"Mr. Ye, because the amount of your order is very large, we at Han Pavilion attach great importance to it, so we specially sent us to make it on site."

"This is our menu. You can order whatever you want. We are all Han Ge's top state banquet chefs, and we will personally prepare a feast for you on the spot."

Several state banquet chefs claimed to have seen the world, but after entering Ye Yang's Yundingshan Villa, they were still surprised.

This hall is so luxurious!

It's just like a super modern residence in a dream!


Ye Yang took a quick look and picked out the expensive and pleasing ones to order.

Dragon liver and phoenix eye, boiled cabbage, golden dragon with pearls, Buddha jumping over the wall in the sea, squirrel mandarin fish, thousand-refined Dongpo pork, golden rice, three hundred years of wild ginseng broth, diamond fruit cut plate...

Several top chefs were writing down the names of the dishes and preparing the ingredients in a hurry.

They were secretly shocked.

These were the finale dishes or even the main dishes, the most expensive ones in the state banquet!

Each one was priced at tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands!

They didn't even blink an eye, and they just ordered them!?


Ye Yang flipped through the menu with some dissatisfaction:"Is there no more eye-catching wine?"


Several state banquet chefs looked at each other hesitantly.

Almost all the high-priced wines of Han Pavilion were listed on it.

There was only one, which was too expensive.

As the treasure of the town, it was not written on the menu at all because no one could afford it.

"Mr. Ye... there is indeed a wine that is not listed. But the price……"

Several people asked hesitantly

"Oh? Tell me about it."

Ye Yang was also interested. What kind of wine was it that made these state banquet chefs not dare to write it on the menu because of the price?

"National treasure Fenjiu!"

"There were only 20 bottles of the national treasure that came out of the cellar that year, and all the nobles in the world scrambled for them. One bottle was bought by our Han Pavilion at a sky-high price of 2.98 million after being passed around for several times, and it was regarded as the treasure of the store."


As they talked, the chefs fell silent.

After all, although Boss Ye was generous, it was almost like a collectible, but how could anyone really treat it as table wine and buy it casually ?……

"Ah, that one then."

Ye Yang nodded with satisfaction. This kind of wine was quite to his liking. At least the price was much higher than Romanee-Conti!


Several state banquet chefs were shocked

"Ye...Mr. Ye, are you serious!?"

"As the treasure of the town, its price will be three hundred……"

Ye Yang frowned and waved his hand,"Are you asking me for money?"


The state banquet chefs finally came to their senses.

Yes, the houses they live in are worth tens of billions, so why not just take a few million just to try something new?

"Is this how rich people think?"

"How many millions for a bottle of wine...my house is less than three million……"

Several chefs smiled bitterly, but still contacted Han Ge to quickly send the national collection of Fenjiu.

Because it is white wine.

One bottle is naturally enough.

Several state banquet chefs sighed while preparing the state banquet in the large kitchen of Ye Yang's super luxurious villa.

Their eyes were shining and they enjoyed it very much!

The kitchen utensils used in Yundingshan Villa are all the top and most luxurious in the world!

A set of kitchen utensils may be worth millions or tens of millions!

As a chef, isn't it the dream of a lifetime to be able to use this dream-level super luxurious kitchen to cook a meal!

The chefs were in full swing, while Ye Yang casually turned on the TV in the living room, and began to contact these seven-star gold medal housekeeping beauties on the talent website with Yu Momo.

"Guan Ruoyu?"

Ye Yang smiled and said,"The name is nice. Let's take it. Call her."

Yu Momo was also very clear. He knew that this was also a test from Ye Yang.

As the chief housekeeper, of course, he had to be sensible and skillful, and he couldn't be jealous of others ' talents.


The phone was connected, and a polite voice came from the other end.

Guan Ruoyu is a master of Wharton Business School, which is ranked among the top in the world. She is 1.72 meters tall and has a first-class appearance.

On weekdays, she is naturally the goddess in the eyes of countless dogs.

There is also some arrogance in her character.

"This is Yundingshan Villa. I am the housekeeper of Yundingshan Villa. I am sending you a formal employment invitation through the talent website.……"

"Oh? Do you want me to do financial management? How much is the annual salary? Is there a future? What is the character of the boss? If he is a filthy person, I will not accept him. By the way, I want a separate financial room with a dedicated person to serve me. After all, my capital……"

"I'll interrupt you for a moment."

Yu Momo frowned and said,"We just want to hire a maid."


An incredulous voice came from the other end of the phone:"Please! Did you read my message!? Wharton Business School! You want me to be a maid? I……"

"The price here is 500,000 yuan a month, 15 days a year."

Yu Momo narrowed his eyes, like a cunning jade-faced fox.


There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Ye Yang vaguely heard the sound of a cup falling to the ground.

After a few seconds, a weak question came from the other end:"Is this... this salary package true?……"

"Yes, if you think you can accept it, please come to Genting Mountain Villa No. 1 before 8 o'clock tonight to start the trial period."

"……OK, I will be there on time.……"

In a small house somewhere in Shanghai.

Guan Ruoyu's cup broke at her feet, and she was stunned.

When she first heard that they wanted her to be a maid, she doubted her life and even wanted to call the other party crazy, but when she heard about the salary, her psychological defenses completely collapsed!

Financial management major, it sounds high-end.

But even if she graduated from Wharton School of Business with a full scholarship, without family background and connections, which sucker company would be willing to pay her a master's degree with no experience more than 500,000 a year? It has been half a year since she returned from overseas with a master's degree, but she has not found a satisfactory job due to her arrogance, so she has to stay in this small rental house and eat instant noodles.

"A monthly salary of 500,000, 15 salaries a year... that's 7.5 million a year! Even if I'm a maid, so what?……"

The cruel reality of half a year has almost destroyed her inner pride.

Guan Ruoyu looked at the broken cup beside her, her eyes were determined, no matter what she was asked to do, she would keep this job!!!

"Master! Here I come!"

She quickly got up and began to dress up carefully, preparing for tonight's"interview".

Villa No. 1 in Genting Mountain.

Yu Momo put down the phone:"I found nine in total, and all of them agreed without any surprise."

She was also a little emotional.

Which of these people did Ye Yang like? They were all very good and arrogant!?

As a result, when they heard that the annual salary was 7 or 8 million, they were like cats that smelled blood, and they wanted to run over immediately...

It feels so good to be rich!

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