Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 236: Not a fan, go cool off

"Ahem, Mr. Ye..."

The legs of several rich second generations started to tremble just by walking forward.

After all, Ye Yang's status in their hearts is too high now.

It can be said that Ye Yang is the strongest legend in Baoli High School!

They all listened to their fathers.

That person randomly showed off a few bank cards, and the balances were more than 300 billion!

The combined wealth of several of their families is not enough to cover even one person's family.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Who are you?"

The fathers of these guys are poor people with only a few hundred million in family assets. They are not even qualified to receive scholarships from Baoli High School.

Even if there is a parent-teacher meeting, it is the ordinary invited VIPs who sit at the back.

These guys are not even qualified to enter the final venue.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Ye Yang to have met these three young people.

"Ah, this..."

When the three young people saw that Ye Yang actually looked over, their faces turned red and they were so nervous that they didn't even dare to say anything.

"Um...Boss, I think they must be your fans. Judging from their nervousness, they are probably here to chase stars and ask for your autograph."

Yu Mo said with sudden understanding.

"Ah...yes, yes, we are fans of Ye Shenhao!!!"

The leading boy said firmly.

"That's right!"


The remaining two boys also nodded repeatedly.

They were forced to do it by Xiaoxin just now, but when they saw the look in Ye Yang's eyes, they were so frightened that they didn't dare to reveal their purpose.

Ye Yang said "Oh". He had known for a long time that although most of his fans were girls, there were also male fans. However, when he was stopped for an autograph for the first time, it was actually a few male fans, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

But after all, they were here to ask for his autograph, so he didn't want to be too cold and just tell the other person to get lost.

After thinking about it, he shook his head, stretched out his hand and said, "Want to sign? You must have brought your own pen and paper, right?"


The three rich second generations were all relieved, and subconsciously wanted to reach for pen and paper in their pockets.

"You losers!"

Huang Xiaoxin just pulled away the three rich second generations who were blocking the way in front of him. How dare someone like this deserve to pursue him?

So drunk.

"Are you a fan too? You're standing in line at the back, but you didn't look at the people in front waiting for autographs!"

Yu Momo frowned, looking at Huang Xiaoxin who was very rude and barging in, and immediately reminded him.


Huang Xiaoxin was confused. When did he become a fan of this guy?

"I'm not a fan of his!"

Huang Xiaoxin said angrily.

"It's not like fans come here to join in the fun, just have fun."

Yu Momo waved his hand, not giving the rude Huang Xiaoxin any face.

"I go……"

Huang Xiaoxin was so angry that smoke was coming from his head: "How dare you speak to this princess like this!"

Yu Momo sneered: "Which dynasty and generation are you a princess from? You just crawled out of the grave? No wonder you smell earthy!"

"What did you say!"

Huang Xiaoxin had never experienced such a rebuke before, and his chest was filled with anger.


Several other rich second generations couldn't bear it anymore. Along the way, Huang Xiaoxin was acting like a monster and was extremely hypocritical. The three of them were about to have enough.

Hearing Yu Momo's sarcasm at this time, I felt so happy that I accidentally laughed out loud.

"You! You don't speak for this princess, but you actually help an outsider!"

Huang Xiaoxin said angrily: "Okay! I will ask my dad to cancel this trade when I get back, and your family will be waiting to eat dirt!"


The smiles on the faces of the three young men gradually disappeared and gradually became uglier than crying.

At this time, Ye Yang also saw what happened.

I couldn't help but be confused.

"What exactly are you here for?"

"It's up to you! I don't like you! If you buy this tea, I will buy more than you. See if you are still so self-righteous!"

Huang Xiaoxin pointed at Ye Yang angrily.


Ye Yang looked helpless: "I have never met you at all. You and I have never spoken a word before. Why can't you understand it?"

"No matter! I just can't stand you! You are not allowed to buy this tea! Only I can buy it!"

Huang Xiaoxin said nonsensically.

Ye Yang covered his face, there are really all kinds of weird things in this world.

Before, he still didn't believe that a person could be pampered to this extent, but today he has seen it.

"Sir, here are your tea leaves."

The beautiful waiter on the side delivered the packaged tea to Ye Yang, then looked at Huang Xiaoxin with a strange look, shook her head and walked away.

"You, you can't take away this tea!"

Huang Xiaoxin was anxious, but as soon as she rolled her eyes, she also sneered:

"You can leave if you want. I bought this tea. You can give me a price!"


Ye Yang was speechless in his heart. He had no idea what was going on in this kind of woman's mind. There was absolutely no logic in what she did...

Could it be that by forcefully buying this tea from him, it would prove that she is better than him? Can she prove that she is not as good as her?

Can it prove that she gave in? Can she prove that she won?

Maybe he is too straight!

No, any normal person would probably not be able to understand this kind of thinking...

"Offer a price? Okay? Four billion. Can you afford it?"

Ye Yang shook his head. There was no need to waste time in front of such a woman who was almost sickly and unreasonable.

Huang Xiaoxin was stunned. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether Ye Yang was talking nonsense or joking...

"If you've had enough trouble, disappear from my boss's sight. You are not the center of the world. Why should everyone revolve around you? You can't afford to waste our boss' time!"

Yu Momo frowned and shouted.

"Whose evil slave are you? How dare you point fingers at this princess!"

Huang Xiaoxin was so angry that her face twisted when she saw that a follower dared to act cool with her.

"What did you say?"

Ye Yang didn't take a spoiled girl seriously, but the other party's insults to Yu Momo had already touched his bottom line.

Yu Momo had been following him tirelessly from the beginning, and her position in his heart was extremely high.

A yellow-haired girl was also qualified to say that?


Huang Xiaoxin was obviously frightened by Ye Yang's eyes that suddenly turned cold.

Now Ye Yang has been in the high-level circle for a long time, and his eyes and manners are more and more like those of a superior than before. One look can scare people.

Not to mention a spoiled yellow-haired girl.

"Do you know her?"

Ye Yang glanced at him, and the coldness made the three trembling boys next to him almost sit on the ground.

"Ye, Mr. Ye, we... no, don't know her..."

Several rich second-generations waved their hands.

"Hmph, stop pretending here! Believe it or not, I can make my dad come here to deal with you with just one phone call!"

Huang Xiaoxin also plucked up his courage and threatened at this time.

"Deal with me? Okay, I want to see who else in this magic city can touch me?"

Ye Yang looked at Huang Xiaoxin with interest: "If your father can't deal with me by then, then you will be the one to be dealt with."

"Hehe, my father only has me as his daughter! Even if I poke a hole in the sky, he will never blame me!"

Huang Xiaoxin said confidently.

(First update)

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