After walking out of the Vacheron Constantin store, he strolled around the two sides and bought a new mobile phone and some small gadgets that interested him, spending a total of several million.

After walking around the entire Devil's No. 6 luxury goods area, Ye Yang had completely changed into a brand new outfit.

Armani suit, Vacheron Constantin Pavilion 000R, Lamborghini-Venom.

Finally, he looks like a rich man.

Ye Yang looked in the rearview mirror and was quite satisfied with his outfit.

Clothes make the man.

Now that he is wearing aristocratic clothes and has the added bonus of being proficient in traditional Chinese martial arts, Ye Yang, who was originally handsome and sunny, has become extremely dazzling.

Just standing on the street, he attracted the attention of countless beauties.

The beauties who can come to the luxury goods area to shop naturally have very high standards, but even they can't help blushing and heartbeating when they see the dazzling Ye Yang.

But seeing Ye Yang's outfit, these beauties are ashamed of themselves.

How dare ordinary beauties get close to such a super rich man! ?

At least they are all very confident in their appearance and conditions.

"Hmm? Any new news?"

Ye Yang opened WeChat and looked at���A new message from Xue Er

"Where is Brother Ye now? Are you free tonight? I promised to treat you to a meal~Cute/naughty/"

Ye Yang shook his head. Last night, Lin Xueer saw that he had given so much reward and wanted to return the reward money to him. He half-jokingly asked her to treat him to a meal today and use the meal money to pay him back.

I didn't expect that this little girl really took it seriously.

"I'll pick you up, and you can just choose a place to eat."

Ye Yang replied.

"Okay! I'll wait for you downstairs at my house, hehe/naughty"

Put away the phone, Ye Yang opened the car door and prepared to pick up Lin Xueer

"Brother, you are so handsome! Can you add me on WeChat?"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, turned his head, and his eyes lit up.

There are many fashionable beauties in Devil No. 6, but this girl wearing beautiful Hanfu and with a delicate pebble face is still very eye-catching.

""But...Is it OK?"

The girl was about 19 years old, and her big cute eyes were full of anticipation.

Ye Yang would not miss the chance to add WeChat on his behalf. He smiled faintly and added WeChat to each other, then drove away in his Lamborghini Venom.

"So handsome!"

Long after Ye Yang left, Ling Shishi's silly smile still remained on her face

"Now let's see who dares to mock me for not being able to find a CP at the comic convention! If I can hook up with this guy, I'll definitely be able to steal the show! hiahiahia……"

In front of Fuhua Community.

Lin Xueer dressed up before going out. Her cherry red lip makeup was not ostentatious, but made her delicate face look extremely attractive. Her milky white knee-length gauze skirt swayed in the midsummer evening breeze. Her back view alone was so beautiful that it seemed unimaginable.

Pedestrians stared at Lin Xueer, and some even crashed their electric bikes into electric poles.

"She is so beautiful! I feel like the stars on TV can’t catch up with her!"

"Alas... it's obviously owned by someone, waiting for someone! I don't know what piece of cow dung took over such a beautiful flower."

"Anyway, it's not you! Haha……"

""Get lost!"

Pedestrians were talking about it.

Lin Xueer was used to these discussions. She usually dressed up carefully and must be the focus of everyone's attention.

However, at this time, she didn't pay attention to the discussions around her. Instead, she looked at her toes wearing brown leather high-heeled sandals nervously and looked around from time to time.

Until a black shadow drove into her sight.

The tension and anxiety slowly dissipated from her body.

Click, the car door opened automatically

"Sorry for the long wait."

Inside the car, Ye Yang smiled and waved,"Come on in.""


Lin Xueer nodded repeatedly and got on the Lamborghini Venom.

"Have you decided where to eat?"

Ye Yang asked

"I checked for a long time last night, and the most expensive Michelin three-star restaurant in Shanghai is Ziguang Pavilion. A meal costs tens of thousands, but it's still not worth what you paid last night~"

Lin Xueer stuck out her tongue and smiled a little embarrassedly.

She really couldn't find a more expensive restaurant.

"Ziguang Pavilion?" Ye Yang nodded slightly. For a high-end restaurant like this, you have to make reservations in advance.

"Hello sir, this is the Magic City Ziguang Pavilion Consultation Office~"

A sweet female voice sounded over there.

"Hello, I want to dine at Ziguang Pavilion tonight, please call to reserve the dishes in advance."

Lin Xueer said

""I'm sorry, Ziguang Pavilion only accepts ten guests a day. Today's number of guests is full. Now the reservations are all scheduled for ten days later. No matter who you are, you can only order food ten days later~"

Ye Yang frowned. With his current hearing, he could naturally hear everything. Although the waiter seemed polite, there was a sense of pride in his tone that made him uncomfortable.

"A small restaurant, is it worthy of being so pretentious?"

He looked at Lin Xueer who was a little embarrassed and handed the phone over.

"Ask your boss to answer the phone, otherwise, he will miss the opportunity to prepare a million-dollar feast."

Ye Yang frowned and said directly


The waitress stuttered a little, obviously frightened.

The so-called rules of Ziguang Pavilion are nothing but hunger marketing.

A meal costs tens of thousands. Even if there is no limit of ten people a day, there will not be too many people coming to eat, and the net profit per month is only a few million.

Moreover, listening to the tone of this man, spending a million on a luxurious meal is as casual as breathing air!

She knew that this was a real big shot, and she did not dare to delay. She directly put the call to Paul* Perrot who was cooking in the kitchen.

Paul is a French citizen and is the world's top super seven-star chef. He came to Shanghai to establish Ziguang Pavilion for his ideas and ideals.

He only entertains ten people a day, and every dish for each person is made by him personally.

"Didn't I tell you not to disturb me during my cooking time unless it's necessary?"

Paul frowned, very unhappy about being interrupted.

Although he was unhappy, he still answered the phone after listening to the female operator's statement.

"Sir, if you want to humiliate my dream with money, then you have found the wrong person."

Paul said righteously:"Even if I am closed today, I will never break the rules of the store! I have professional ethics and bottom line! Rules are rules."

"Oh? Really?"

Ye Yang raised a smile and said,"So, from now on, I am the boss of Ziguang Pavilion. The rules of the store are now changed to twelve people per day."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Is being rich so great?"

Paul frowned and wanted to continue to state his ideal, but Ye Yang's next words instantly shut him up.

"Three hundred million"

""Sir, what did you say?"

Paul was stunned.

"Three hundred million will buy your Ziguang Pavilion. If that's not enough, then one billion will do."

Ye Yang smiled faintly.

Anyway, the more money he spends, the better the reward will be. He wants to see whether Paul's pride is stronger or one billion is stronger!

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