Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 186: Money is the easiest thing to get in the world?

Ye Yang shook his head and smiled. Obviously, he did not expect this situation.

"When you get this gold hairpin later, you can try it on to see if it looks good."

Ye Yang looked at Lin Xueer with a smile.


Lin Xueer opened her mouth: "Brother Ye Yang..."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. Lin Xueer's initial look of love could not be hidden, so he naturally saw it.

Next, he also bought some curious gadgets that he liked.

As long as he raises the price, no one dares to lower the price.

Surprisingly tacit understanding.

Ye Yang also shook his head in confusion.

Because no one dared to lower the price with him, these rare gadgets were basically obtained at very low prices.

A total of just over 30 million was spent on Ye Yang.

“These people are so polite!”

Ye Yang smiled.

Lin Xueer shrugged, this was not polite, it was obviously out of fear of revenge from you, a big boss who didn't even dare to offend Qian Boyan!

"The next lot is the highlight of this charity gala! The acquisition process was also very difficult, but today, it is presented to everyone without any danger!"

The beautiful host is very good at adjusting the atmosphere, as soon as she said this.

It directly aroused the surprise and suspicion of the audience present.

"What kind of antiques are so exaggerated?"

"The Four Treasures of the Study were not introduced in this way before with a starting price of more than eight million yuan. I am afraid that the starting price of this lot will start at eight figures!"

"Yes, I don't know what kind of treasure it is!"

The wealthy businessmen present were all looking around.

Antiques worth tens of millions are no longer accessible to ordinary people.

If you don’t have a net worth of several billion, who would dare to spend tens of millions on an antique?

"This lot is a fragrant purple sand pot made by Master Chen Mingyuan during the reign of Emperor Kangxi. The starting price is 26 million! Every time the price is increased, it must not be less than 200,000. The auction starts now!"

The beautiful host smiled sweetly and said directly without any pretense.

"Twenty-six million!"

"Oh My God!"

"This starting price is almost one-third of my net's terrible!"

These wealthy businessmen were all amazed.

To most people present, this was simply too shocking.

Only those super bosses with hundreds of billions of dollars sitting at the front had their eyes lit up.

As super bosses, they like to invest in everything and naturally know a lot.

"It's actually a purple clay pot made by Master Chen Mingyuan himself!"

"The purple clay teapots passed down by Mr. Chen previously sold for at least 30 million yuan, and in the past few years, the valuation of those purple clay teapots has been rising! Dongfa Bank was able to obtain a treasure of this level! "

"Invest in quality products. I want this treasure. Don't take it from me, brothers."

"Haha, it all depends on your ability. I want this purple clay pot too."

The big guys in the front row were all smiling, and they were all trying hard to get this purple clay teapot made by Master Chen Mingyuan himself.

"Twenty-eight million!"

A middle-aged man held up a sign.

"KouKouSouSou, Master Chen's purple clay teapot, you can actually ask for such a price."

The white-bearded old man next to the middle-aged man sneered and raised his sign: "Thirty-five million."

"Thirty-eight million!"

"Thirty-nine million!"

"Forty million!"

The price competition is fierce, and it can be said that it has skyrocketed, from the starting price of 20 million to the 40 million level.

“These big guys really spend money without blinking an eye!”

"Just treat the 40 million as if it's not money, and spend it as you wish."

All the ordinary wealthy businessmen were dumbfounded.

Ye Yang, who was sitting behind, also had his eyes lit up.

My father likes to drink tea. This teapot looks good, so I just bought it for him to use.

The purple clay teapot becomes mellower the more you use it, and the more you soak it, the more fragrant it becomes.

This kind of purple clay teapot worth tens of millions can fully display the taste of good tea.

"Fifty million."

Just when several billionaires are slowly increasing their prices in the 40 million range.

Ye Yang's sentence of "50 million" immediately silenced the entire audience.

Even several billionaires turned around in slight surprise.

"It's him again!"

"How much money does this guy have!? Just now I saw that he kept bidding, and he spent at least 30 to 40 million, right? Now he is shouting for 50 million at the same time? His net worth is at least tens of billions, right?"

"Haha, we don't dare to offend him, but this thing is what those billionaires want. He actually lowered the price with these bosses, but he has lost his sight."

"Yes, these guys are the real top of the food chain in this magical city!"

All the wealthy businessmen sneered secretly, feeling that even if these wealthy businessmen wanted to save their own face, they could not let this guy who was completely unknown before win this purple clay pot.

"Fifty-one million!"

The white-bearded old man sneered and smiled disapprovingly: "Young man, if you want to pretend to be rich like me, you are still too young."

"Sixty million."

Ye Yang calmly replied with a price.

"Damn it! Just one sentence directly raised the level! Ten million isn't money, is it!?"

"This is too outrageous! What is the origin of this kid!"

Seeing that Ye Yang really didn't pay attention to the glare of the billionaire, and even directly raised the price by ten million, the guests in the venue couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Boy, are you making trouble!"

Several billionaires were glaring at him.

Ye Yang, however, spread his hands and didn't care at all: "Auction, auction, the highest bidder wins."

"Good, good boy!"

The white-bearded old man was obviously determined to get the purple clay teapot, and he didn't want to be outdone by Ye Yang, so he raised his sign directly: "Sixty-two million!"

"Seventy million."

Ye Yang raised his sign casually again.


The white-bearded old man was so angry that his face flushed, and he almost stood up and flipped the table.

I haven't felt this kind of contempt for many years.

"Gosh, no matter how much Bai Lao added, he directly raised it by ten million. This is completely not treating money as money!"

"Awesome! Seventy million, almost catching up with all my assets! He just bought a teapot... I thought I was a rich man, but in the end, there is always someone better than you!"

The price Ye Yang gave now has exceeded the limit that the white-bearded old man can bear.

After all, that teapot is worth that much money.

After all, he is a businessman and will not do business at a loss. At this time, he also snorted angrily: "He is just a fool who spends money to pretend to be rich!"

"Mr. Bai actually admitted his defeat!"

"This young man is incredible!"


Seeing that Mr. Bai actually had the idea of ​​giving up, a group of wealthy businessmen were amazed.

Hearing this, Ye Yang spread his hands: "I am just doing charity~ After all, the easiest thing in the world is money~"

(First update)

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