
Fatty Gold Tooth was completely stunned.

A place like Ziguang Pavilion, which was a high-end place, was simply out of reach for someone like him who just wanted to show off.

Even the owner of Ziguang Pavilion called him Boss Ye! ?

How high must Ye Yang's status be! ?

He actually wanted to steal the foundation of such an existence before! ?

"I must be crazy……"

He was very anxious. If it weren't for the voluptuous goddess who had been licking him for several months before reluctantly agreeing to go out to eat with him, he would have wanted to kneel down and apologize to Ye Yang.

After all, in the Magic City, if you offend a big boss, one word can ruin your future!


Ye Yang nodded slightly. What kind of status does he have now?

If such a small person can make him angry, then it is a cheap act.


Seeing that Ye Yang didn't pay any attention to him, Chu Shaokun, the fat man with gold teeth, was relieved and prepared to leave with the goddess.

How dare you go in to eat after offending the boss!?

If I'm not happy, I'm afraid I won't be able to come out.

"What are you going to do!?"

The seductive woman was jealous to begin with, and now she was so angry that smoke came out of her nose when she saw Chu Shaokun, who was so tough just now but now became as cowardly as a dog egg.

"You are still not a man!"

""Whether you come in or not, I'm going in today!"

The woman rolled her eyes. The boss of Ziguang Pavilion!

A big shot!

And he's so sunny and handsome. No matter what, I have to find a way to get close to him!

As for the guy next to me, he's just a licker. He licked me so well in the past two months that I was invited to have a meal with him.

"This... okay."

Chu Shaokun smiled bitterly, and followed the woman carefully behind Ye Yang and entered the Purple Light Pavilion.

The hall of the Purple Light Pavilion was decorated extremely luxuriously.

The whole design was French classical aristocratic.

The most conspicuous thing was the old but stylish piano. The sun beams hit it, as if it was the focus of the whole scene.

Behind the piano was a sunken ship salvaged from the Renaissance, which was worth a lot of money!

The surrounding walls were also all made of photon screens.

The environment imitated nature, with colorful lights, which made people feel comfortable and enjoyable.

"This environment is so luxurious!"

Although Lin Xueer has seen some luxurious hotels and restaurants, compared with the Ziguang Pavilion in front of her, it is nothing.

"Please take a seat.

Paul and Lilith enthusiastically invited Ye Yang to the chief

"Sit down."

Ye Yang and Lin Xueer also sat down.

At Ziguang Pavilion, each table has its own waiter.

Ye Yang's group was served by the former deputy store manager Lilith.

Lilith was a typical French beauty, tall and proud, with blue eyes sparkling and smart, and golden curly hair falling like a waterfall, which made people unable to take their eyes away.

"Hiss... Deputy Manager Lilith actually served me personally. Who is this young man?!"

"Gurgle... Deputy Manager Lilith is so beautiful, I dream of having her serve me for a meal! I'm so envious!"

Guests at the nearby tables were envious of Lilith, who was busy around Ye Yang and teasing him with her proud figure from time to time.


Lin Xueer looked at the attentive Lilith, and a hint of jealousy flashed in her eyes, but now in such a high-end occasion, she was too embarrassed to point it out.


Ye Yang did not order any food.

His meals were all carefully prepared by Paul himself, and each one was Paul's specialty.

"This is an appetizer, a premium Italian wine that Paul has collected for more than ten years. Even I can't bear to drink it myself."

Lilith personally poured the wine for Ye Yang and Lin Xueer, adding blue ice cubes.


Ye Yang nodded slightly. As a high-end appetizer, the price of Sinar Premium is very high. It is also a treasure of Paul. The value of this small cup should be no less than 100,000 Chinese Yuan.

"Not bad, but the taste is still a little less delicate than Romanee-Conti."

Ye Yang said casually.

Lilith smiled bitterly. Romanee-Conti is the king of red wine. If all wines are compared with it, I'm afraid they will all go bankrupt.

"The main purpose of the appetizer is to develop your taste buds, so that you can better appreciate the delicate flavors of the dishes that will be served later."

As he spoke, the dishes were served one after another.

"Let's have an appetizer first."

Lilith introduced:"This is a golden phoenix cupcake, decorated with gold foil and gold powder, and made with the world's highest grade chocolate."

"Damn...even the Golden Phoenix came out!"

"This guy is really rich! Such a small piece, eaten in two bites, costs hundreds of thousands of Chinese currency! I met a really rich man today!"

The average consumption per person in Ziguang Pavilion is more than 10,000.

But with more than 10,000, you can only order the most ordinary dishes in the store.

The best in the world, such as Golden Phoenix Cake, is naturally not among them!

""Mm, it tastes good."

Ye Yang's eyes lit up and his appetite was aroused. The taste of this cake was really rare in the world.

Then, fresh French foie gras, white truffle bread, sturgeon lobster omelette, golden caviar, Kobe beef with truffle sauce, crystal king crab... a dozen top-notch dishes.

The price of each one was tens of thousands of Chinese currency!


The customers on the side were all dumbfounded.

They thought that having a meal at Ziguang Pavilion was high-end enough.

But after looking at the other party's super-rich dinner and then looking at the dishes on their own table, they could only curse in their hearts:"What rubbish!"

"This meal, including the bottles of red wine, must have cost nearly a million, right?"

"……Damn, a meal costing millions! I've seen a lot today! Oh... I thought I had entered the upper class by eating here, haha... I think it would be better for me to be reborn."


The guests at the tables nearby were all amazed.

Most of them came here to show off with their girlfriends, but tonight, with the backdrop of Ye Yang's million-dollar feast, their plans were clearly completely shattered.

Their girlfriends all looked at the handsome Ye Yang beside the candlelight with endless envy and admiration. In their minds, they had already made love with this handsome man countless times, and even sketched out the specific plots and detailed scenes!


These men looked at their girlfriends and suddenly felt a green glow on their heads.


They were so anxious that they were ready to take their girlfriends and leave first.

If they left now, they would only lose tens of thousands of dollars for food.

But if they were to leave later, they would probably lose their girlfriends too!


Although there were more than a dozen dishes, the French dishes were all served in very small portions. Ye Yang felt full only after he had finished them all.

"It would be a bit boring just to eat." After having enough food and drink, Ye Yang stood up and looked at the classical piano beside him:"It would be a pity not to play some music at such a leisurely and elegant moment.……"

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