Even when they sat in front of the big screen, everyone's surprise had not completely subsided.

Li Xiaoxiao wanted to squeeze in next to Ye Yang.

But Ye Yang sat directly next to Lin Shiyu, and Yu Momo followed and sat on the other side of Ye Yang.

Li Xiaoxiao pouted in disappointment and had to sit next to Lin Shiyu.

Dong Fei smiled at her and then sat on the other side of her.


Li Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and turned her head away.

It seemed to say that she was not interested in poor people.

Li Xiaoxiao had no idea what the movie was about. She was thinking about how to get Ye Yang's attention.

But Ye Yang was concentrating on watching the movie, which made her feel itchy inside, but she had no place to vent.


After watching the movie, it was already late.

My stomach was growling with hunger.

"What do you want to eat?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked

"Well, we had Chinese food yesterday, let’s change the taste today and have a French meal!"

"Yes, yes, French food is much more stylish than Chinese food! It’s also good for taking photos!"

Li Xiaoxiao said repeatedly


Ye Yang shook his head, obviously disagreeing with this concept.

"I know that the best French restaurant in Shanghai is Ziguangge, which is opened by an authentic French super chef in China."

Li Xiaoxiao said repeatedly.

Yu Momo rolled his eyes. You think it's the best place because you can find the most expensive French restaurant in Shanghai on Baidu, right?

"Do you want to go eat French food too?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

Now that his identity has been exposed, he feels much more relaxed. He has already scared them, so it doesn't seem to matter if they scare him again.

"Well, actually we originally wanted to have a French meal!"

"That's right."

Su Ziyan and Lin Shiyu both nodded.

"Let's go to Ziguang Pavilion."

Ye Yang waved his hand and did not hesitate.

Soon, they arrived at Ziguang Pavilion.

Standing at the door of Ziguang Pavilion,

Su Ziyan and others suddenly had a premonition in their hearts:"Wherever we went before, there were my cousin's assets everywhere. It won't be like this."……"

Before she could come up with her idea,

Paul and Alice came out to greet Ye Yang.

To eat French food, the chef normally has to cook it fresh, and each dish needs to be prepared for a long time.

But Ye Yang didn't like this feeling very much.

After all, the portion of each French dish is very small.

After finishing one dish, you don't know when you will have to wait for the next one. It

's the same as not eating at all. After eating a French meal, you get hungrier and hungrier.

So, he asked Yu Momo to notify Chef Paul to prepare it early.

"Oh my god, no way!"

Li Xiaoxiao had searched the Ziguang Pavilion before, so she naturally knew what Paul looked like. Seeing the chef coming to greet her in person, she was shocked, knowing that her premonition had come true!

"No way, no way!!!"

As they were exclaiming in their hearts,

Paul and Alice bowed slightly and said,"Welcome to dinner, Boss.~"

"Holy shit, it really is true!!!

Everyone was completely numb with shock.

These places were all chosen by them, not by Ye Yang!

Disneyland, Han Pavilion, Yida Cinema, Ziguang Pavilion.

They were all the places they wanted to go!

And these randomly chosen assets were actually all owned by Ye Yang!

This is too scary!!!

"Brother, tell me the truth, is there anything in this Magic City that is not your asset?"

Su Ziyan asked repeatedly

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang shook his head.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had too many assets. Every place he went was his assets. There was nothing he could do about it!

With a strong shock, several people walked into the Ziguang Pavilion with numb hands and feet.

Li Xiaoxiao was so happy that she almost blossomed. This was a real wealthy family!

Too rich!

She even blamed Su Ziyan a little. Why didn't she tell her earlier that she had such a rich cousin!

"Haha, okay, let's eat first."

Ye Yang directly ordered Paul to serve the meal.

Paul also served the carefully prepared French dishes one by one.

"As expected of the store manager, the treatment is different. You don’t have to wait for the food! This is so cool!"

"It was the first time I could enjoy French food! So happy!"


Several classmates said they had learned a lot.

"This is the wine I prepared for you tonight, it is a top-quality wine from the Burgundy region."

Alice opened the wine herself and poured wine for Ye Yang and others.

""Oh my god!"

Li Xiaoxiao stared at the price tag and was stunned.

This top-grade wine costs 70,000 US dollars for a bottle!

How much is 70,000 US dollars?

It is equivalent to more than 400,000 Chinese yuan!

Every sip tastes like money!

Wine doesn't make people drunk, but people get drunk by themselves. After just one sip, she fell into intoxication.

She wanted to repeat the old trick, but thinking of the last time she fell on her buttocks, which still hurts a little, Li Xiaoxiao gave up.

This time, she learned to be smarter.

After eating, she pretended to be drunk shyly, and said that she wanted to go back to Ye Yang's house with him in the evening.

Su Ziyan and Lin Shiyu also completely understood Li Xiaoxiao's true face at this time, and they were a little disgusted with her.

"No need, the Bund Hotel is closer to here than my villa."

Ye Yang waved his hand lightly and ignored Li Xiaoxiao.

The other party looks pretty good, but she is unfaithful by nature and is greedy for money. This kind of woman thinks she is very smart, but she doesn't know that any man with real ability will never be interested in her.

Because men care most about the purity and beauty of girls, and she has completely lost it.

Relying on a little trick to climb the phoenix branch is no different from daydreaming.

Although Li Xiaoxiao was very unwilling, Ye Yang had no interest in her at all, so he had to give up and followed Su Ziyan and others back to the Bund Hotel.

In the next few days, Ye Yang also took them around the Magic City.

What about the Financial Street, the World Expo, the Underwater World, the City God Temple, and finally took Lin Shiyu to visit the Fudan University campus where she would live in the future.

"I have a few houses nearby. If you want to rent one, mention my name and I'll give you a discount."

Ye Yang said with a faint smile.


Lin Shiyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It turned out that the quantifiers used by the super rich are different from those used by ordinary people!

Several people completed the wish lists on their travel plans one by one.

In fact, it only took four or five days.

"Brother, we have booked a flight back tomorrow."

Su Ziyan and the others were reluctant to leave Ye Yang.

After all, with such a big boss by their side, the sense of security and pride was simply overwhelming!!!

(First update)

Thanks to book friend Meng Mengya for the two update reminders~!

Thanks to book friend 2198/6261 for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friend Huangzu for the likes!

Thanks to book friend 962/464 for the update reminders and likes!

Thanks to book friend Guapixia for the great god certification, thank you very much!

Thanks to book friend 9549/8626 for the mountain climbing invitation!

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