Baoli High School Square.

The news that Wang Silin is coming today also makes the principals of Baoli High School very excited.

Although Baoli High School regards itself as an aristocratic high school, there are many second-generation people in the school.

The principal's status is naturally very high.

But compared with Wang Silin, who once stood at the top of the Forbes China ranking and was called the richest man in China, there is still a lot of difference.

Wang Silin's coming at this time also makes him very excited. He directly called on all the board of directors, teachers and students to welcome Wang Silin here.


The supercar was parked in Baoli's parking garage.

Ye Yang led Ye Xiaozi and others into the square of Baoli High School.

As a private aristocratic high school, the facilities and decoration inside Baoli High School are also extremely luxurious.

There are fountains and sculptures in the square, which looks like the Garden of Eden.

"Wang Silin must have turned pale with anger when he saw this scene."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

Li Wanrou also chuckled.

For a big shot to apologize, it was a loss of face, so naturally the fewer people knew about it, the better.

Unexpectedly, the principal was so smart that he thought Wang Silin was here to inspect the situation and make an investment donation to them, so he directly asked all the teachers and students in the school to watch the apology that was about to begin.

After a while, Wang Silin arrived. Just thinking about it, you can feel his extreme embarrassment.

I'm afraid he wanted to kick the principal, who was trying to figure out how to laugh better, to death.


Wang Silin's motorcade also drove in.

Seeing this grand event,

Wang Silin's mind went blank.

"Damn it, who arranged this!"

Even though he was ready to give Ye Yang enough face, he didn't say that he would lose all his face!

What the hell is this!?

A criticism meeting!?

I'm really afraid that this incident today will be known to everyone in the world!?

After Secretary Zhang asked about the situation repeatedly, he came back and narrated:"It was the principal of Baoli who was smart enough to hold this welcome ceremony."


Wang Silin was so angry that he almost vomited blood:"Fuck it, I'm going to buy this school when I get back and fire the principal!"

"Look, students, this is China's most famous entrepreneur, the chairman of Yida Group, Mr. Wang Silin!!!! Let us solemnly welcome him!"

Principal Li Lili put on his signature fake smile that he had practiced for half a day.

But in Wang Silin's eyes, this smile was particularly annoying.

Secretary Zhang covered his face, unable to bear to see what happened next.

The final time given by Ye Yang was too short.

When Wang Silin saw Ye Yang's identity investigation, it was almost evening. He decided to come to the Magic City on a whim.

He didn't have time to file and exchange intelligence information.

This led to the extremely embarrassing scene in front of him.

"Snap Snap……"

The whole school gave a warm applause.

"Oh, forget it, I can only let it go."

Wang Silin looked at Ye Yang who was calm and composed and looked at him with a faint smile. He knew that he had to bite the bullet and go ahead with this matter today, ready to embarrass himself.

"Now, let us invite the famous entrepreneur, the richest man in China, a super business tycoon with assets of hundreds of billions, Wang Silin, Chairman Wang to come on stage and speak!"

Principal Li Lili continued to be confused, directly raised the microphone and shouted excitedly


Wang Silin wanted to kill someone, but he still had to bite the bullet and walk up to the podium.

The audience applauded.

This place was where most of the second-generation circle of the Magic City gathered, and they were not ordinary people.

Only a big shot of Wang Silin's level could make them so active and excited.


Wang Silin smiled bitterly and stood on the podium.

He was just a nominal chairman now, so he couldn't leave Ye Yang, the real owner of Yida, out in the cold, right?

"Actually, I am not the most successful person standing here today."

""Huh? Chairman Wang, you are too modest. Although I have made great achievements in teaching and educating people, I really don't dare to claim to be better than you!"

Li Lili thought that Wang Silin wanted to praise him in a business exchange, but he misunderstood and began to narcissistically shirk responsibility.


Wang Silin looked at Li Lili like a fool, which made Li Lili extremely embarrassed:"Well, it seems that our Chairman Wang is talking about someone else."

"Yes, he is the real largest shareholder of our Yida Group and the real controlling shareholder of our Yida, my boss, Ye Yang, Mr. Ye!"

Wang Silin waved his hand. Anyway, he was destined to be embarrassed today. So he might as well praise Ye Yang to the sky.

Apologizing to such a super boss would make everything seem reasonable, and his face could be saved by retreating to advance.


As soon as Wang Silin said this, the whole square fell silent.

Everyone was stunned.

Yida and Wang Silin were almost linked together.

The phrase"100 million is a small goal" made Yida and Wang Silin famous throughout China. Everyone naturally believed that Yida belonged to Wang Silin.

Before Ye Yang acquired Yida Group, this was indeed the case.

But now, Wang Silin admitted it himself.

The largest shareholder and actual controlling shareholder of Yida Group is someone else!?

"Ah this……"

It took a long time for some people to react to this extremely shocking news and sigh.

"Mr. Wang, are you kidding me?"

Li Lili was completely dumbfounded.

"Wang has never joked before."

Wang Silin sneered and looked at the audience again with enthusiasm:"Boss Ye is also at Baoli High School now. I came here today specifically for Boss Ye. Now, please invite Ye Yang, Boss Ye to the stage!"

Everyone's eyes followed Wang Silin's gaze.

The students standing next to Ye Yang all stepped back unconsciously.

Ye Yang, Ye Xiaozi, Li Wanrou, and Xiao Qingxuan stood out.

"He... Isn’t he the mysterious young man who beat up Wang Taihao a few days ago?"

"It is said that he has a huge power behind him, so Wang Silin did not pursue the matter of him beating his son a few days ago. Now it seems that it is not the huge power behind him, but he himself is enough to cover the sky with one hand!!!"



There were startling discussions all around.

This was too sensational and shocking.

Li Wanrou opened her mouth. Although Ye Yang had said before that Wang Silin came to him to apologize, he did not say that his identity was so high!

He was actually... the actual controlling shareholder of the Yida Group, which is famous in China!!!! This is too incredible!

Ye Yang smiled at her and said,"I told you that day that I have many things to surprise you. Now, this sentence is still suitable for you."

After that, he took Xiao Qingxuan and Ye Xiaozi to the podium.

Li Wanrou covered her mouth and looked at the radiant young man with eyes full of light. This man is really dazzling to the extreme...

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend Half a Pot of Sake for the praise~

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