Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 257 The weird rich second generation

"Is the matter settled?"

In the office of the chairman of Chuncheng Sitong Steel Company, Yang Linde looked up at the beautiful secretary.

He is Yang Haoshuo's great uncle, the head of the Chuncheng Yang family, and the chairman of Sitong Steel.

"Director still doesn't work."

The beautiful secretary handed over a blue book.


Yang Linde raised his eyebrows, obviously a little surprised: "Is it not enough to use all the resources of the Yang family? Isn't the other party just an ordinary working-class family? Can the Yang family be helpless? Is there such a powerful person in Chuncheng?"

"The other party is one of the best lawyer teams in China, Jincheng Law Firm, and the relationship is really well-connected. The city governor just received an order from above and was frustrated."

The beautiful secretary said repeatedly.


Yang Delin frowned immediately. A few days ago, the unpromising Yang Shulin led people to snatch a wife for Yang Haoshuo. He didn't snatch the wife, and was beaten up by others. His nose was crooked and his eyes were slanted, and he looked like a human.

That would be fine, but he was sued the next time.

It was this Jincheng Law Firm that initiated the lawsuit.

"This kind of firm is considered the best in China. The litigation fee is probably not enough without 180 million yuan. How could they handle such a small case so wholeheartedly?"

Yang Delin thought it was just a small matter. Ye Yang's family were all small people. He could use his connections to make a big thing small, and a small thing nothing. Maybe he could even convict Ye Yang of excessive self-defense and send him to jail for a few years to experience the dangers and cruelty of society.

But the intervention of Jincheng Law Firm made him completely confused.

"Did they send this blue book?"

He asked.


The beautiful secretary nodded in response.


Yang Delin opened the blue book. As soon as he saw the first page, his eyes suddenly widened. He turned two pages in a row and stood up: "How is this possible!?"

"What's wrong, Mr. Yang?"

The beautiful secretary was startled by Yang Delin's sudden action.

Others don't understand each other, how can she, a personal secretary, not understand?

The Yang family only has one main business, Sitong Steel, but behind the scenes, it involves all aspects. This old uncle Yang has a much deeper influence in Chuncheng than Ye's father and mother know.

For such a big man, there are few things that can make them fluctuate on weekdays.

Not to mention being scared to stand up and be at a loss.

"Notify the lawyers at home that there is no need to defend, let Yang Shulin plead guilty quickly, plead guilty to whatever crime he has, and strive for leniency."

Yang Linde said directly.


The beautiful secretary was completely confused. This reversal was too big... Yesterday, she said that she would do her best and not let down the Yang family's face in Chuncheng. Now she was scared to lose the courage to resist after seeing the blue book?

"Didn't you hear me!"

Yang Linde saw that the secretary was stunned and shouted.

"Oh, yes, yes! I will notify him immediately."

The secretary came back to his senses.


Yang Linde waved his hand: "Please help me find out where Mr. Ye is now. I want to go there in person."

"Mr. Ye? Is that Ye Yang? If you say a word to this little guy, I will call him to see you directly. It should be his honor. Why do you personally..."

The secretary took the opportunity to flatter him.

"Go quickly if you want me to go! If you don't understand, I will replace you with someone else as my secretary tomorrow!"

Yang Linde shouted like an angry lion.

"...Yes, yes, yes..."

The secretary flattered the horse and hit the horse's hoof. At this time, he was embarrassed and scared, and hurried out to do business.


After closing the door, Yang Linde sat down slowly, and a line of cold sweat flowed from his temples: "These bastards can really cause trouble for me... Now I can only hope that Mr. Ye is not a person who wants to kill them all."

Binyue Restaurant.

After a while, almost all the classmates arrived one after another.

"What has the monitor been up to? Why hasn't he shown up yet?"

"Haha, I still remember that the monitor said in the group last night that he would introduce a job to Brother Ye~"

"Don't mention it. I can't help laughing when I mention it! I really don't know what his expression will be when he finds out that Ye Yang is not jobless but a big boss. It must be very exciting."

"Pfft... Stop talking. I have a picture in my mind."

The female classmates were chattering non-stop.

He drives a luxury car worth tens of millions, embraces beautiful women, owns a company, and is a handsome guy. Such a super boyfriend is even whiter than the prince charming!

The rich second-generations in the class who have some family background were a little unhappy when they saw this.

Before Ye Yang's identity was exposed, they were the focus of the whole audience.

Now Ye Yang has suddenly changed from an unemployed homeless man to a super boss. The contrast between the two is often the most eye-catching, and it immediately attracted the attention of the classmates.

They were suddenly much quieter around them.

"Alas! Anyone can start a company now! Have you heard the news? A few days ago, a guy invested 100,000 yuan in a foreskin company and deceived many old classmates to invest! He hasn't been caught yet!"

"Yeah, haha, I heard that the guy rented a luxury car for a classmate reunion and cheated money by pretending to be a person."

Several rich second-generations spoke with a hint of meaning, deliberately raising their voices, and glancing at Ye Yang while speaking.

"If you have something to say, just say it. If you have something to say, just fart. You are so sarcastic, just like a eunuch."

Zheng Xian sneered at the rich second-generations.

These families say they are rich, but in fact, they only have tens of millions or hundreds of millions at most. Their assets may not be as valuable as Ye Yang's supercar, so there is no pressure to confront them at this time.

"Who are you talking about!"

The rich second-generations all stood up and glared at Zheng Xian.

"You are talking about dogs."

Zheng Xian rolled his eyes and pretended to be puzzled: "Why did you stand up?"

"You dare to call us dogs? Haha, you think you can go to heaven after making tens of thousands of yuan?"

"As for Ye Yang, I don't look down on him. The market value of the company he can buy is only a few million at most, right? Is he worthy of being called boss?"

"That's right, it's not as much as my pocket money added up over the years. Haha, we are old money, and you are not even new money!"

The rich second-generations all sneered.

Ye Yang frowned. What he hated most in his heart was this kind of stupid idiot who had no ability and read two and a half sentences of non-human language on the Internet and messed around.

I clearly have no culture, and my family is not aristocratic, but I don't speak human language every day. I know a few clichés, so I think I am different and superior.

My nose is up to the sky, and I judge this and that all day long, just like a mad dog.

"If you can speak human language, speak human language. If you can't, get out."

Ye Yang glanced at these rich second-generations lightly, and the impatience in his tone was obvious...

(Second update)

(Thanks to the book friend Ye Mofengshen for a love letter~

Thanks to the book friend Xu Lin who loves soybean and corn milk for sending a razor blade!

Thanks to the book friends 3808/3148 for the likes~

Thanks to the book friend Su Jin for the reminder!)

(PS: old money is old aristocrats, and new money is nouveau riche.)

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