"Aren't you afraid that we will file a complaint with the Financial Court?!"

Several partners turned pale.

This kind of commercial and financial operation, which can be described as bullying the weak, has a certain chance of being successful.

But the hope is slim.

"It’s up to you guys?"

Yu Momo spread his hands:"Originally, they would not handle such free trading. What’s more, this is our own company, we can do whatever we want. What do you, the partners, want to complain about?"


Several partners were extremely pale, but they could not refute Yu Momo because every word she said made sense.

"What, do you want to continue playing?"

Yu smiled silently, not panicking at all.


"You are awesome!"

Several partners could only obediently handle the equity transfer.

Then they left in anger.


Ye Yang looked at the partners who were running away in anger and called out calmly.


Several partners paused. Ye Yang was a real ruthless person. Even if he had sold his shares and didn't have any leverage over him, they didn't dare to provoke him too much.

"You don't want your money anymore?"

Ye Yang added calmly.


Everyone present burst out laughing.

This is too much of a squeeze.……

"Thank you, Boss Ye, for reminding us. We don't want it anymore!"

Several partners were so angry that they almost vomited blood.

But in front of Ye Yang, they didn't dare to be too rash, so they could only swallow their loss and leave silently.

After seeing several partners leave, Ye Yang smiled and retracted his gaze, and nodded to Yu Momo.

"Sisters, trade now and make the stock price go back up!"

Yu Momo smiled and waved her hand.


The Golden Maids received the order and started to operate.

By following the trend of buying and raising the price, they directly raised the stock price of Hongfeng National Martial Arts Hall back to its highest peak, and even exceeded it!

"Boss, it's done!"

Yu Momo smiled and said,"The total investment in the process was 6 billion, and the revenue was 6.3 billion. This time we made a total of 300 million."


Ye Yang took a deep breath. This finance student was really amazing. With enough funds, he could make 300 million in one afternoon?!

"Well, boss, it's not as easy as you think. It's okay to do this occasionally, but if you do it every day, when retail investors come to their senses, it will cause a direct collapse one day. At that time, the billions of capital invested will be lost."

Yu Momo explained, and then he stuck out his tongue mischievously:"But anyway, we succeeded this time"

"Well done, I'll reward you nicely tonight!"

Ye Yang gave Yu Momo a thumbs up

"Oh! Boss, you……"

Yu Momo blushed immediately:"You are so bad!"

The maids in front of the screen all burst out laughing.

Xiao Xiaozhu and Xiao Qingxuan also looked at Yu Momo with strange eyes.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang smiled


Zhang Hongfeng, who was standing by, also let out a long sigh. No matter what, he felt much better.

He looked at the National Martial Arts Museum with nostalgia, turned around silently, and prepared to leave the National Martial Arts Museum where he had devoted many years of hard work.

""Mr. Zhang."

Ye Yang called Zhang Hongfeng.

He had also heard about the other party's information from Yu Momo.

This old man really has a deep passion for Chinese martial arts and is a person who really wants to develop and promote martial arts.

If it weren't for the commercial invasion in recent years, the martial arts hall would have been messed up by these partners.

It wouldn't have caused the Hongfeng Martial Arts Hall to end up in the current situation.

"Mr. Ye, is there anything else?"

Zhang Hongfeng turned around, his tone was not polite.

Although Ye Yang helped him drive away his partner and vented his anger, in Zhang Hongfeng's eyes, Ye Yang was just a businessman after all.

Now he didn't have a good impression of businessmen. How could a guy who only cared about making money be interested in the true inheritance of Chinese martial arts!?

"Of course."

Ye Yang nodded. He still respected this chivalrous old man.

"I would like to ask you to stay here. I will give you 30% of the shares for free."

"Are you using my name to cheat and teach fake martial arts? Hongfeng Martial Arts Hall is already the best brand. It doesn't really matter whether there is an old man like me."

Zhang Hongfeng shook his head and said sadly.

"Quite the opposite."

Ye Yang smiled and spread his hands:"After seeing what I just said, do you still think I care whether Hongfeng National Martial Arts Hall is profitable or not?"

He is worth several trillion. His liquid funds are several hundred billion.

Even if Hongfeng is propped up by Yu Momo, the total market value is only a few billion, which is a drop in the bucket for him.

Even if Hongfeng is not profitable at all, he doesn't care.


Zhang Hongfeng was silent:"Indeed, Mr. Ye's behavior is unconventional and beyond the ordinary. He is indeed one of the few people with integrity that I have seen in all these years."

"I kept you at Hongfeng precisely because I wanted to thoroughly promote Chinese martial arts."

Ye Yang spread his hands and said,"I have decided that Hongfeng will provide free teaching to Chinese students under the age of 20 from now on. Anyone can come and learn the real martial arts. Our Chinese martial arts have been passed down for thousands of years."

"In the future, it will continue to be passed down and will never fade away!"

(Third update)

Thanks to book friends 4388/9044, 3386/0961, 5488/9845 for the mooncakes.

Thanks to book friend 2418/5265 for the mountain climbing invitation~

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