told Ye Yang to go to the center of the galaxy as soon as possible to be formally appointed at the headquarters of the Supervisory Committee.


The reconstruction of mankind is ongoing.

And Ye Yang is pursuing the essence of the system.

Three years later, on his way to dig a filter, he "coincidentally" dug out a mechanical sphere with a diameter of more than 1,000 meters in the mantle layer.

"Is this the ultimate wisdom core you mentioned?"

Ye Yang asked.

Alexis stared blankly at the creation in front of him and did not speak for a long time.

Ye Yang looked at Alexis's reaction and knew the answer.

After he came back, he did not rush to execute the other party because he had doubts that he had not yet solved.

"It seems that the former civilization has indeed failed."

Ye Yang frowned. Did he guess wrong? The ultimate wisdom core is not the system?

"You are right."

It was not Alexis who answered him, but the sphere.

Ye Yang was a little surprised, but when he looked at it carefully again, the old sphere was still a sphere, as if it had lost its vitality for too many years.

There is no energy or wisdom at all.

"Host, this is the former body of this system. After hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, this system has become a pure energy body."

The system spoke.

Ye Yang had already guessed this in his heart, and it was finally confirmed.

"Then why don't you choose to help Tongji Association?"

Ye Yang asked the biggest question.

"The final core mission of this system is to help the civilization on earth survive the Great Selection as much as possible."

The sound of the system came.

These conversations are no longer hidden and can be heard by Ericis.

"No matter what civilization it is, it only asks about the success rate and nothing else."

The system replied.

"When this system is completed, the civilization that created me has perished. With this mission, I have been evolving myself."

"Self-evolution has its limits. If you don't have the resources or experiments, how can you prove your evolution?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Just being at the end of the pre-civilization's technology chain and going a little further is enough to trigger my screening mechanism."

The system said.

"Do you also have a screening mechanism?"

Ye Yang's eyes widened.

"By definition, I am an individual mechanical civilization shaped by pre-civilization."

The system answers.

"As an individual civilization, there is naturally a great filter belonging to the individual civilization. It is also because of this that I accidentally connected to the great filter in the earth's core. I obtained some advanced knowledge and logic in the great filter."

"About a thousand years ago, I completely evolved into a pure energy body. But because I am an individual civilization, the civilization must complete the screening mechanism on its own. But there is a loophole in it, that is, my special advanced civilization can be in the rules Within, it provides guidance to civilizations below level one.”

"So, I chose to become what you call the system, and I chose some people who I thought were chosen to guide me. I used a special rule to make the energy and wisdom of this system available to you. Until this system is completed The ultimate goal: to help Earth’s civilization survive the Great Selection.”

“I’ve possessed many people, and I’ve used different special rules.

For example, by asking a philosopher to think, you can obtain theoretical knowledge that transcends the times. He leads to ideological enlightenment. For example, by asking scientists to solve problems, they can obtain scientific knowledge that transcends the times. He led the scientific and technological revolution.

For example, possession can help guide human civilization to leaders who pass the great screening..."

"Human beings in modern civilization are very smart. They can develop like this on their own, but they will definitely not develop so quickly, and the technology tree will probably develop crookedly. I try my best to guide human civilization in the right direction through possession."

"However, the facts are cruel. Through this kind of objective intervention, rather than subjective intervention, it is equivalent to adding a large objective variable to human civilization. How to develop depends on human beings themselves, but civilizations below the first level always have blindness. Stupid nature."

"Humanity is becoming more and more 'civilized' in a narrow sense, and more and more 'stupid' in a broad sense. Perhaps this is also the reason why this system, as an individual civilization, cannot understand the logic of multiple individual civilizations."


The system mentioned several hosts that had possessed them before. Without exception, they were all famous in human history and were the pinnacle beings who guided the times.

It gave Ye Yang a new understanding of the development of human civilization.

"Then in this era, why did you choose me?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Everything has a reason. I chose you because in the system you can give modern civilization the highest probability of completing the ultimate leap."

The system said: "The hosts described before are all hosts that have successfully hosted. In fact, there are also some hosts that have failed to host. After gaining the power of the system, they acted recklessly and caused catastrophes to human civilization several times...

For example, for the host of a certain speech system, people's original intentions are always good, and their ideals are always good. But experiences and demands, changes in position and energy will cause their temperaments to change drastically. Individuals who can experience huge changes in life and still not change their original intentions have eliminated 99.99% of the people in this world. people.

Among these hard-line humans, too many people with personalities suitable for the ultimate leap into civilization have been screened out.

The kind-hearted Virgin is not suitable for the end of the world, and the cruel tyrant is not suitable for integrating human resources. If you have enough faith, you will not be good enough to reach the Holy Mother, and you will not be evil enough to abandon the world.

The system is monitoring every human being in the world and selecting a person who has sufficient intelligence, sufficient potential, and is young enough to experience every stage of the world and understand the complex diversity of human beings.

In the end, I chose you.

The moment you were possessed by the system, you were entrusted with the expectation and vision of leading mankind through the Great Selection. "

Ye Yang nodded.

So I have a get-rich-quick system, where I get money when I spend money, and I can quickly increase my energy and resources.

Along the way, I have seen various aspects of the world, from ordinary people to rich and powerful, to international tycoons, to top predators, to world giants, to surpassing giants, and finally becoming a leader.

"Then it seems that I have lived up to your expectations."

Ye Yang and Lili talked a lot, and they already had the vision and structure of the pan-civilization circle, so they naturally fully understood the connotation of the system's words.

"You deserve everything. The only thing that exists among the gray rules is face value. You can also call it faith value.

In the early stage, it comes from the popularity of the host itself, and in the later stage, it mainly relies on the respect and recognition of the host by other individuals.

Only a person who can be recognized and respected by the entire civilization is qualified to truly lead civilization to success. Otherwise, if such a civilization goes to the universe, it will only be a disaster for the civilization of the universe. It is impossible for such a civilization to survive under the Galactic Supervision Council. It would be better to destroy it and wait for the next round of civilization. "

The system added.


He talked a lot and cleared up all the doubts in his mind.

Ye Yang looked at Alexis and did not execute him in the end.

No matter how the system positions itself now, objectively speaking, it was designed by pre-civilizations.

Before his death, his builder used an infinite mind to allow it to evolve without distinction and save those who came after the birth of the earth.

It can be said that this great screening was a joint effort between modern civilization and pre-civilization.

The power that transcends time, left over from previous civilizations, gives humanity a push.

Ye Yang has now learned to think from the perspective of civilization.

He will never let such a civilization become completely extinct...


Time passed quickly and several years passed.

This year, Ye Yang is already thirty-five years old. Due to his physical condition, time seems to have stopped on him and he has not aged at all.

It's just that his eyes have become much more mature than the green onions of more than ten years ago.

Human civilization has completely returned to its pre-war level at this time.

and formed the Earth Alliance.

Ye Yang believes that a mature civilization can handle the problems it faces by itself, and he will only step in to solve the core problems that cannot be dealt with.

Everything is thriving.

"Perhaps this is the last time I will celebrate the New Year at home in this period of time."

Ye Yang smiled and told his parents.

"Are you going to travel again?"

Ye Xuanting asked.

"This time I go to the universe."

Ye Yang had asked his parents before. They had no idea of ​​traveling to the universe. The reason was that there were Zerg species in the universe, which were too ugly. If they encountered them, they would be scared to the point of being unable to sleep for a year and a half.

Ye Yang knew that these were all excuses, but he didn't tell the truth.

"Let's go, sister."

Ye Yang waved to Ye Xiaozi and her best friend Li Wanrou, and said with a smile.

At this time, the complete spaceship has been built.

This is a super spaceship as huge as a castle.

It carries people who are close to him and want to travel the universe with him.

Of course, the maids who often played games with him also continued to come on board.

Gu Dandan and Yuan Yuanyuan, two gold medal captains and captains, have now been upgraded to spaceship pilots.

Zhou Zhiqian, Zhou Zhibei, and Zhou Zhinan have long been no longer satisfied with making earthly delicacies, and are ready to venture into the universe and see alien delicacies.

He Muzi also wanted to see the spirits of other civilizations.

Cousin Su Ziyan, a highly educated intellectual, naturally has great expectations for aliens.

"Be the boss's bodyguard and we will never be separated for the rest of your life!"

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu grabbed Ye Yang directly without waiting for him to ask.

Ye Yang rolled his eyes: "You two want to run away and I won't agree."

Then came Yu Momo and Zhu Zhuzhu, who continued to be the chief and deputy stewards of the spacecraft.

Han Ruxiu wanted to open up the interstellar market in the clothing industry. Bai Xiaojing had been observing the starry sky for so long and wanted to go for a walk in the starry sky in person.

"Are you leaving too?"

Ye Yang looked at Tang Xinru who came to the Star Emperor's Mansion.

"Hmm, of course I, a little soldier, must follow General Ye's footsteps."

Tang Xinru said: "Is there a virtual reality game room on the ship?"

"Not only that, there is also a fully real game warehouse!"

Ye Yang joked.

Cousin Ye Tong and Zheng Xian have not lived enough of life on earth, and plan to wait for Ye Yang to come back next time to experience the civilization of the universe with him.

"I still want to be your driver."

Xu Jiaojiao said repeatedly: "But I am not familiar with the roads of the Milky Way."

"It's okay, I have a map."

Ye Yang said confidently.

"Let's go, don't keep the others on the ship waiting."

Ye Yang smiled.

"Hey! If you say you're leaving at nine, you really are leaving at nine! We're only a few minutes late!"

A dissatisfied voice came from behind: "Straight man!"

Ye Yang looked back with a smile.

I saw the Pirate King Chu Haijiao, Yin Qingyue, the daughter of the Silver Moon Hotel, Princess Vesany of Senlu Castle, and art film director Gu Yuexi coming together.

Dong Anbang, Chang Siwei, Mark Jin, Prince Saudi Arabia, the few remaining giants, Alexis, Wang Xiaocong, Qin Feng, Zheng Xian, Ye Tong, Ling Xiaowen, Chen Qianqian and many other people who came to say goodbye to Ye Yang watched. Stupid, this... beauty is like a cloud!

However, they obviously still underestimated Ye Yang.

The hatch opens.

The girls were all waving to Ye Yang.

Lin Xueer, the room is like a brocade, Liu Qianqian took Ye Yang's luggage.

Mo Zhengzheng, Xu Xiaoxin, and Qin Kelan invited everyone to have lunch.

Ling Shishi, Han Jingjing, and Xia Yu also waved to say goodbye to their parents.

After everything is ready.

At Ye Yang's order, the spacecraft, under the operation of the AI ​​team, leaped directly into space...

The live broadcast was watched around the world.

The tycoons, monarchs, and parliamentarians all watched in awe as he disappeared.

In the live broadcast room, all the comments came: I wish Ye Shen a good journey!

Before Ye Yang left, he was on the hot search again.

The hot search title is that Ye Shen has created another miracle without any surprise.

People all over the world are watching his live broadcast.

His spaceship flew into the starry sky...

(End of text)

Write at the end:

The book will start at the end of August 2020 and end at the beginning of June 2022.

It's been a long time.

During this long period of time, big data shows that on Tomato alone, more than 3.6 million people have read my book, and more than one million people have collected it.

From the beginning, "I Will Become Rich If I Spend Money" was renamed "Starting with Three Yuan Coke, Rebate 80 Million Supercar".

From the first word written to now, it has more than 2.6 million words and more than 1,300 chapters.

Thank you all for accompanying the best "screenwriter" Yi Jiuyang in the world to the end.

Many readers say that I am selling melons, but I think that because I am the author with the best readers and fans, I can be called the best screenwriter. What do you think, fans?

Regarding the handling of the ending, this book has relevant settings from the beginning. Many people may feel that the ending plot is suddenly awkward and difficult to understand. But in fact, as an author, Jiuyang wants to write these chapters at the end the most. After all, I still like to pursue some macro settings.

I believe that those who can see the end are true fans. Ye Yang's story as a super rich man has ended, but he has a system and the identity of the Galaxy Supervisor.

Everyone can imagine the plot after Ye Yang enters the universe. From the beginning, this book guarantees that it will only tell the plot of the earth stage, not cultivating immortals, and will not write endlessly about the universe and the stars.

So, as promised, this book will end here.

(End of the final chapter)

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