"Brother, you're here!"

Ye Xiaozi's eyes lit up and he waved repeatedly


Ye Yang nodded slightly, looking at Li Wanrou beside him, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised a little arc

"Hello, Brother Ye……"

Li Wanrou blushed, a little shy


Ye Xiaozi looked at Ye Yang, then at Li Wanrou, feeling a sense of accomplishment in her heart. It looked like there was something going on!

"Let's go and see our cruise ship first."

Ye Yang smiled and raised his hand.


Ye Xiaozi waved her hand and jumped with Ye Yang and others to the riverside.

There were many tenants of Linjiang Community gathering here.

Originally, there was a river area in Linjiang Community, which was a place for entertainment and relaxation for the owners of the community.

Now there are hundreds of tenants in Linjiang Community.

Many of them are college students or middle school girls in their prime years.

At dinner time, these girls like to come here to play and relax.

Today, there are suddenly more people.

"Cruise ship! This must be worth hundreds of millions!"

"This is the first time I’ve seen a real private cruise ship, wow... so luxurious!"

"When can I afford this super toy?"


The girls on the riverside gathered together and chattered, staring at the suddenly appeared cruise ship.

This small cruise ship really opened their eyes.

"Sun Wangyang lives here too?"

Ye Xiaozi spotted the girl with the most exaggerated movements and the loudest voice by the river.

This girl was also a student of Baoli High School. It was said that she was the illegitimate daughter of a big boss. Her mother was naturally a mistress... Oh no, maybe she was a mistress of four, five, or sixteen. She could n't hold her head up in front of the regular rich second generation, so she especially liked to pick on classmates like Ye Xiaozi who were both good in character and learning but came from ordinary backgrounds.

Ye Xiaozi had been despised and bullied by Sun Wangyang before.

But after being warned by Li Wanrou once, the other party behaved more properly towards herself. Unexpectedly, she met this woman again in Linjiang Community today.

Li Wanrou also sneered at people like Sun Wangyang and was too lazy to even look at such girls.

"Oh, isn't this the little bitch Ye Xiaozi?"

Sun Wangyang obviously also noticed Ye Xiaozi, and subconsciously put on a mean and sarcastic expression.

However, thinking of the rumors two days ago, the subconscious sarcasm was frightened and restrained a little.

"Why is it you! I was in a good mood, but when I saw you, I felt sick and lost my appetite!"

Ye Xiaozi was not polite and retorted.

She had to endure it before, but now, she has the confidence to say what she wants to say.

"Oh, okay, it's different if you have a boyfriend, right? You even dare to confront me."

Sun Wangyang was so sour that he was almost jealous.

"Your lover is just playing with you. After a few days, he will get tired of playing with you and throw you away like garbage. Let's see why you are so proud!"

Rumors spread from person to person and gradually changed their meaning.

Although Ye Yang had revealed that he was Ye Xiaozi's brother that day, as the rumor spread, it became that he was Ye Xiaozi's lover.

Ye Yang was a super rich second-generation, and Ye Xiaozi was Ye Yang's plaything.

Of course, there were also rumors that Ye Yang was Ye Xiaozi's brother, but how could Sun Wangyang, a man with a dirty heart, believe it!?

"What are you talking about!?"

Ye Xiaozi gritted her teeth, feeling ashamed and angry. After all, her biological brother was said to be a second-generation rich man who supported her. No one could stand this!

"You are probably talking about your mother's experience before you were born, right?"

Ye Yang also learned from Li Wanrou about the past between Sun Wangyang and his sister. Especially after knowing that this woman had dared to humiliate Ye Xiaozi in every way, he was merciless and started to mock her mercilessly.

"You are looking for death!!!"

The fact that her mother was a mistress and was finally given a sum of money to send her away has always been the deepest pain in Sun Wangyang's heart.

Ye Yang's sarcasm was like a knife stabbing into her heart, and it also stirred it up a few times.

She jumped up and down in pain.

Li Wanrou's mouth twitched. Although she felt that this was a bit harsh, she had to say that using it on a scum like Sun Wangyang really made people feel comfortable.

"I'm looking for death?"

A trace of coldness flashed in Ye Yang's eyes:"I think you are looking for death! My sister, Ye Yang, is also a sow like you who is not qualified to point fingers at her?"

The excitement here also made the girls on the riverside turn their eyes away from the cruise ship and look at

"Hey! Isn't this Ye Shenhao?"

Obviously, there are fans of Ye Yang here.

"Hey, the young owner is here!"

The rich ladies who have seen Ye Yang are obsessed with him every day and want to find him as their son-in-law. When they see Ye Yang again, they are all very excited.

"What did you call me!?"

Sun Wangyang was so angry that his facial features were distorted.

Ye Yang sneered, and raised his tone, emphasizing each word:"Sow... pig……"

"Haha, you are the rich second generation who supports Ye Xiaozi?"

Sun Wangyang sneered:"In your eyes, Ye Xiaozi is just a sow, right?"

"Keep your mouth shut."

Xiao Qingxuan's eyes turned cold, and her murderous intent was released, frightening Sun Wangyang so much that his legs went limp.


Sun Wangyang was so frightened that he didn't dare to swear for a moment, and could only sneer:"Why are you so proud? No matter how great you are, you are just a rich second generation! Did you see this cruise ship? This is what rich people, the first generation of rich people, play with!"

"Oh? Really?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile:"But what does this have to do with you?"

"It's a big deal!!!"

Sun Wangyang puffed out his underdeveloped chest, his nose in the air, and boasted without thinking:"I'm warning you, this yacht belongs to my boyfriend! In terms of background, I'm no worse than you! Show me some respect!"

"puff ……May I ask who your boyfriend is?"

Ye Yang shook his head, and Ye Xiaozi and Li Wanrou behind him laughed.

"What are you laughing at! You don’t believe it! ?"

Sun Wangyang rolled his eyes and said,"Do you know that this Linjiang community is owned by a super rich man? That’s right! That super rich man is my boyfriend, and he bought this cruise ship for me as a toy! Are you scared?"


At this moment, even the group of middle-aged women and female students who knew the inside story burst into laughter.

"What are you guys laughing at!!! I'm telling the truth……"

Sun Wangyang is becoming less and less confident as he speaks

"I say, little girl, the rich man you are talking about is the guy you are arguing with! I see your eyesight is not very good, you can't even recognize your"boyfriend" standing in front of you?"

"Hahaha, the toad is going crazy wanting to eat the swan meat!"

The rich ladies on the side started to mock mercilessly.

(First update)

Thanks to book friend Mingchen (Tian) for the mountain climbing invitation and praise!

Thanks to book friends 1591/6934, Li Shishi, 1931/1297, Xiaona, Zui Chunfeng, Mumu, and Hand in Hand to Lan Xinghe for their praise~

Thanks to book friends 3790/7347 for the reminder!

Thanks to the two praises from book friends~

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