Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 288 What are you laughing at? You are clearly jealous

Ye Yang looked at the young man coming in from the door and felt a little strange for a moment.

Lin Xueer raised her eyebrows, but she recognized the identity of the person.

This is her junior high school classmate.

She and Ye Yang have known each other since childhood, but were not assigned to the same class in junior high school.

This old classmate was a classmate in their junior high school class.

Ye Yang had no impression of the other party at all, so he didn't recognize him for a long time.

"Xue'er! I've been looking for you for a long time! I didn't expect to see you here."

The old classmate came over in great surprise, and everyone was extremely excited.

"Uh, show whiteness...?"

Lin Xueer called out the other person's name with some uncertainty. When she was in junior high school, she always showed her kindness to her, so she still had some impression of her.

However, good girls don't like dog licking. Lin Xueer was still disgusted with this kind of old dog licking at first.

But there are some licking dogs. The more you dislike him and ignore him, the more he will get close to you, which made Lin Xueer very worried.

Girls don't like capable boys. What they are looking for is a harbor they can rely on, not a lapdog.

Whether it is personal ability or sound personality, these are the directions that outstanding girls consider when choosing a partner.

Who would like a loser who achieves nothing?

Is affection very precious?

Who can't be affectionate?

That's just wishful thinking and self-impression, and it actually has no objective use.

Anyone in their right mind should know:

If you have time to be a dog licker, you might as well keep fit, play basketball, or learn some special skills... If it doesn't work out, just study hard and become a top student. The aloof top student can also poke the hearts of some young girls.

The worst is the worst, you can learn how to dress well to make girls look more pleasing to you, you can also get extra points.

These can make you more attractive to girls.

When you are so good that girls admire you, and you express your affection, you will naturally fall in love with you.

Anyway, Lin Xueer still doesn’t understand the brain circuit of licking dogs at all, and she can’t understand the thinking of these dog lickings at all... It’s really weird! ! !

"I'll go, Xue'er, you actually still remember my name!!!"

A smile suddenly broke out on Yan Yanbai's face, and his whole face seemed to begin to bloom with endless brilliance.

It was as if he had just experienced something extremely glorious.

"Who are you?!"

Zhan Zhanbai quickly noticed Ye Yang who could hardly hold back his laughter. He suddenly felt a little unhappy and jealous.

"This is Ye Yang, I told you at that time."

Lin Xueer said.


Zhi Yanbai's heart suddenly trembled, and his face suddenly became ugly. When they were in junior high school, Lin Xueer would mention this childhood sweetheart whenever she had nothing to do.

He is handsome, studies well, and sings well. I admire him very much.

Every time I listen to it, Zhan Zhanbai wants to cry.

But things are different now. He suddenly became a nouveau riche by doing gray business. His mentality has changed in the past few years, but the essence of being a dog licker has not changed. He has been looking for Lin Xueer and wants to tell her that he has the strength to deserve it. Fuck him.

"Humph, are you Ye Yang?"

Zhan Mianbai frowned and sat down familiarly: "Xueer mentioned you a lot when she was in junior high school. She admired you very much."


"Ahem, Zhan Bai, please call me by my full name."

Lin Xueer frowned. She had nothing to do with Zhan Zhanbai at all, and she didn't want Ye Yang to misunderstand.


Yan Yan's white face turned dark: "This is too raw..."

"Originally, we weren't... very familiar with each other."

Lin Xueer shook her head. Although her tone was polite, her meaning was clearly expressed.

"You're in love with him!?"

Shiro became restless and angry.

"...We've always been good."

Lin Xueer felt a little baffled.

The audience at other tables also began to pay attention to this side. According to the discussion just now, this Ye Yang is a super big boss. This guy can't be so ignorant and want to steal someone's super powerful girlfriend! ?

Zhan Jianbai didn't feel anything about the change in the atmosphere, and just said to himself: "What's so good about this kid! He's more handsome than me!?"


Lin Xueer nodded seriously: "There should be nothing to discuss on this point."


Yan Yanbai's face turned red and he snorted coldly: "It's not the time when I was in school. In society, money is the boss! What's the use of being handsome!"

"But brother Ye Yang is also very rich!"

Lin Xueer frowned seriously.


Zhan Mianbai was unhappy, suddenly became excited, and sneered inwardly. Now he was in the field where he was good at, and he could finally show off.

He rolled up his sleeves and said, "Well, you have just graduated and your horizons are relatively shallow. I understand that your so-called wealth is nothing more than earning an extra 10,000 or 20,000 yuan in monthly salary. Xue'er, I am different now!"


Lin Xueer's face turned a little red. She really didn't want to hear any more and wanted to chase people away.

However, Ye Yang waved his hand. This kind of dog-licking, if it doesn't really make the other party despair, will be like a gummy candy that sticks to him when nothing happens. It's very annoying.

It is better to solve this hidden danger today.


When Xian Xianbai saw Ye Yang's action, he thought that Ye Yang thought he was very rich and was not afraid of being compared with him. He sneered in his heart: "Boy, if you don't run away now, you will cry in a while! You are asking for trouble, so don't blame me for being too ruthless!!!"

Thinking of this, he directly showed the big gold watch on his wrist: "See this watch!"


Ye Yang took a quick glance and could tell that it should be a rich man's watch, which is of little value.


Xian Xianbai sneered: "This watch, 200,000! Even if your salary after graduation is high enough, you have to go without food and drink for a year to afford it! Normally, you have to save money for several years to buy this watch! How about it!? Are you dumbfounded!"


This time, Ye Yang really couldn't hold back his laughter, and he bent over with laughter.

The diners next to him also laughed and booed.

"I thought he was a really rich guy!"

"Oh my god, I can guess the ending without even watching the following, haha, it's so fucking funny!"


Han Jingjing on the side blinked her eyes, looking at the self-satisfied Xian Xianbai like a fool, thinking how come Mr. Ye's old classmate seems to be a fool? !

Xian Xianbai frowned, finally realizing that something was wrong with the atmosphere: "What are you laughing at! You're laughing out loud because of jealousy!!!"

"Hey young man, don't embarrass yourself here, a local nouveau riche wearing a watch worth more than 200,000 yuan, go cool off!"

"That's right, why are you pretending to be so cool with a super rich man who casually gave out 500 million yuan in rewards!? I'm fucking calling you a fool!"

(First update)

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