
After listening to what his agent said, Sataan couldn't help but frown. As a Thai boxing champion, he was very proud. He had earned his reputation with his fists. He was really ruthless!

However, to deal with such a martial arts beginner, he had to take stimulants?

This was too much for him to accept.

"Wait, martial arts beginner……"

He was distracted just now and didn't see Ye Yang kicking Hao Jian.

However, he could still feel that something was wrong...

After all, he was a professional champion-level fighter, how could he be kicked into that state?

"No... We were all deceived by his appearance just now!"

Sata suddenly reacted, and cold sweat seeped out of his back:"Damn it! I almost got tricked to death."

Even if Ye Yang is not a great master, he is definitely not really a junior apprentice who has just learned a few tricks as he said.

"Being able to knock Hao Jian down with one kick and make him completely unable to resist... at least has the strength level of a professional fighter."

His eyes became serious.

For such an opponent, if you want to completely crush him and win, you really need to take medicine.

He was silent for a moment, and then gave himself an injection.

Then he went on the field.

His heartbeat accelerated, the pain subsided, and his whole brain became active.

His vision seemed to become brighter.

"This S-level stimulant is really euphoric, but the negative effects are a bit strong. You still have to use it with caution.……"

A sense of infinite confidence surged in Sata's heart

"I'm not as stupid as Hao Jian, and I won't show mercy just because you're a big boss. I advise you to leave on your own."

Sa Tan said coldly.

In various commentary rooms, the commentators all looked solemn:"Mr. Ye Yang was able to win just now because the opponent underestimated him!"

"That’s right, good luck will not always be with a person. Now there is only one challenger left. I believe that this player will not underestimate his opponent like the previous boxing champion Hao Jian!"

"Yes, Mr. Ye Yang is in danger now!!!"


In the barrage

"No need to look at it, they said they would not underestimate the enemy, this time Ye Yang is definitely finished"

"I think so too. Haha, just get off the stage! Humph, I was just lucky just now!"

""Sataan will win! Muay Thai will win!"

This is the last carnival of the water army and the sour dogs.

After all, there is only one contestant left, and if he loses, it will be really over.

There is nothing to be sour about.

"Haha, just be as sour as you can!"

"Maybe Ye Shenhao is really awesome!"

"Come on! All I can say is come on!……"

Ye Yang's fans still firmly support him, but passers-by are a little pessimistic.

After all, a big boss, even if he has practiced martial arts a little, is at most at the level of Alipay and Jack Ma.

Fighting with professional players is basically asking for trouble.


Ye Yang also put away the smile on his face. If the opponent regards him as a real opponent, he really needs to deal with it carefully.

After all, as the last player to appear, the opponent has a very high reputation and strength.

And he is not sure whether the strange thing that happened to Wang Tan will happen to Sata.

After restraining his smile, Ye Yang's whole spirit and energy suddenly changed.

As the owner of the top skills of Chinese martial arts.

His spirit and energy have undergone a qualitative change. When he is really serious, his whole body exudes a momentum.

This momentum is invisible, but in the eyes of the opponent who really wants to attack, it is like a mountain of pressure.


An invisible pressure surged in Sata's heart.

The spiritual pressure emanating from Ye Yang seemed to have substance, as if he was an insurmountable mountain and an insurmountable river.


However, as a professional boxing champion, Sata, who was famous for his ferocity, bit his tongue directly, and his brain, which was on stimulants, forcibly dispersed some of the mental pressure.

"It seems that you are stronger than I thought, but, unfortunately, you will definitely lose today." Judging from the current situation, Ye Yang is definitely not an ordinary person. If he hadn't taken medicine, it would probably be a 50-50 fight.

But now that he has taken medicine, if he still can't beat the opponent, it would be too embarrassing.

"One move, and I'll kill you!"

Only when you really face Ye Yang's opponent can you feel how terrifying that invisible mental pressure is.

It's like an ordinary person being stared at by a bloody killer, even breathing and reaction will become slow.

This feeling is really too uncomfortable.

So it also makes Sa Tan want to end the battle as soon as possible.


The empty body rotated 720 degrees, and the increased potential energy was all gathered in his chopping fist, which smashed down towards Ye Yang's face.

"Why doesn’t Ye Shenhao move?"

"Are you scared silly?"

"Get lost! You are the one who is frightened!"


Some of the comments were worried and some were mocking.

At the moment when the fist with a strong whistling sound came down,

Ye Yang raised his hand lightly.

"The body is like a mountain, and the palm is like water.

This move combines the three unique skills of traditional martial arts: the thousand-pound weight, the bird does not fly, and the breath is like a bell.

It looks simple, but it contains endless wisdom and mystery.

Practicing traditional martial arts to the extreme is enough to achieve this effect.


Satan punched Ye Yang's palm and suddenly felt weak, as if the thousand-pound force in his fist had dissipated before he could exert it.

And Ye Yang's palm only sank a few dozen centimeters.

This super depressing feeling of contrast made Satan feel so tight in his chest that he wanted to vomit blood.

"This is impossible!"

The punch was useless, so he turned around and hit Ye Yang hard with his elbow:"Since the chopping force is useless, then I will just knock you back!"


Ye Yang smiled faintly. This traditional martial arts essence was ingrained in his bones like an instinct.

Even without thinking, he could deal with it automatically.

If he took it seriously, many solutions would come to his mind.

It was no exaggeration to describe it in the arrogant way in the movie: I have at least a hundred ways to kill you!

""Stand still like a mountain."

Ye Yang's mind moved.

He grabbed the other person's elbow with one palm.


If Ye Yang was like weak water just now, unable to bear any force, then now, Sata felt like he had hit a mountain, unable to shake it at all.

"How can this be……?!"

The ultimate strength and the ultimate softness, fully displayed in one person?

Sa Tan was completely stunned...

This fighting realm is probably not in the same dimension as mine! ?

(First update)

Thanks to book friends 1931/1297, 9768/9668, Lin Xiaoqian for the likes~

Thanks to book friend Jian for the inspiration capsule!

Thanks to book friends 1094/0210, 1741/2310 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend No. 10 mailbox for the inspiration capsule!

Thanks to book friend Tianqi Zhiming for the urging talisman!

Thanks to book friend 2858/3835 for the invitation to climb the mountain!

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