Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 238: Smart as me, Zhang Jiutian

"Daddy! This is the man who bullies me, looks down on me, and even mocks and insults me! It's so abominable!"

Huang Xiaoxin pointed at Ye Yang and said with a fierce expression: "You must make him kneel down to apologize to me, or I won't eat! Hunger strike!"

Huang Hexing was a little worried at first, but after seeing that his daughter was fine, and then seeing that the opponent she was pointing at who provoked her was only a young man in his twenties, he couldn't help but relax.

With a raised corner of his mouth, Huang Hexing relaxed and felt calm!

With just one child, no matter how powerful the family is, how high can a junior person's status be?

He even had to give his own face, let alone invite a local big shot today!

Huh, bullying your own daughter?

Don’t even think about leaving here today!


There were several artificial coughing sounds coming from behind.

A group of black-clothed 'security guards' were divided into two sides and stood with hands hanging down. The scene was quite similar.

"Da Da..."

Zhang Jiutian, with his shiny leather shoes on the floor, wearing a black trench coat and black sunglasses, stood in the hall with a cigar in his mouth and glanced coldly, showing off the mafia of a gangster.

When his eyes fell on Ye Yang, his whole body felt like it was struck by lightning, and he was so frightened that the cigar in his mouth almost fell to the ground.

Due to his determination, he was unable to react for a while...

"Don't be afraid, you have daddy to back you up. You're just a little brat, but you dare to mess with my Huang Hexing's daughter. I'm afraid your dog's eyes will grow into your feet!"

Huang Hexing looked at Ye Yang with a sneer: "Whose brat are you from? How dare you be so cruel to my daughter!"

Before Ye Yang could answer, Huang Hexing felt the wind blowing in the back of his head, and a sense of crisis was coming. As expected, he was knocked directly on the brain.

He looked to the side angrily and was about to curse out the curse words in his mouth when he was stunned.

The one who beat him up was none other than Mr. Zhang Jiutian, whom he had persuaded and spent a lot of money to protect him! ! !

"Master Zhang, you..."

Huang Hexing was confused. Didn't I ask you to protect me and support me? Why don't you come up and give me a slap on the back of my head? It made my head buzz!

"Why the hell are you talking to Mr. Ye! Keep your mouth clean!"

Zhang Jiutian was sweating profusely at this time, and almost peed in fear.

What Qian Boyan, the top figure in the underworld in the Magic City, said to him that night at the charity gala is still fresh in his mind!

What kind of boss is this? ?

Even if someone like Qian Boyan meets someone, they have to call him Mr. Ye, they are nothing!

"You actually asked me to cause trouble for Mr. Ye! You want to kill me!"

Zhang Jiu was so angry that his orifices were filled with smoke.

His son Zhang Xiao provoked Ye Yang during a charity dinner, and Boss Ye squeezed him dry while talking and laughing, losing all his life savings.

This time, I almost accidentally offended someone again?

If you don't handle it well this time, you will have to pay for it with your own life!

Thinking of this, Zhang Jiutian shivered and broke out in cold sweat. The more he felt like this, the more angry he became when he saw Huang Hexing.

"Come on, surround them all!"

Zhang Jiutian waved his hand.

The more than sixty young men in the field immediately moved and controlled Huang Hexing and others.

"Zhang Jiutian! What are you doing! Do you know what you are doing! I am your employer! I asked you to protect me! You..."

Huang Hexing was completely confused now.

This kind of temporary betrayal of the protector will cause the reputation of the security company to plummet, and Zhang Jiutian would rather face this risk, betray him on the spot, and directly turn it against himself?


As his mind wandered around, he thought of the reason.

He looked at Ye Yang in disbelief. After seeing the other party's noncommittal smile, he was so depressed that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

This is not a little fat sheep left to be slaughtered. It is clearly a big bad wolf in sheep's clothing!

"I'll go, here..."

The development of this plot is quite reversible.

These upper-class people present had heard of Ye Yang's name to some extent, but now it turns out that it is even more exaggerated than the rumors!

Just by showing his face without even saying a word, Zhang Jiutian was so frightened that he could only rebel on the spot and directly tied up his employer!

What a deterrent this must be!

"Oh, Mr. Ye, it's you! Look, I knew you were in danger here, so I rushed over with my brothers immediately!"

Zhang Jiutian rubbed his hands and walked to Ye Yang with an apologetic smile: "Don't worry, I've got these people under control, as well as the bodyguards that guy brought. It's up to you to deal with them! You say what happens next. I'll handle it."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "You don't hate me for taking away your billion?"

"No, no, no, no, that is a lesson Mr. Ye taught Xiao Jiuzi. I am too late to be grateful. How can I dare to bear grudges to you, Mr. Ye... I don't even dare to lend me ten thousand courages! I... …”

Zhang Jiutian was so frightened by Ye Yang's words that he explained again and again.

The more he is involved in the underworld, the clearer he is about what the top management of the Hurricane core represents. That kind of terrifying, like a knife in the throat, he can't help but be afraid of.


Ye Yang waved his hand and then looked at Huang Hexing and the others.


Seeing that he seemed to have confused the matter, Zhang Jiutian was extremely happy and secretly said: "I, Zhang Jiutian, am so clever! If I hadn't been so clever, I would have thrown myself into the street today!"

"Ye, Mr. Ye, we didn't even know it was you!"

"Yes, yes, if we knew it was you, we wouldn't dare to say a word!"

"We don't know this Huang Hexing at all, please don't misunderstand..."

Several bosses who were arrested said with great grievance.

Several bosses' sons also came up to plead for their fathers.

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "You guys have some good sons. Your sons were very sensible just now. I roughly understand the matter."

He signaled Zhang Jiutian to let go of those local wealthy businessmen.

The faces of several wealthy businessmen recovered a little color, and they were glad that their sons didn't cause any big trouble with Mr. Ye...

"This!? Dad, what's going on! Why are they arresting me! Get out! Don't touch this princess! The person you want to arrest is on the opposite side, you bunch of dogs and slaves!"

Huang Xiaoxin shouted angrily.

"Shut up!"

Huang Hexing had a clear understanding of the situation at this time. This Ye Yang in the Magic City must not be an ordinary rich second generation. His identity must be high to the sky, otherwise there is no way to explain everything now!

"Dad...what did you say?"

Huang Xiaoxin couldn't believe what she heard. Her father, who had always spoiled her, actually told her to shut up?

"You have never scolded me since I was a child, but now you scold me for such an idiot, such a piece of trash..."


Zhang Jiutian gave Huang Xiaoxin a big slap in the face.

He knocked her hair all over and knocked her teeth crooked: "You little brat, if you talk to Mr. Ye like this again, I will cut off your tongue!"

(First update)

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