Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 212: Confident Guo Baokun, never loses in money competition

"You read that right, that's it."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

"It's really a big deal!"

The girl looked at the number 99999 and was amazed.

After all, this is over 1,000,000 RMB!

Super awesome!

Even Xiaoqiong and Xiaohong exclaimed.

Ten million is a lot of money for their families, let alone them!

You know, their annual pocket money is only a pitiful one million!

I originally thought that the reward of 10,000 Chinese coins was enough for me, but I didn't expect that in front of the real tycoon, I would be instantly reduced to scum!

Ye Yang's expression remained as usual, and a reward of eighteen million seemed to him like a common occurrence.

I don’t feel much anymore.

After my assets exceeded one trillion, I really had no feeling for money at all.

Gradually I lost interest in money and was only interested in spending money.

Ling Shishi came on stage, and her dazzling image and beautiful dance directly made the whole audience high.

Coupled with the sweet singing, it simply killed the whole audience.

Her number of votes also soared, and she soon surpassed the second place.

Ye Yang was not surprised at all. After all, she was a powerful player who could rank second even if she was away all afternoon. If she were there in the afternoon, maybe the number one person who brushed the votes wouldn't be able to beat her.

Now, coupled with the fact that Ye Yang's 100,000-dollar ticket worth tens of millions of Chinese coins has become popular, Ling Shishi's number of votes has instantly surpassed the former number one.

Directly ranked first!

"Holy shit, am I dazzled? The first brush was so hard, it only cost more than 10,000 flower tickets, but Ling Shishi's suddenly increased to more than 100,000 flower tickets? And, all of them were rewarded by one person!? "

"Damn it, I'm so awesome! I cried, I'm so envious."

"Maybe it's a brush! Tsk, there's nothing to envy!"

"Can you give me 10 million Chinese coins? Can you use your brain before speaking?"

"That's right, tens of millions. Even if it's a brush, it's a brush god we can't look up to!"

Ye Yang's casual reward of 100,000 flower tickets instantly caused an explosion in the audience.

This scene also caused a young man who was also sitting in the VVVIP area to darken his face.

He looked at the calm Ye Yang not far away and whispered a few words to the middle-aged man in black next to him.


The middle-aged man in black understood, got up and came to Ye Yang's side.

"Sir, what do you mean?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and saw a middle-aged man with a hooked nose looking at him with a somewhat unkind expression.

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu were already tense, ready to send each other to the ICU at any time.

"Where did you get the dog?"

Ye Yang asked doubtfully.


The middle-aged man in black was immediately speechless. Seeing Ye Yang's sharp words, he realized that he was talking to a high-status person who casually threw away tens of millions in rewards.

He is really used to being arrogant and domineering.

For a moment, I saw someone who dared not give his master face, so he stopped him.


He paused and then said in a stiff tone: "I am one of the four young masters of Kyoto, a follower of Mr. Guo. The cosplayer who was ranked first just now is the sister of our Mr. Guo. Mr. Guo wants his sister to do this. The final winner of this competition, so I advise you not to spoil Mr. Guo’s plan by giving rewards like this.”


Ye Yang was stunned and looked at the security guard.

The middle-aged man in black sneered in his heart, and as expected, these guys were restrained by the name of master.

"I burst out laughing!"

Unexpectedly, Ye Yang spit out a mouthful of tea and sprayed it directly on his face.

"Damn it, everyone is already well-off, but you are still living in the Republic of China? The fourth young master in the capital? Who gave your master the title? You are so stupid. The dog leftover from the head of our village has named himself He won’t be called by this name anymore, let him quickly change his title to the second grade!”

Ye Yang laughed so hard.

I thought that names like the Four Young Masters of Kyoto were just pretentious middle-class titles in TV dramas. But today is good, I actually heard it in reality. It feels so shameful, so middle-class!


The middle-aged man in black was stunned. Why didn't this kid follow the routine? ?

It stands to reason that a guy who can easily get a reward of 10 million yuan from a demon should have a good family background, and he shouldn't have even heard of the names of the Fourth Young Masters of Kyoto!

"Did you know that one of these four young men is Wang Xiaocong, the son of the former richest man Wang Silin? We, Mr. Guo, are not someone you can insult easily!"

The middle-aged man in black was obviously angry.

"Oh, I do not know."

Ye Yang waved his hand indifferently.

"So you know now?"

The middle-aged man in black became more and more rude in his tone.

"So what if you know? His father is here in person today. How can I reward you? How can I reward you? Who are you, a loser, and you deserve to talk to me?"

Ye Yang sneered and waved his hand.

"Do you know what your words mean! You are telling us Guo..."


When Xiao Qingxuan saw Ye Yang's gesture, she couldn't help it anymore and kicked him in the face, sending him flying back to Young Master Guo.

"You're a bitch who doesn't know what's good and what's good. He relies on people's power."

Xiao Qingxuan flexed her ankles and then called it a day, as if nothing had happened.


Guo Baokun's eyes were filled with a chill, but he also knew that it was difficult for a powerful dragon to suppress a local snake, so he did not dare to make any extreme reactions for a while.

After all, he was a local rich man in Magic City, and he could easily give out 10 million rewards just for fun.

He did not even follow the rules of noble face, and he started fighting as soon as he said he would. He was obviously a ruthless person, and he was afraid that he would not get any benefits if he went up.

Although his father was awesome, he was far away in Beijing now.

If he was beaten up tonight, it would not be worth it, he was afraid of pain.


Thinking about it, he also snorted coldly: "It is not wise to fight head-on, and I will find a way to deal with him when I return to Beijing... Don't you want to show off? Think you are very rich? Then let's compare, who is richer?"

He snorted coldly.

Although Magic City is the business capital of China.

But in his opinion, it is not to be feared. As long as it is not the top family of China like Wang Silin, he is really not afraid!

And the most powerful local in Magic City is Xu Yuanhong, that guy has only one daughter, no son.

Under Xu Yuanhong, Guo Baokun is not afraid of the young masters of the families with assets of at most one or two hundred billion!

"I have never lost in terms of wealth."

Thinking so, his self-confidence returned, and he leaned back comfortably on the chair. Using money to hit people is naturally one of his interests.

But he didn't know that today he had met a like-minded opponent.

Moreover, the level of this opponent would not be what he could imagine.


He took out the Kyoto Merchants Black Card, hooked his finger, and pointed at the beautiful woman counting votes on the side, with a domineering and evil confident smile on his lips: "Give me this number of flower tickets!"

(First update)

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