Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 262: Hot spring bath, birthday party?

"Pah! Pah!"

In the midst of embarrassment and annoyance, Lin Ningdan was slapped by three big mouths. When he was confused, he saw that the one who slapped him was Liu Yao.

"Yao Yao, I..."


Liu Yao pointed at the door: "I never want to see you again! From now on, you and I will have nothing to do with each other!"


Lin Ningdan's heart froze. Indeed, he had behaved so unmanly just now. When something happened, he would just retreat. His fiancée even asked someone to take her away without saying a word. He turned around and acquiesced.

It is simply inferior to pigs and dogs, and it is disgusting.

The classmates also looked at him coldly, obviously extremely dissatisfied with this ruthless guy.


Lin Ningdan is now extremely embarrassed and divorced by his fiancée. Almost all his old classmates are hostile to him.

It's absolutely miserable.

"Haha, my boss has been nice to you, right? He even said he would treat you to dinner before! Now he is so heartless and unjust!"

Several rich second generations who had not helped before were as guilty as Lin Ningdan, and they hugged each other to keep warm.

"What about Ye Yang! Ye Yang faced this situation, but he didn't flinch at all. You usually have your nostrils soaring to the sky, you look like the arrogant second generation ancestor, but what's the result? You are as timid as a dead pig when encountering things!"

Some female classmates said angrily: "Even your fiancée can be taken away by other boys... You are so disappointing!"

"Ye Yang is a person with status! Didn't he scare old Mrs. Yang like that!? Without this status, how dare he be so tough!"

Several rich second generations murmured.

"Okay, there's no need to stay here any longer and be embarrassed."

Lin Ningdan knew that the team he had just taken had completely separated them from the class.

No matter what, if you stay here any longer, you are just asking for trouble.

After that, he turned around and left.

After thinking about it for a while, the few classmates and the rich second generation who didn't take sides also left.

"I finally left. I felt sick when I saw them."

All the students breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Yang also shook his head slightly. It was understandable to give in for the sake of Mingzhe to protect himself for a while, but it was also right to fundamentally give up being a scum and being scorned by others.

Soon, the food was served.

Every dish has strong Northeastern characteristics and is generous in portion.

At the same price, the quantity is several times higher than the so-called "fine-quality dishes" in Shanghai.

After experiencing some excitement, I relaxed and ate happily.

"Is this Romanée-Conti?! This wine should cost at least hundreds of thousands of bottles!"

"I'll go, Boss Ye is so brave!"


The classmates also came together, and even Yang Delin was in awe. How high is his status? Such a big shot is actually their old classmate, which makes them feel very dreamy.

As for the matter of identity, Ye Yang also made random nonsense, saying that he had opened an investment company with a high market value, so the other party respected him so much.

It was the first time for these students to eat such precious food and wine, so they couldn't bear to eat and drink too fast, and they were all savoring it slowly.

Together with chatting and joking, we had a meal until the sun was almost setting.

"Brother Ye, goodbye!"

In the dusk, Ye Yang also said goodbye to these drunk classmates.

"Boss, I'm going back first."

Zheng Xian raised his eyebrows with a wink and got into the taxi.


Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, and let Yu Momo drive back first. At Lin Xueer's suggestion, the two prepared to have a sweet road trip after dinner.


Ye Yang turned his head and looked at Lin Xueer.

Lin Xueer's fair and tender face was covered with a reddish wine halo, which looked quite alluring in the dusk: "Why are you looking at me like that..."

"You look good."

Ye Yang chuckled.


Lin Xueer snorted lightly and her face turned even redder: "Thank you very much for today..."

If it weren't for Ye Yang, he would have been kidnapped by that rich second-generation playboy Yang Haoqiang today, and he might have been forced to do any humiliating thing at night.

I shudder just thinking about it.

"How can you thank me anymore?"

Ye Yang pinched Lin Xueer's little face: "It's all what I should do... No one in this world can bully you except me."


Lin Xueer leaned her head on Ye Yang's arms and smiled silly.

The feeling of being protected is always a happy one.

After having enough wine and food, I took Lin Xueer to find a high-end hot spring club nearby and ordered a separate hot spring for couples. The wine mixed with the warmth of the hot spring water made Lin Xueer hum in comfort.

"Ah... so comfortable..."

Ye Yang listened to the beauty's hum beside his ear, and soon had a normal reaction that a normal boy would have.


Feeling the grip coming from his lower body, Ye Yang looked at the girl beside him in surprise.

Although she was a little shy, the firm light in the girl's eyes said it all.

The hot spring water brushes over your body and begins a wonderful underwater experience.

With his previous experiences in the water, Ye Yang has become much more proficient.

Soon, the two of them entered the best state, and the water waves changed from gentle ripples to huge waves.

When dusk completely disappears from the horizon, the hot springs become calm and peaceful.

After putting on his bathrobe, Ye Yang picked up Lin Xueer, who was already very tired, booked a high-end suite in the club, and fell asleep directly.

Only at noon the next day did Ye Yang return to the villa with Lin Xueer.


The old couple saw that the two did not come back last night. According to their experience as "experienced people", they naturally guessed what happened. At this time, they looked at Ye Yang with a look of admiration and pride.

Their son has grown up! ! !

Ye Yang was overwhelmed. The expressions of you two old people were simply amazing!

"Ahem, by the way, Ye Yang, many of our young people have returned for the National Day this year. It's not easy to get everyone together. Your great grandfather is going to hold a birthday banquet. You should prepare and leave tomorrow."

Ye Xuanting coughed and obviously found that his performance was a bit too obvious. He kept talking about business to change the subject.

"Birthday banquet?"

Ye Yang nodded. He was very impressed by this.

This is what is called "sitting at the table" in the Northeast. When each family has something to do, they will find relatives and friends to celebrate together.

"Grandpa is eighty years old this year, so it's time to hold a birthday banquet."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded: "I just don't know where to hold the banquet?"

Ye Xuanting looked a little more serious: "This time it's very solemn, and we chose Binyue Restaurant!"


Ye Yang was stunned. Isn't this a coincidence... Binyue Restaurant is now his property, but think about it, when Chuncheng mentions a [high-end] place to eat, the only thing that can be thought of is Binyue Restaurant.

It can be said that this is also a kind of inevitability.

"The kid from your second uncle's family has also made progress recently. He can actually arrange to eat at Binyue Restaurant. I didn't dare to think about it before..."

Ye Xuanting sighed.

(First update)

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