With infinite surprise, President Li walked down Genting Mountain with some doubt about his life.

Although the couriers were not professionals, they could guess what was inside the heavy and golden items delivered to a villa in Genting Mountain.

They were all very scared at this time.

These were real gold!

It was hard for six or seven people to lift them together. They weighed at least several hundred kilograms!

Even if a corner was slightly damaged.

They might not be able to pay back the loss in their entire lives.

Looking at the pale-faced courier, Ye Yang waved his hand nonchalantly.

If gold was so easy to break, could it still be called gold?

He ordered several guys to store the gold in the vault in the basement.

There were also tens of billions of cash awarded by the system in the vault.

There were piles of them.

The guys were so stunned that they almost dropped the gold in their hands again.

《In the movie"The Richest Man in Xihong City", the protagonist was so frightened when he saw 1 billion in cash that his legs went limp, not to mention that there were tens of billions here.

If you can avoid being paralyzed by fear, you are already very strong.

"The world of rich people, I don’t understand it!!!"

All the couriers exclaimed.

Today’s Yundingshan mission is enough for them to remember for a lifetime.

Today, they have seen what the world of rich people is like.

After sending the courier away,

Ye Yang played exciting games with the maids again. After playing enough, he went to sleep.

The charity party will not start for some days, and now it is still in the stage of sending invitations.

These few days are free.

Ye Yang also plans to take his cousins to have a good time in the Magic City.

After getting up the next day,

Ye Yang asked Yu Momo to prepare the transportation, and then called Su Ziyan to wait for him at the hotel.

The Bund Hotel in the Magic City.

After Su Ziyan answered the phone, she also notified several companions who were traveling with her.

"Ah! Wait, I'm still putting on makeup!"

Since Li Xiaoxiao was determined to marry into the wealthy family of Ye Yang, she spent the whole night thinking about how to please him and got up in the morning to put on makeup.

"You've been drawing for hours.……"

Dong Fei added sullenly

"I am willing! You know nothing!"

This is to meet a super rich man!

How can I not put on some makeup!?

Even Lin Shiyu, who has never liked to wear makeup, put on some light makeup today.

Whether it is a girl or a boy, if they don't care about their appearance and don't dress up, it's mostly because they haven't met their sweetheart yet.

"Anyway, my brother said he will be here in a while, so there is no rush."

Su Ziyan said with a smile

"Humph, didn't you call me cousin before? Now you call me brother all the time, you are so happy!"

Li Xiaoxiao was jealous and complained in her heart.

Su Ziyan's face was full of smiles.

Even she herself didn't expect that her cousin would bring her such a big surprise during this trip to the Magic City!

It was really a great honor to have such an outstanding and handsome cousin!

"I'm almost there, you can come down now."

Not long after, Ye Yang called.

"So fast!"

Su Ziyan raised her eyebrows and waved,"Come downstairs!"


Li Xiaoxiao was about to say something when she was dragged downstairs by Lin Shiyu and Su Ziyan.

"Brother, I'm at the place you said, but why can't I see you there?"

Su Ziyan looked around and said in confusion

"I'm right in front of you."

Ye Yang's voice came from the phone.

"Ah? But there is only one mail ship ahead of us.……"

Su Ziyan looked at the cruise ship in front of her, and suddenly seemed to understand something. She raised her head again and again, and saw Ye Yang waving at her with a smile on the deck.


She made a sound of"ah" for a long time before she recovered and said hello to Ye Yang.

"Wow! No way! No way! This yacht belongs to Ye Shenhao!" Li

Xiaoxiao's heart was beating with excitement.

"Brother, this riverboat……"

Li Xiaoxiao asked hesitantly

"It's mine. I suddenly remembered this morning that I still have a cruise ship. It's useless to leave it there, so I just pulled it out to use as a means of transportation. It's quite novel to tour the Magic City on the river and the sea, right?"

Ye Yang said with a smile

""Wow! It's really a private cruise ship! It's amazing!!!"

Su Ziyan has completely become a fan girl, and now she gives a thumbs up.

"Oh my god, I've made it! I actually got to ride on a private cruise ship one day!"

Dong Fei felt a little overwhelmed.

This cruise ship alone must cost hundreds of millions, right?

A cruise ship worth hundreds of millions, used as a means of transportation, this is too extravagant and inhumane!

"Do you have any travel plans?"

Ye Yang asked

"Yes, yes."

Su Ziyan showed Ye Yang the plan she had made before.

After Ye Yang glanced at it, he gave it to the captain's room.

The captain's room would naturally arrange the best route.

The cruise ship was sailing on the river.

The wind blew on the river, and everyone was drinking drinks, eating fruits and cakes on the deck.

After a while, it stopped at the first tourist destination.

"It's Disney indeed……"

Ye Yang shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. If you come to Shanghai to play, you must visit Disneyland.

"Don't you need to book tickets in advance?"

Su Ziyan was very surprised.

Ye Yang shook his head.

Disney has already entered him into the top authority database. He only needs to scan his ID card to enjoy the supreme VIP treatment.

"It's so cool to be able to enter Disneyland without buying a ticket!"

Li Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Yang with a smile on her face. This was the wonderful life she had always been looking forward to!

This time, Ye Yang chose another route to travel.

Along the way, Li Xiaoxiao was naturally attentive and tried to make herself felt in front of Ye Yang.

Unfortunately, Ye Yang didn't take her seriously at all and ignored her.���However

, the more Ye Yang acted like this, the more attentive Li Xiaoxiao became, which made Ye Yang speechless.

Su Ziyan also sensed that something was wrong with her best friend, but after all, they were classmates, so she didn't say much.

""Boss, take care!"

After the tour, when they were leaving Disneyland, the Disney executives who had heard that Ye Yang was coming to inspect the park lined up to see him off.

This really shocked Su Ziyan and her group.

"Brother, what did they call you just now?"

Su Ziyan blinked, wondering if her ears were broken.


Ye Yang shrugged, somewhat helpless. These people were really making a fuss. They knew that he liked to keep a low profile, but they still lined up to see him off. Now, he was exposed again.……


Everyone suddenly understood why they didn't need to buy a ticket to enter...

(First update)

Thanks to book friend 23709228 for the likes.

Thanks to book friend Zhatianbang Ye Liangchen for the mountain climbing invitation.

Thanks to book friend 3034/2576 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend 5893/1541 for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friend Zhici Jiusheng for the inspiration capsule!

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