Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 218 Returning from abroad, Third Master Baoli?

The Mercedes-Benz Maybach 680 Pullman drove into Baoli's parking garage.

"There are so many cars here today, and the originally full parking spaces seem crowded and not enough."

Ye Yang also listened to some parents' complaints along the way.

However, when the car drove inside, it was discovered that it was not as crowded as imagined. Instead, it was relatively spacious and there were many idle spaces.

"It's really strange. There are so many empty parking spaces inside. Why don't the parents outside drive in?"

Yu Momo muttered strangely.


Ye Yang was also a little puzzled: "Maybe they are lazy, so they didn't drive in to have a look?"

The Mercedes-Benz S680 Pullman quickly found an empty parking space inside and parked directly in.


The boy who had just got off the car frowned: "A broken Maybach dared to park here, it really doesn't know the rules."

"Master, are you back?"

Several servants in black had obviously been waiting here for a long time. When they saw the boy get off the car, they greeted him directly.


Deng Lun nodded. He was the third young master of Baoli, who ranked third on the list of scumbags. However, he had different tastes from Wang Taihao, who liked to play with schoolgirls at school. Most of the time, he liked to hang out with those mature young women.

Some time ago, he suddenly became interested in the big-breasted girls in Maozi Country. He went to Maozi Country every few days and had not returned to Baoli High School for a long time.

This time, he heard that there was going to be a parent-teacher meeting, so he sneaked out. He bribed the housekeeper and the teacher about not studying, and his father should not know yet.

If his father could not see him at this parent-teacher meeting, wouldn't it be exposed?

So, he also rushed back early to prepare to deal with his father.

He had just stopped the car when he saw a Maybach parked on the side, and he felt unhappy instantly.

He had returned home from a foreign country where he was having fun just to deal with his father. Of course, he felt unhappy and didn't like anyone.

The followers next to him obviously saw what Deng Lun was thinking, and they all looked in Ye Yang's direction with some sympathy.

This kid dared to be targeted when the young master was in a bad mood, I'm afraid he's in big trouble.

After all, Deng Lun is the kind of arrogant guy who has a little power and his eyes are on his head. He is used to being lawless. Even if he gets into trouble, his father can clean up his mess. In Baoli High School, except for the eldest son Wang Taihao, there is no one he can't afford to offend.


Seeing that the two young men came out of the car door, one of them was his favorite mature figure, Deng Lun's mouth corners raised a wicked smile: "You really don't know the rules, then let me teach you what the rules of Baoli High School are!"

"Hey, that guy."

Deng Lun waved.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Although he saw that the boy was calling him, he didn't intend to pay attention to him.

Now his status is not something that a little kid can order around?

At this time, he just ignored it and prepared to walk out of the parking lot.

"Fuck, so arrogant? I haven't been back for a few days, and someone dares to be so disrespectful to me?"

Deng Lun was directly angry: "Are you guys still staring here? Surround him!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Several followers did not dare to neglect and surrounded him directly.


Ye Yang frowned and looked at Deng Lun in surprise.

Isn't it that I have been in the limelight at Baoli High School?

There are actually people who don't know me and dare to find trouble with me?

I believe that the teachers and students of the whole school will be extremely shocked when Wang Silin came to apologize. Anyone who saw that scene will remember it in their hearts, and they will not forget it for three to five years.

I thought I would not meet any blind guys who are looking for death when I came to Baoli this time.

Unexpectedly, I met one as soon as I got off the car.

This can only prove one thing, there are too many idiots in this world, no matter how to deter, there will always be a few fish that slip through the net.

"Do you know that this parking lot is for VIPs? This is the rule of Baoli!"

"You are such a poor guy without rules, it's really funny. You dare to come to Baoli to embarrass yourself. Haha, you are unlucky to meet my young master Deng Lun!"

Several followers mocked him.

They didn't care about Ye Yang's identity. They were just Deng Lun's followers. What they should consider was how to make the young master happy.

"Well, not bad..."

Deng Lun nodded with satisfaction, thinking that these followers had good adaptability.

While watching the followers embarrass Ye Yang, he looked at Yu Momo with fiery eyes.

Although Yu Momo was only in his twenties and had no marriage experience.

But the perfect and mature smell on her body was really amazing and suited his taste.

"The boss is the VIP of the entire Baoli. If only one VIP can park here, then our boss is this person."

Yu Momo responded with a sonorous voice: "If you don't get out of the way, you will regret it in a while."

"Oh, it's pretty hot!"

Deng Lun was getting more and more excited.

"I am dying of laughter. You dare to say such big words when you drive a broken Mercedes!"

"That's right, you haven't been to Baoli High School, right?"

"A Maybach is only worth three or five million at most, and it's not even worth 10 million. It's not even qualified to enter the Golden Zone. This is a parking space exclusively for Platinum VIPs and above!"

"Haha, it's really rubbish! Sibling in a well and looking at the sky!"

Several younger brothers tried their best to ridicule him, trying to make their young master happier.


Yu Momo sneered, and directly took out the platinum seal pass: "Now, is that enough?"

Several younger brothers showed a trace of tremor in their eyes.

Baoli's platinum invitation letter cannot be obtained without a net worth of hundreds of billions.

This is simply amazing. With a net worth of hundreds of billions, he drives a broken car worth millions to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger? What kind of hobby do you have!

Thinking of this, they were also a little panicked.

They were careless and actually offended a big shot.

"You are blind and blame others. Take a good look at what car this is!"

Yu Momo sneered coldly.


Several younger brothers blinked their eyes, and after a long time, someone recognized it: "Damn! Maybach top-equipped Pullman! This car cost 30 million when it landed!"

"This... young master?"

Several younger brothers were trembling. Their young master had someone to clean up his ass, but they didn't.

Before, they thought Ye Yang was just an ordinary person who drove a Maybach, so they dared to take advantage of him. Now, they are just cowards.

Deng Lun snorted coldly: "A bunch of trash!"

However, now that he has provoked him, wouldn't it make him look like a coward in the end?

So what if he has a net worth of 100 billion?

It's not like he hasn't provoked him before, anyway, his father will clean up his mess!

Thinking of this, he also sneered, and was about to say something, when a dazzling supercar and a Rolls-Royce teamed up and drove into the platinum parking garage...

(First update)

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